Spear swing attack

hehehe nice! When I read your post, I thought you would give us something like Teal'C's spear in Stargate... glad you didn't (even if I like Stargate).

BTW => the new animation for the flamethrower is damn great!
Just another project of me(but now all freeze because im traslate killaps RP to german)

ISt based on the lemon mod? btw where is the creator i have to ask him because i use his work!
Would the plasma spear require new animations for every body type that wanted to use it? I guess it's not a big difference in implementation.

I like the ball-flamer. Might make flame-style weaponry more viable.
OnGame900 said:
Would the plasma spear require new animations for every body type that wanted to use it?viable.

Yes. And thats alot of new animations.
maybe we could only make new animations for
the hero....

But a big part of the work of this project would
be to actually put the new advanced spear into
the game. giving it to critters, placing a few
in shopkeepers inventorys, etc. also scripting it
into the game as a new item.

Anyone want to help do this?

EDIT: @ Mr wolna: it was indeed your plasma
spear (or whoever made it) that inspired this
SoldierOfTruth said:
I vote spear with dynamite on the end like in FOT:BOS lol.

I was thinking about this idea and i think its actually
quite a good one (though for the record i have no
love for FOT)

So here's my proposal for the advanced spear:

Essentially its an explosive-tipped spear that
delivers a small explosion and explosive damage
and destroys the item in the process.

Of course its likely the user will get caught in the
explosion (although the spear does have a 2 square
range) but it will deliver some nasty damage to whoever
gets hit with it and damage everything around it.

so the idea is that this is a bit of a psycho weapon to
be used in extreme circumstances (such as being
surrounded by critters and you haven't got enough
stimpacks to go the long haul)

Its primary function, however, would be to be thrown
and give the thrown skill a much-needed boost. It would
function exactly the same in this way except it would
be much less hazardous to the user and could be really
quite nasty even in the later stages of the game.

Ideas, thoughts, suggestions?
Sound good for me. Will give some boost for throwing PCs.
And could it be add to the mod MrFixit so the player could make with the right parts new dynamite spear.

Why not some kind of ripper-spear or monofilament spear too !? ;)
Could have better chance for cirpped limbs. so when player fumble and hit self, ouch... :twisted:
I like the ideia of making a new spear and even making throwing powerful with that. Maybe a plasma spear could give plasma damage when you thrown it, too? (imagine a high-temperature plasma blade penetrating your skin. Man, that gotta hurt)
Was any progress for the techno spear ever made? I'm thinking of having spears operate uniquely on a mechanical level, but without a late-game spear that'd mostly be fluff.
Wouldn't it be possible to make another low-tech, non-weapon weapon, for example, a shovel or hoe? I think I'd rather have that than a plasma spear. The player might not use it as much, but NPCs certainly would.
I tried to script the explosive-tipped spear, but never could get the game to remove (destroy) the spear on succesful melee hit. It would work just fine when thrown, however. No new animations are needed for this one also!
Make it a throwing-only weapon. Makes not a lot sense to have a spear exploding in your hands anyway, no?