Spiderman 3


White heterosexual male
Movie trailer

Not bad eh?

Any of you saw the first two episodes? I really liked the first one, but thought the second one was a bit boring.
I guess I like the X-Men trilogy way better than Spidey.
Yeah I was marginally digging the cinematic resurgence of Marvel until I saw the Punisher, kind of killed my enthusiasm dead.

BTW anyone ever seen the stright-to-video Nick Fury movie starring Hasselhoff?
I'm pretty excited. There are a lot of things I dislike about the Spider-Man movies, but I'm sure it'll be fun. I'm stoked for Venom!

Cimmerian Nights said:
Yeah I was marginally digging the cinematic resurgence of Marvel until I saw the Punisher, kind of killed my enthusiasm dead.

I thought The Punisher was terrific. Could've been a bit more violent, though.
first was okay, second wasn't quite as good, this looks awesome though, venom is the shit
I just saw it on the big screen for Superman Returns, and it was even more spectacular.
Milo said:
first was okay, second wasn't quite as good, this looks awesome though, venom is the shit

Not in this one, if I understand correctly. I think he has the symbiont now and they deal with the Venom thing next movie. I could be wrong though.
Spiderman 3 will rock. I thought the first two movies were pretty good myself as well as The Punisher. The Punisher game was way to easy though.
I'm surprised people didn't like the second one as much. I thought both movies were really good (I'm not a comic book fan so I don't know how loyal it was). I'm curious about this one as I've heard talk it will have four baddies (Green Goblin, Sandman, Venom, ???) and I don't know how they'll manage to develop them all well. The last two movies were good at making the villains more human and fleshing them out better, hoping the trend continues.

If anything, it hopefully will continue the series quality better than xmen 3 did with that trilogy.
I don't see how they are going to put venom in this movie. Takes time to develop the background to introduce the symbiote, The fusion with Peter and later the fusion with Eddie.
SimpleMinded said:
If anything, it hopefully will continue the series quality better than xmen 3 did with that trilogy.
I don't know about you people, but I think the X-Men movies are by far the best superhero movies out there. The first Spiderman was just as good, the second one was a little disappointing, I thought. Meh, maybe I just never really liked Doc Octopus.
The first Spiderman-movie was so uninspiring and mundane I almost gagged. The second was allright, Doc Octopus didn't have that "I'm-going-to-take-over-the-world-muhaha"-attitude like the Goblin.

Secondly, I'm not a Spiderman-fan myself, but I'll consider watching Spiderman 3 IF it features Venom.
alec said:
I don't know about you people, but I think the X-Men movies are by far the best superhero movies out there.

Aye, I agree with you about the first two in the series. However, I think the third really missed the boat. While it had some great action sequences... it seemed to just be throwing characters in and just forgetting about them. While Nightstalker didn't play a gigantic role in the second one, I thought he was for more fleshed out and played a much more significant role than Angel in the third. I watched the second again shortly after seeing the third and couldn't get over the difference in quality. Then again, maybe I just had a problem with the pedophile relationship between Iceman and that girl who ran through walls.

What has always worked for me in the spiderman movies is the way they really make Spiderman a person, having to balance life with a job/family and a superhero. I've heard the new superman does this pretty well too but I haven't had the chance to see it yet.
SimpleMinded said:
I watched the second again shortly after seeing the third and couldn't get over the difference in quality.
Well, different (and inferior) directors and writers.

One interesting thing I found, via IMDB, is that David Hayter (the English voice of Solid Snake) is listed as a writer for X-Men and X2. He is also working on the screenplay for Watchmen. Interesting connections there.
I notice the longer the playtime the better the movie. Punisher sucks IMO because of how the director miss the spot to portrait the character. Sorta.
Punisher was bad because it was poorly written and directed, because it had absolutely nothing to do with the comic and because the Punisher character was completely altered.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Punisher was bad because it was poorly written and directed, because it had absolutely nothing to do with the comic and because the Punisher character was completely altered.
Was the old version, the one with Dolph Lundgren, any better then?