Some Fallout 3 ideas

Sina said:
Ofcourse we should have more than one kind of Power Armor....from Armor that we put together piece by piece to more advanced ones. Only advanced-complete ones should be rare.
All power armour should be rare, when it says it's a PA game, it means post apocolyptic not power armour. :)

Sina said:
And not being able to jump really limits you to two dimensions, and in 3d game all of space should be ours.
Especially if in Fallout 3 we had some big ruins of cities.
Depends on what sort of controls the game will use, if it keeps the mouse point and click (and I hope they do) then jumping is just another animation device to get you from a to b.
I understand what you are saying.

But , i think some of those ideas would add to the fun factor of the game.
Excuses are always possible to find and much of that depends on Bethesda and what will they do.
As i see things most people are closed in that two maps first two games were played on...but there is a world outside.
And we don't know for certain that Oil rig and Navarro were all that Enclave had, for one thing (atleast i did not find that kind of statement anywhere), or that there are no other groups that could do it better.

As for war, i had a misfortune living through one, so i kind of know what im talking about.

Unfortunately modern wars are all but what you said.
You may not believe me, but i hope you never see what i mean.
The first rule of modern wars would be something like: kill and torture and rape and torture as many civilians as you can.

And there is an old rule of warfare: there is no victory without infantry, and that means close range combat.
You can kill a lot of people from afar these days...i know, personally, but you can never hold ground you have won without infantry going in and then things get messy.


requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Sina said:
Ofcourse we should have more than one kind of Power Armor....from Armor that we put together piece by piece to more advanced ones. Only advanced-complete ones should be rare.
All power armour should be rare, when it says it's a PA game, it means post apocolyptic not power armour. :)

Sina said:
And not being able to jump really limits you to two dimensions, and in 3d game all of space should be ours.
Especially if in Fallout 3 we had some big ruins of cities.
Depends on what sort of controls the game will use, if it keeps the mouse point and click (and I hope they do) then jumping is just another animation device to get you from a to b.

1. agreed

2. so whats the problem? :P

requiem....fried or grilled tomatoes are a crime, you know?
There is nothing better than taking a nice firm cold one, just slicing it in thin pieces, spray some salt on them, and few drops of olive oil... and thats heaven. Dalmatian way. :P
Sina said:
As for war, i had a misfortune living through one, so i kind of know what im talking about.

Unfortunately modern wars are all but what you said.
You may not believe me, but i hope you never see what i mean.
The first rule of modern wars would be something like: kill and torture and rape and torture as many civilians as you can.

well, i stand somewhat corrected then... as i have never directly lived through any sort of war. being in the US and never being in the millitary, it's all "over there" in my mind
In response to your other post, (and you shouldn't double post) we might only see part of the Enclave, but this is a PA game high tech should be extremely rare, the more you add the more you change the game into some poor cyberpunk wannabe.

Sina said:
2. so whats the problem? :P

And the problem with jumping is if the control system doesn't need it then it's a superficial minor detail. If the rpg is well designed you shouldn't even notice if your character does or doesn't jump over a puddle.
As far as blades on the armor, well, they were added by whoever was wearing it at some point. Remember that the armor was old and the motors wearing down (only +2 ST), the blades provide a little edge in melee. They never run out of ammo, you can't drop them, and against something like a deathclaw, they would help you in hand-to-hand since they're incredibly strong, even stronger then someone in Powered armor, especially old, worn-out armor. They're not standard issue or anything, and wouldn't be found on other suits, just the old, worn out one. There in fact would probably be even a few suits of old, worn out armor in FO3, but only one would have the blades, and like what I think the weapons should be as well, each suit not "factory spec" would be a little different, i.e. one very rusty, another having been treated with a fire-retardent spray that makes it a few pounds heavier but provides even more fire protection, etc.

I too havel always thought that wearing PA should give you an innate melee attack like a power fist. In the D20 book "Dragonmech" there's a weird suit of "hydraulic armor" that is like Powered armor, and it gives you a slam attack: "Slam Attack: the heavy fists of the armor can be used to make slam attacks. The wearer is never considered unarmed. He can make slam attacks at his usual base attack bonus, for 1d6 points of damage plus his Strength modifier, with which he is always considered proficient (sic)." That makes sense, although little else in that book does.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
In response to your other post, (and you shouldn't double post) we might only see part of the Enclave, but this is a PA game high tech should be extremely rare, the more you add the more you change the game into some poor cyberpunk wannabe.

