ut in the desert....
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-00 AT 11:45AM (GMT)[p]OCC: i am sorry if this is too long i just wanted to get Reptile back in the air once again......
Hey maybee i shold put this up in the fanfic foruom is it good enough???

*an man comes walking in the desert
he is hurt in the left shoulder
and looks tired....
he sees someething on the ground he gets down and checks it out....*
Stranger: (Thinks) he must have walked this way before and it looks like he have headed that way.....
*The stranger walks downwards to the village over there and as he enters the plase he sees that there has been some heavy fighting going on there are dead raiders, solidiers, villagers hell eaven a dead Bos guy.....
Stranger: (thinks) Wathever is going on here it looks like som realy bad shit..... *he turns to a man in the street* Hey U have u seen a man he looked...... (gives a description matching Aleho)
Man: over there points at "Alehos" Inn
Stranger: Ok thanks....
*the stranger stands in the street the wind is ripping his long black leather coat backvards and shows off a purple-red Leather Armor he reloads a shawed off shotgun and sticks it behind his back and then he has a pair of silver-Berettas and a Smg and something on his back.......
Slowly the stranger walks towards the Door through it he hears....
Will:What's our next move?
Greven:So what the hell was alla that?
Aleho: i am not sure but.....
*CRASH! everybodey turns towards the door as it gets kicked up by a stranger......
Stranger: I have u now!!!!! *he screams and looks at Aleho.....*
Will: eeehh??
Greven: Wath the???
Max: Reptile????
But the stranger is to concentrated on Aleho to notice the others he draws the shawed of and screams......
Reptile: U'll DIE A THOUSAND TIMES FOR KILLING MY HONEY......*aleho dives for cover as reptile fires at him instead aleho hits Fang in the chest the shots bounches all around, then the stranger takes the SMg and start sprying bullets after aleho that dives for cover behind some tables and stuff, Aleho crawles for his life and reptile just cold blooded tries to hit him.....
And as the Smg is empty Reptile draws two Silver colored pistols and start shoting at aleho, that jumps in cover behind the bardesk, Reptile takes a Knife from his forearm holster, and jumps after but as he dives through the air aleho kicks the knife away and avoids Reptile.... Then he tries to hit him in the face but reptile easily avoids and grabbs aleho and throws him through a window out on the street....*
Aleho: ahhhh *he crawls in pain on the ground....*
* reptile start walking towards aleho... a guard stands up to stop him "stand still" reptile just does a quick move and punches the guard in the chest and then he takes the shotgun from the guard and hits him in the face with the butt off the gun and walks out and stops in front of aleho
he pumps a round into the barrel...*
Reptile: u cant run nor hide anymore... god bye...
Aleho: chough.. u have .. to listen... i didnt kill her it was a raider i promise.... it was smoke... night noone did see anything... But kill me if u have to... but i didnt kill her...
Reptile: U liar u will will Aaaargh i cant reptile throws the gun away and fall down hitting the ground and screaming and crying...
Will: Gets down and puts a hand on reptiles shoulder.... hey get up it wasnt him...
Neo: man i dont know u but i swear that aleho doesnt do that sort of stuff....
Reptile: (he takes Fangs Solar blaster and goes to aleho that have gotten up himself....* DIE..... Aaargh he throws the solar gun at Fang and start screaming... FUCK U WilL FUCk U ALEHO FUCK U FANG FUCK U BROTHERHOOD FUCK U *he kicks a dead raiders body* and then he goes in and takes a real strong wiskey and asks... has anybodey some Jet....
Fang: hey dont give it to him...
Will: he'll need it give it to him.....
*as reptile gets the Jet indjected he falls down in the chair and looks at Max... U u are not dead.....???? what are u all doing here???