Space Marines?


What was the video game that inspired space marines? Or was it Aliens?

Anyway, in the event of hostile ETs taking over the Moon, apparently the Marines are developing a rapid response team, or something.

Spotted at Post Apocalyptic Media.
(check out the power point presentation!)

Although the chuckle factor hasn't altogether disappeared, the Air Force Research Laboratory and Darpa are beginning a study of options for a reusable upper-stage space travel vehicle -- the same kind of technology that the Marines might need for a ride halfway across the globe.

The effort is called "Hot Eagle," and it could be the first step forward in the Marine Corps' hopes for space travel. Within minutes of bursting into the atmosphere beyond the speed of sound -- and dispatching that ominous sonic boom -- a small squad of Marines could be on the ground and ready to take care of business within 2 hours. [One presentation muses that the capsule might later be picked up by a Osprey or by a "balloon cable and C-17" transport plane. Or, the Marines might "hike out," and "leave [the] crew capsule behind." -- ed.]

The Marine Corps calls the concept the Small Unit Space Transport and Insertion Capability (Sustain). This plan, a growing group of Marine supporters say, is the natural evolution of the service's proclivity for expeditionary warfare that began decades ago with amphibious landings...

The concept is to deliver strategic equipment or a small squad of soldiers to any point on the globe -- even the most hard-to-reach location -- within hours of need. Once on the ground, those soldiers can carry out strategically critical missions like reconnaissance or destroying a specific target.

At least, that's their pitch.
That sounds nice, unless the whole thing fails and you end up with a large order of marine deadmeat in a squashed can... it would take some major balls to get on that thing!
And if it does work I wonder if W will use it to run his "what country should we invade this morning" program... of course the target countries tries will be full of terrorist and WMDs :roll:
Reminds me of Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun where GDI had soldiers stationed on orbital platforms that, at a moments notice, could get onto individual deployment capsules that would be fired at a location and land only a few minutes later ready to fight.

You could only land small squads of men that way, but if the target is something that doesnt need a large military force, but needs any action taken NOW then I suppose its feasible.

Like say terrorists take an embassy and it will take a few hours to arrange a police/military squad to re-take the compound. In that time the terrorists could barricade the embassy and hide the hostages in a suitable location where they wont be rescued easily and can be used for bargaining. If you deploy the "space marines" they could be there in less than an hour before the terrorists are ready and the hostages are rounded up. That could really make a difference.

The Vault Dweller
That would mean having a huge MIR out there brimming with "space marines" that you could send to all parts of the globe to do whatever. Can you imagine the cost of that? Plus I don't think one just sends in the troops in a hostage situation without prior negotiating, it's just not natural!
The US does not negotiate with terrorists. Don't you watch any movies?
welsh said:
What was the video game that inspired space marines? Or was it Aliens?

Perhaps a book?

Actually, I would say nearly certainly. The link is to the Wikipedia article because the influence of the book becomes immediately apparent.
welsh said:
...the Marines might need for a ride halfway across the globe...
And what is halfway across the globe?

'Sright. China.

Pretty soon we're going to need to develop technology that allows soldiers to fight on the moon though.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner!

And we'll be damned if anybody else is on the moon! Apparently is the way we feel, I dunno, I don't really care.

Plus we'll have to keep them from finding where our lunar lander *didn't* land on the moon.
Because of the possibility that their long-term plans include the construction of a lunar base, which would be a major accomplishment. In addition, and perhaps even more important, exploration into Helium-3 mining (though it could easily be a waste of time, depending on exactly what we find on the moon and how our technology has advanced by that time). There is some evidence that the Chinese government is looking into these scenarios, but nothing showing they are actually working on it, it may all be highly speculative.

Of course, don't forget that an American has claimed property rights of the moon. Obviously the Chinese will be trespassing.
How about spending more on development programmes for 2/3 of the world's population instead of wasting billions on utterly useless weapons projects a la Reagan's "Star Wars"?
Kotario said:
Because of the possibility that their long-term plans include the construction of a lunar base, which would be a major accomplishment. In addition, and perhaps even more important, exploration into Helium-3 mining (though it could easily be a waste of time, depending on exactly what we find on the moon and how our technology has advanced by that time). There is some evidence that the Chinese government is looking into these scenarios, but nothing showing they are actually working on it, it may all be highly speculative.

Wait, did I miss something? Since when is China "the enemy"?

What kind of retro-cold war thinking is this? What's next, fearing France might take over the moon first? Teh gasp.
Kharn said:
Wait, did I miss something? Since when is China "the enemy"?

What kind of retro-cold war thinking is this? What's next, fearing France might take over the moon first? Teh gasp.

More like "the competition." Segments of the United States government would rather not see the Chinese be in a position to exploit a resource before the United States is able to. In addition to that, there is the sticky issue of pride if the Chinese build the first lunar base. If it all ramps up, again, the long-term goals are vague enough that China may ultimately decide to move in another direction.

A second space race would be interesting though.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
You could only land small squads of men that way, but if the target is something that doesnt need a large military force, but needs any action taken NOW then I suppose its feasible.

Like say terrorists take an embassy and it will take a few hours to arrange a police/military squad to re-take the compound. In that time the terrorists could barricade the embassy and hide the hostages in a suitable location where they wont be rescued easily and can be used for bargaining. If you deploy the "space marines" they could be there in less than an hour before the terrorists are ready and the hostages are rounded up. That could really make a difference.
Wouldn't it be more efficient to put a Harrier like plane filled whit marines, to land them to the hostile zone. The plane doesn't need guns just space for the gear and the grew. And it would be faster than helicopters and uses less fuel than the space marine tech. It might be that the SWAT could use these.
Dove said:
Ding ding ding. We have a winner!

And we'll be damned if anybody else is on the moon! Apparently is the way we feel, I dunno, I don't really care.

Plus we'll have to keep them from finding where our lunar lander *didn't* land on the moon.
Or that you(americans), never landed on the moon.
Even in the relatively short video clip you can find of the incident, its obvious Sibrel deserved that and quite a bit more.

Bart 'Bastard Journalist' Sibrel said:
"You're a coward and a liar and a"
*Punched by a 72 year old*
"Did you get that on camera?"

Of course, even having the entire incident on camera didn't amount to anything, and Aldrin came out the hero. Quite an appropriate backfire.

But, this happened more than three years ago Fireblade, and I don't think many people disagree with Aldrin's reaction (at least if they know the full story, that Sibel lied and misrepresented himself to Aldrin, to lure him into an ambush). I do hope Jarno is being facetious, otherwise I agree with Wooz that he deserves the Aldrin treatment for stupidity.