Spanish Train Crash

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Almost 80 dead. Horrible stuff...
There is more on the news in Sweden about this than anything els right now. Heck it is on the frontpage so i guess this must have been one of the worst train incidents in a long time.
Something like this happened with a bus back in Mexico some time ago.

Real shame, just scary to think about.
preliminary talk is that the train was going too fast? bummer. Hell, that canadian train carrying oil was terrible too... damn near blew the whole town apart :/
Yeah, there isn't much to be said about this, other than how fucking tragic it is. Modern country, modern train, people with their own humble little plans for the day... And the age-old reminder than none of those people asked for this, it just hit them and now they're dead. Depressing.
Usually modern high speed routes have devices that automatically trigger the brakes when a train is speeding. I wonder why that didn't work.
Take it with a grain of salt, but apparently they went digging into the driver's Facebook history and he had several pictures where he intentionally made the train go to maximum speed for kicks. It may be what caused the accident; in a video I saw, the train was obviously going way too fast, allegedly twice as fast as normal. If it really is the case, I hope this scumbag rots in prison for the rest of his life. Do this kind of shit in your car and kill yourself. Don't endanger the life of hundreds with your stupidity.

it was probably an old model, what with the lack of speed governors.
^I know right. Straight aways is one thing but hitting a curve going that fast? They oughta kill the s.o.b. since he got his jolly knockers endangering innocent folks!
Ilosar said:
Do this kind of shit in your car and kill yourself. Don't endanger the life of hundreds with your stupidity.
He can still hurt people with his car going that fast though, unless you're talking about a closed stretch, like a derelict airfield.
Mr Fish said:
Ilosar said:
Do this kind of shit in your car and kill yourself. Don't endanger the life of hundreds with your stupidity.
He can still hurt people with his car going that fast though, unless you're talking about a closed stretch, like a derelict airfield.

Let the idiot drive off a cliff for all I care. He'll get his speed thrills for a few seconds and then no longer be a danger to anybody else. But yeah I guess getting into a car doesn't help much.

Then again, it may be a mechanical failure and I'm blaming the wrong guy. But hints so far do point at a human failure. At least the Lac-Mégantic (Canadian) tragedy was that, a tragedy; a mechanical failure of sorts that sent the train barreling into town and explode. The Spanish counterpart would simply be a complete idiot getting cheap kicks at the expense of the safety of hundreds. I hope they review their hiring policy.
take this with a grain of salt but i think someone told me he survived and just ran away from the accident

it took up all the news attention in sweden and i rarely watch the news