Sina said:
2. so whats the problem? :P

And the problem with jumping is if the control system doesn't need it then it's a superficial minor detail. If the rpg is well designed you shouldn't even notice if your character does or doesn't jump over a puddle.

As i said in Pm, double post was not intentional, sorry. Merge them if you can.....

Its a Bethesda job to do it properly. And ours to warn them if possible.

In my mind jumping would add to the gameplay because you could reach places and use them in fights.
Such as attacking somebody from some cliff, from a roof etc...
And it would give more realistic feel to the game.... give you opportunity to explore more, to hide... to scout further maybe.
Also you should be able to climb.

And in melee ( while wearing Power Armor) you should be able to take someones head clean of with a punch. Ok, Ok.... so make it only if critical succeeds...
Lord 342 said:
*snip*. In the D20 book "Dragonmech" there's a weird suit of "hydraulic armor" that is like Powered armor, and it gives you a slam attack: "Slam Attack: the heavy fists of the armor can be used to make slam attacks. The wearer is never considered unarmed. He can make slam attacks at his usual base attack bonus, for 1d6 points of damage plus his Strength modifier, with which he is always considered proficient (sic)." That makes sense, although little else in that book does.

well the Fallout equivalent of that is the damage bonus you get from the additional ST you get from PA (+3 to +4 depending on what kidn of suit you have)... not the same as 1d6, but similar idea
The wearer is never considered unarmed

Is more what I was talking about... Why can you wear a suit of heavy armor with cast metal fists, and still slip on a brass knuckles??? Simply being punched by a stronger man is nothing like being punched by someone wearing an iron glove.
I like the idea of using the old, almost completely destroyed, power armor(s) that you could fix a little by little, it might be even at the beginning(or when you get it) only a tribal mask of a bandit, you find a suit hand in a raiders hub, you combine(repair skill) it to a power fist and you have a power enhanced melee weapon(+1str) + the power fist. etc.

In the end the power armor would be complete, you could put a feather-layer on it and you could play a chicken if you would like. :lol:

-I'll present you as a wedding present to my father-in-law, said the groom when he shot a laser pistol.
-Auth, and I am sure you taste like chicken, sayid the deathclaw when he jumped and stroked the man in power armor.
-I am sure he does, said the father-in-law, when he became downstairs. :lalala:
Jarno Mikkola said:
In the end the power armor would be complete, you could put a feather-layer on it and you could play a chicken if you would like. :lol:

Yeees, thats what i want!! Chickeeennnn!! ..... ahem, sory, just went mad for a second.

It would be nice if i could build something like that half working Armor from that picture...that had a few feathers dangling from it....
I don't know about you all, but I played Wasteland religiously as a kid.

And in that light I would like to see climbing and jumping be added as forms of movement.

The game could only be bolstered by a greater capacity to interact with the environment. Breakable walls/objects, climbable structures, and the ability to fashion items from salvage I think all have their place in the game.

And for the love of God please let me jump down from some place instead of having to walk all the way around. It really bothered me when there was like a 3 foot difference and a railing which prevented me from getting to someone shooting at me. If someone is shooting at me that railing is not going to prevent me from sliding underneath, climbing over, or jumping over. One of the three.

As for jump jets and super fast power armor I think the game is trying to maintain some semblance of realism. Quite simply human leg movements are not designed to accomodate overland speeds of 60kph+. You would need to alter the strides taken to be more like a rabbit or ostrich. The reason being is that you lose velocity due to friction with the ground, thus the longer you can stay in air, the more velocity you can achieve. Power armor would have to throw itself off the ground in order to achieve bipedal movements in the 60kph+ range. This would look awkward, and the power generation requirements would be too high for it to have been plausibly constructed.

Now I am all for different armor looks (maybe adding decals to your armor), but I don't think power armor should be turned into some kind of sprinting machine. It's already leaps and bounds ahead of the other armors, no need to make it actually leap and bound. :D