Source of the crased Fed encouner ?


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I just beat FO2 again, and was watching the credits.

One of the artists was Anoni* Torres.

Could that artist be the source of the name USS Torres ?

*couldve misspelled the first name, it was an odd one.
It's Adoni Torres.

But you might have found something here... Anyone else?
Im more of a voyager person myself :D

But im pretty sure that there is a crew member named something torres... Wait, isnt the crashed shuttle next generation, but in voyager i think there is a klingon named Belana Torres... But anyway, we could get bogged down in a heated nerdy debate, or we could just asume you have made a good find.
Yes, there is a klingnon/human crew member names Torres on Voyager.

But the shuttle and the corpses are from the origonal series, as far as how they look.

And with an artist with the same name, we might have a lead.

Heh, now we need someone in the know to post the info :P
The USS Torres is a modified Miranda class vessel known as a Soyuz.
However, this may not be a canon craft... I couldn't find the legend for what the color coding means. Anyway, remember that the shuttles themselves aren't individually named, but are named after their parent starship.
Um, actualy shuttles are sometimes given their own names.

Remember the shuttle Galliao (or however the fuck its spelled) in the origonal series ?

But yes, this shuttle seems to be a shuttle FROM the USS Torres.
I'm not a huge trekkie or anything, but I remember that shuttle, named for a famous astronomer Galileo Gallilei. It's worth noting that Voyager did go through shuttles like anything, and, while they did build a new shuttle and all, I remember reading someplace that there was some sort of other shuttle built into the bottom of the Voyager. Was it called the "Aeroshuttle"? Maybe some serious trekkie can confirm or deny this?
Do you mean the Delta flyer? They designed it to keep up with the tough conditions in the Delta quadrant.
There was no shuttle built 'into' voyuager, they had a hanger bay.

The Enterprise D (TNG) and the Enterprise E (movies) both had a captain's yacht, which was a souped up shuttle that was built into the bottom of the middle of the saucer section, Picard used that in one of the movies, insurrection I think.

Anyway, does anyone know to ask for confermation of if the shuttle was named after that artist ?
DataSpot said:
Anyway, remember that the shuttles themselves aren't individually named, but are named after their parent starship.

That's completely incorrect. Through parts of next generation, shuttles began to recieve names, if for no other reason then saying "this is shuttle 1" got pretty old. In Deep Space Nine, the Runabout shuttles often operated independent of a parent ship and since they were all high warp capable they were all named. Voyager had several named shuttles as well. Although it wasn't a common practice to name shuttles and many just had serial numbers, there are several TNG episodes where shuttles are given names and almost all DS9 and Voyager episodes have named shuttles.

Looking at that site DataSpot posted, the USS Torres appears to be canon. The color coding is a timetable if you browse the site in frames, and it shows up when I elect to view only canon craft so...

I still buy the theory that it was a stupid easter egg designed to make some guy who got the game for free smile at the expense of those who paid for it.

Edit: Ahaha. The best thing on that site has to be this picture of WWE wrestler Randy Orton photoshopped into a Starfleet uniform.
PsychoSniper said:
There was no shuttle built 'into' voyuager, they had a hanger bay.

"The AEROSHUTTLE or CAPTAIN'S YACHT, which was never seen on tv nor mentioned as being used, is located with its underside flush with the underside of Voyager's primary hull."


Ah, and yes, IMissLark, I do believe I am incorrect. Having watched DS9 in it's entirety myself, and witnessing its finale on-air back in '99, I should remember the Danube, the Rio Grande, the Orinoco, and the Rubicon. And I know them by heart!
I thought I had remembered correctly. I read about the "Aeroshuttle" in a magazine; the writeres probably forgot about it entirely, either that or they never had a graphic sequence for it to deploy; well, there could be any number of silly reasons, but, it remains a plot hole right up there with the episode where they ended up at earth, 1997 (Or whatever it was) and didn't simply time-travel home ala Kirk... Nonetheless I guess that fact that I'm not a hardline trekkie let me enjoy the show a whole lot. I did like it.
True, True. The idea was to create an enjoyable Sci-Fi franchise, not an excercise in continuity, although you've gotta give 'em credit for what they do manage to do; a lot better than some works that simply write off whatever happened last season, etc...
PsychoSniper said:
Meh, Im a hardline trekkie and enjoy it.

I just accept that the continuity isnt the best in Trek.
So.. when I say "Enterprise" what do you reply? :twisted:
Claw said:
PsychoSniper said:
Meh, Im a hardline trekkie and enjoy it.

I just accept that the continuity isnt the best in Trek.
So.. when I say "Enterprise" what do you reply? :twisted:

My personal reply would be 'is to Star Trek what FO:BOS is to Fallout'.
Blackwing said:
My personal reply would be 'is to Star Trek what FO:BOS is to Fallout'.

I got really confused for a second, I thought you were refering to the starship. I completely forgot about the show - it was the one with the guy from Quantum Leap, right?
I've systematically avoided that show. From all acounts I hear it's terrible. Then again, I've lots of people say that about Voyager. Different people like different things.
Enterprise isnt that bad, just has a ton of contuinuity errors, even for StarTrek.

Problem is in my area it's on at random times, so I havent watched.