Sony Playstation 3 to cost Arm AND Leg.

Bugs, feeble hardware, poor backward compatibility *and* an overinflated price? Does Piece of Shit 3 have any, you know, *positive* traits?
Teh Shrike said:
Bugs, feeble hardware, poor backward compatibility *and* an overinflated price? Does Piece of Shit 3 have any, you know, *positive* traits?

Riiidge Racer!
So the final blow would be Bethesda selling the fallout license to Sony (nothing new in that though). Damn those prices are high. Guess I will have to stick to my nintendo
monsharen said:
So the final blow would be Bethesda selling the fallout license to Sony (nothing new in that though). Damn those prices are high. Guess I will have to stick to my nintendo
On a similar note, Phil Harrison of Sony says the PS3 will render PCs useless

In particular he said the Linux-based operating system on the console's hard drive will have enough processing power and non-gaming functionalities to render traditional PCs--most of which use a form of Microsoft's Windows OS--moot in the home. "We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other [home] computer functions," said Harrison. "The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC."

What do you guys think? Should everyone throw away their pcs and get a ps3 instead?
So instead of having a "PC", I can have a "computer"?!?! Great, sign me up! I've always wanted a computer, especially one with a high price tag, limited abilities, and that's going to be obsolete in a year or two - now my dream can be fulfillied!

On a side note, as much as console fanboys like to talk about the impending doom of PC's, it's actually working out in our favor: the closer consoles get to actually being PC's, the close we PC users get to being able to use their software on the computers we already have without spending hundreds of dollars for an unupgradable pseudo-pc with a high failure rate.
LinksBoxers said:
PS3 or Terrorism?

Maybe we can fight terror by trading PS3's for uranium?

I also agree with Montez. They'll eventually become one and the same with PC's using emulators and having consoles have more PC options.

The Vault Dweller
Montez said:
the closer consoles get to actually being PC's, the close we PC users get to being able to use their software on the computers we already have without spending hundreds of dollars for an unupgradable pseudo-pc with a high failure rate.

It's call "emulator"...but most of them are not-legal.

I wonder how he programs his game with joypad :lol:
In particular he said the Linux-based operating system on the console's hard drive will have enough processing power and non-gaming functionalities to render traditional PCs--most of which use a form of Microsoft's Windows OS--moot in the home. "We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other [home] computer functions," said Harrison. "The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC."
If it can run Visual Studio 2005, MS SQL Server 2005, Eclipse, IBM Informix, Tao OpenGL, SDL .NET, MATLAB 7.0, SMV, Alias Maya 7.0 and Photoshop CS2, I'm sold.
Ratty said:
If it can run Visual Studio 2005, MS SQL Server 2005, Eclipse, IBM Informix, Tao OpenGL, SDL .NET, MATLAB 7.0, SMV, Alias Maya 7.0 and Photoshop CS2, I'm sold.

How about "If it's hardware isn't completely proprietary?" One of the main advantages of the PC is that it can be upgraded to keep pace and consistently leave in the dust every console in existence.

I really love the snooty attitude most console gamers/execs take towards the PC, when innovations on the PC are always years ahead of the same thing on consoles (online play, anyone?), and creative and original games are so much more prevalent on the PC it's not even funny. Yeah, as long as I enjoy the same Final Fantasy/Madden/GTA game ten times over, I'll never need a PC again.
zioburosky13 said:
It's call "emulator"...but most of them are not-legal.

I meant more that as they go further and further towards hard-drive based OSes over ROM chips, it's eventually going to make sense for them to try to get in on the non-console using PC market by selling those OSes. The proprietary thing could be a problem, but since the goal with hardware is to make it as inexpensively as possible, it's possibly going to make more sense to use "standard" PC/computer parts rather than specially made hardware at some point.

Emulators work too, but I think for most modern systems they're more of a curiosity/bragging thing than a workable solution.
... furthermore, name at least three good, recent console games that aren't available on PC.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is immensely good, in my opinion, and is PS2 exclusive.
Wooz said:
... furthermore, name at least three good, recent console games that aren't available on PC.

Any recent Dance Dance Revolution, I heard Shadow of the Colossus was pretty good, but I've not tried it, and in all technicality Resident Evil 4 isn't out on PC yet, so it's still console based.
And this is where the thread gets derailed as everyone starts naming off their favorite console games to no effect as Wooz and many other cynics will have no problem arguing that they all suck. Cue "my game does not suck", "does too", flamewar, mod intervention, all exit stage right, and scene.
PhredBean said:
And this is where the thread gets derailed as everyone starts naming off their favorite console games to no effect as Wooz and many other cynics will have no problem arguing that they all suck. Cue "my game does not suck", "does too", flamewar, mod intervention, all exit stage right, and scene.

You have this shit down to a science.

Now, out of spite, I'll agree with certain peoples in the thread that there are excellent console games out there despite my personal opinion that consoles lag behind the PC, and I'll even admit to owning a console myself.

Also, Guitar Hero is fucking top-shelf fun and anyone who says otherwise is either a classical music/big band fag or likes noise music, or just hates fun.