Something Odd I Found


Vault Senior Citizen
End-game spoilers ahead. Don't read if you have not finished the game.

[spoiler:8b1e984acd]So, today I was beating the game for the NCR. I was on the last quest when I saw Colonel Moore. I talked to her, and I had the dialogue options, "So how are things after the battle?" and "What happened to the Legion?" She talks as if the Hoover Dam battle was over, says she is now a Brigadier General of the NCR, and says she sent some Rangers to tail the retreating Legion forces. Is this something they left in from a time in development where they did plan to allow free roam after the end of the game, stuff made in advance for a Broken Steel-esque DLC that adds free roam, or something else entirely?[/spoiler:8b1e984acd]
probably_not_a_mutie said:
use spoiler tags
and at which stage does this occer in the quest?
It's the quest "Eureka!" I saw Moore shooting a Legion guy down by the exit to the Visitor's Center and talked to her.
Sounds like a Broken Steel style deal honestly and given the amount of complaining by the general fan base at large about a set ending, this seems like a very likely scenario.
I am wondering if a PC user could use the GECK and scrounge up the voice MP3's for this for us. See if they link into anything else.
I don't know how to make mp3's out of the geck, but here's the script:

[spoiler:1b0ca93c0e]Courier: What happened to the Legion?
Moore: With their leader dead, the rest of their army retreated to the east. We've sent scouts to track them, but that's it.
We don't have the forces or supplies necessary to chase them down. More's the pity.
Still, I've sent a few skilled men out to make sure their journey is "eventful". It should be a long time before they even think of returning.

Courier: How have things been going since the battle?
Moore: Surprisingly good. Our forces have managed to secure the region with little resistance, and trade should soon reach an all-time high.
The brass was particularly surprised by the lack of domestic threats in the area. They were prepared to spend months pacifying known troublemakers.
When they found those threats absent, they turned to the man in charge of the area, but Hsu being Hsu, he denied having anything to do with it.
So now the men have to answer to Brigadier General Moore, and both they and I have you to thank for it.
We made a good team. I hope we can work together again in the future.[/spoiler:1b0ca93c0e] That's all I can see in Moore's script.
Well, to me it looks like Obsidian had planned first to make the ending open. I'll guess they then saw the big amount of needed work to make it look good and scrapped it.
It's no mystery that Obsidian wanted to make the ending open initially, Josh outright said that. So it's likely that they just forgot to cut that piece of dialogue.
People have reported that there are leftover scripts in the game files for playing after the main quest.