Some odd "holes" in Fallout 3

On the subject of doors, the ones presented in F3 are actually flawed. Blast doors are all designed to open outwards and function somewhat similar to a cork in a bottle in order to resist overpressure.

Which is why blast doors have smaller inner diameter than outer diameter, and which is why in Fallout 1 and 2 they open outwards. In Fallout 3 they open inwards, which means the diameters are either identical, or the inner diameter is larger than the outer one.

Both designs would have significantly less resistance to overpressure wave of a nuclear explosion than F1/2 doors.

As for the current discussion, why go through a steel door when you can blast your way through living rock surrounding it with comparatively less effort?
I'm fairly certain the rock isn't living, and the Vault is overall surrounded in metal against the rock. The doors are the most accessible and likely weakest point.
You're right, I directly translated a phrase from my native language into English. Turns our only "living rock" in English refers to aquatic organisms. My bad.

Edit: Was looking for "solid rock" ;)
And if I remember correctly, the vaults of the first two games had a heavy backup security door after the entrance corridor from the main vault door. Its use either being to keep those from attempting to exit, or another hindrance for those trying to enter. comparatively, the Capitol wasteland vaults have a rather overly large entrance area, with door that appear rather meager (Take a look at the security door opening in vault 13, its got several layers.) And in all likelihood if the overseer is watching as some big green mutants, or nee're do wells trying to drill a hole into the main door and pack it with explosives, the security force would raid their well stocked armory, and open fire as soon as the vault door was opened by the overseer, halting the attempts to drill into it. The entrance tunnels are only so large, those not crushed by the door (In the case of those vaults on the west coast.) Would have nowhere to flee from the security forces fire (With the well stocked armory all vaults were supposed to have, Just like how the geck was supposed to be standard equipment for a vault.)

Though I think if the vaults location was well known (Every god damned person knew where I came from in Fallout 3), that door would have been gone within the first few years from the desperate attempts of the survivors thinking that the inside of a now doorless vault would provide safety. Vault 13 was only safe because it was a bitch to find. Aradesh looked for it for the rest of his natural life, knowing its general location, and yet he could not find it. Telling the caravans where it was, that just created new problems in the form of it being a big frigen sign post.

As far as the cannon and the internal realities are, the main reason for vaults survival or lack thereof was how well hidden their locations were. It seems as though the ones hidden beneath major cities were discovered, or well known about. Or their experiment was of a relatively short duration. As well, the immensely close proximity for the vaults in the capitol wasteland was very odd. It would seem pertinent to keep them well spread out, especially one that were well known about. IMO if I know the general locations of six or so vaults in close proximity to each other, in the capitol, which means a good chance of politicians being in them, while being a military leader in the red menace, I would make sure to bomb the hell out of dc just that little bit more. IE giant crater.

And no-one mentioned how the headquarters for Vault-tec were supposed to be in LA near the prototype vault (With the outward opening vault door) while appearing in washington DC looking rather unlike the vault-tec headquarters we knew and loved (A massive, dominating structure of immense size and wealth.)
About the power:

You see in the Fallout universe Nikola Tesla modular power plant technology has been developed generously and nuclear fusion powers all of it. Power isnt run directly to everything, Instead the power is BEAMED to its intended destination using technology I dont understand.

That sums it up. You can read all about it in one of those Nikola Tesla And You books.
Well, I think the citizens of Megaton in their earlier days would have tried diplomacy rather than blowing up the vault door because some people on this topic has said anyone would have tried to blow their way into Vault 101. Because the people in Megaton wanted to live in Vault 101 in safety, so if they blew up the vaults door it means big shit for them. Since it could invite other groups like raiders attacking them.

Also I doubt any of the inhabitants in the Capital Wasteland have any expertise with engineering or explosives. Judging by the lack of schools in the Capital Wasteland, I doubt anyone would know the proper prodecure to blowing a vault door or what a vault door looks like. And the difference between the people of Megaton and the Masters Army was one use to be former soldiers, mercs, or something. Compared with your average townsfolk.

And even if they were groups that had expertise in any of those areas like the Talon Company, the Enclave, or the Brotherhood of steel. I think they would have bigger fish to fry, like uniting the remenents of the USA. Or protecting the people of the wasteland and destroying the mutant threat. Or expand their influnce by doing acts of terrors. Also the Talon Company Combat Armor or Combat armor in general in Fallout 3 were different than those in the west coast. Probably they were the armor used by the National Guard. Or maybe custom made armor created from remains of the higher tech Combat Armor you find in Fallout 1-2.

Also I think the presence of like Laser weapons and other high tech equipment was because after all it is the Capital of the Good Old USA. You obviously need soldiers with topnotch equipment defending the capital from commie incursions.

Plus the reason why DC would have been different from the west is probably of the Mutants. Now I think the people of DC, were unfortunate enough that one nearby vault were created super muties, unlike the one in Mariposa. Vault 87 were probably experimenting with the FEV, right after the bombs fell so maybe they had an earlier headstart. And when the mutants broke out it was probably like some years before the time in Fallout. So maybe the survivors of the Vaults were to busy fighting against the mutants and eacher to build a proper city-state (like vault city) or a nation state (NCR).

Unlike Mariposa, though it created muties long before Harold made his expedition. It was probably just a small hindrance to the people of California, and the only one to be signifacantly effected by these mutants were probably the ones close to Mariposa or Caravaners. Then when Harold launch his expedition, which resulted Richard Grey becoming the Master. The Master army was still not a signifanct hindrance to those in California. It was not until Vault 13 water chip broken when his army became powerful enough to challange any organized and large groups like the Brotherhood or the Hub.
Speaking of doors, those damn cave doors irritated the hell out of me. The Fire Ant lair is protected by a wooden door?

The Yao Guai tunnels need a chain link gate (which turns out to be a another wooden door on the inside)? And it has a hole in the roof somewhere near the start which you can clearly see daylight coming through yet I can find so such hole running around outside.

Mirelurks in the Anchorage Memorial (and elsewhere) can open doors that require you to turn a handle?

Those big nasty sentry robots fit through normal size doors?

Oh and you can lock pick electronic safes?