Special Interests and You-


One of the great arguments about what makes democracy work is the idea of civil society.

Civil Society is one of those wishy-washy concepts that academics talk about but has no real meaning or clear definition, but basically you are talking about "organizations of private individuals that have shared interests."

Special Interests often represent different aspects of civil society. So if you are a member of the KKK, guess what! You're in civil society?

But that's true if you are in a bowling league or soccer league, or if you are a member of a professional association, or a club, etc. It need not be political, but often they can become political-

So what special interests represent you-
FOr instance, I am a member of the NY Bar, a member of a Tae Kwon Do group, graduate student, national geographic subscriber... etc.

What about you?
I subscirbe to:
The New Yorker
The New Republic
The Atlantic Monthly
Harper's (not the cosmo clone one, forgot the name)
The Chicago Tribune
The Financial Times
National Geographic
PC Gamer

A few other things, most of those are for me as I'm constantly reading stuff.

I'm in the Model UN as Turkey, I'm something of a young Republican, though I've lessened in my raging republicanism, and I'm an avid anti-MPAA, pro-Marajuana anti-big government psedolibertarian. Am a Christain with Orthodox leanings, and am something of a social conservative.
The New Yorker
The New Republic
The Atlantic Monthly
Harper's (not the cosmo clone one, forgot the name)
The Chicago Tribune
The Financial Times
National Geographic
PC Gamer
You have way too much money.

That said, I'm one of those people who tend to claim that being classified as something is annoying, because it never really fits.
But, to answer your question anyway, welsh:
I'm a freshman in University.
A University of Technology at that (new special interest, here at least).
And a student of Computer Science at that (again, a new interest).
I am active in the student's council there.
I am a socialist libertarian, because:
I am a pursuer of truth and feel that that's the truth.
I read NRC Handelsblad every saturday.
I read Metro daily.
I read both Reuters and BBC News online every day.
I read the Economist (free online edition).
I use publc transport every day and thereby have an interest in getting that done as good as possible.
I could probably go on for ages like this.
Well -

*I study History at the University of Gent
*I write articles for the official magizine of the University of Gent
*I work in Vivès, a non profit pedagogic organisation which goal is to make children play in group and on good locations
*Long time financial supporter and, from time to time, activist for Greenpeace, Amnesty International and WWF
*I read HUMO (mildly ironic/humorous leftish semi-serious weekly magazine)
*I read Knack (political/sociological weekly magazine)
WWF? As in Worldwide Wrestling Federation?

Well I guess that fits with the 'Jebus having sweaty roll-abouts with other men' stereotype...
Oh, yes, I read the economist fairly regularly, Scuba Diver as well- because scuba kicks ass.

Perfect, be nice. And you have told us nothing about yourself.
My post should speak for itself: I tend towards sarcasm and anti-social behavior.
But I bow to your administrative power...
I ama member of a Tae Kwon Do group (as you know), a Bioethics society, etc.
I'm an undergrad business student, though I take guilty pleasure in Classics courses.
Plus, I'm addicted to Ebay. Now there's a potentially powerful special interest group. Far too many people with far too much time/money on their hands.
welsh said:
I read the economist fairly regularly

I never would've guessed.

And WWF = World Wide Fund for nature.

So that's me wrestling sweaty Panda's...
Well, most of you people already know this, but here it goes:

- I have three nationalities, Mexican, French and Polish. Diss any of them, and you'll be messin' with me, yo. No wait. You can diss the French all you want.

- I study Graphics at the European Arts Academy in Warsaw.

- I'm a graffiti writer, artist to some, vandal to many.

- I'm a member of the Casse-Gueule Mosh Pit suite deluxe, an exclusive club for those in the know.

- I managed to take part in an industrial photography exposition taking part in Australia, not even owning a camera, using my brothers'.

-College student studying Biology.
-Independent third party advocate.
-Subscriber to National Geographic.
-Player of MTG...in tournaments even!
-Member of The Fluffy Forums, NMA forums, and the Dink Network forums...and soon a Modder!

The Vault Dweller
* studying Applied Informatics @ HoGent
* newsposter/reviewer for hardwareonline.be
* CL of TkWsN (rather big cs clan among friends)
* member of many forums

* member of the VLD: flemish liberal democrats
* subscriber of the De Morgen (Tomorrow never dies ;) ): mildly socialist quality newspaper.

* currently non-active member of the Freemasons
YMCA! Pandas are cute and harmless. Why are they being killed? Damned gooks.

Anyway, I'm an engineering physics student at the University of Technology in Stockholm. Other than that, I study Kung fu.

No time for newspapers and such. Nope, there are only those two things in my life right now, and a bit of video gaming when I have time.

*edit* Welsh, you know Tae Kwon Do. What's with the screaming? Is it a Korean thing?
I guess It would be imposible for me to be republican, since I watch things like the McLaughlin Group, the News Hour, Meet the Press, Religion and Ethics weekly, etc. I also read The Nation, The Atlantic monthly, NY times, The Week, and a few others.

EDIT: Oh, and I guess I'd be a member of the FreeMasons, my granddad was a member, so that makes me one too, right? Can't really remember the whole eligebility thing with them.
I draw cartoons for a magazine that deals with family values, although my own family looks more or less like a fragmentation bomb. I write fiction that gets published by a large publishing house in Amsterdam and I don't even try very hard. I've read the Old and New Testament and the I Ching, and consider them to be utter crap. I'm subscribed to three literary magazines although the contents of these magazines usually bores the hell out of me. I visit porn sites on a daily basis. I hate pretty much everything and everyone.
alec said:
I draw cartoons for a magazine that deals with family values, although my own family looks more or less like a fragmentation bomb. I write fiction that gets published by a large publishing house in Amsterdam and I don't even try very hard. I've read the Old and New Testament and the I Ching, and consider them to be utter crap. I'm subscribed to three literary magazines although the contents of these magazines usually bores the hell out of me. I visit porn sites on a daily basis. I hate pretty much everything and everyone.
Get rid of the 'utter crap' and 'I Chang', and we could be brothers!

- I am a disabled American Veteran. Proudly served in the world's finest fighting force, the United States Marine Corps.

- An intellectually honest Republican (I disagree with a lot of the party positions, but I feel it if a far better course for our country)

- I am a closet gamer. (P&P and video games). I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it.

- I am a Wargamer. I play Warhammer 40k and have several armies (Orks, Chaos and Tyranids)

I practice Shotokan Karate, and have for many years.

- I subscribe to the following magazines:
Scientific American
White Dwarf
PSM (Playstation Magazine)

I am a senior at the University of Central Florida and am about 8 classes shy of a BS in Chemistry (having a hard time going back to school; too bloody expensive)

That's about it.
member of Ruyi Long Wushu Institute´
Church of Scientology
Recently exited the swedish shotokan assosiation.

Might go for SwedInt.
Swedens International armed peace force.