
That's when you throw heavy, sharp rocks at them. Or you say, "You got me!" when they really didn't, then walk over in what looks like an act of sportsmanship to congratulate them. Then, when they take off their helmets, shoot them in the face repeatedly.

On a lighter note, a kid from my hometown shot out the eye of another kid at pointblack range when they were playing paintball out in the woods behind the high school. funny stuff. almost as funny as how there was this 15 year old kid at my old high school who, i believe, is technically a sophmore there right now. This kids name is like smiley tomato or something like that. Anyways, he's apparently a drug dealer in hartford, and was having some words with a fellow drug dealer who was encroaching on his territorty. Words turned to actions, and this 15 year old pulled out a 9 and shot the other guy in the head repeatedly. Good kids out there nowadays.
That wouldn't have happened had he been playing sports! Sports are our salvation!
Shitty paintballs (K-mart paintballs) won't always break. Good paintballs always break, even on those "suits."

And Prez - Paintball is 50% equipment 50% abliilty/experience.

The funniest thing about paintball is military guys tend to suck at it. A lot. Every now and then a couple ex-marines or army guys will come down to the field, talking like their hot shit, wearing camo and going over tactics. They usually get pwned within five minutes of the first game. Paintball is whole 'nother thing.

Not saying they wouldn't own me in a real, though, hehe...
GAHHHH Poker is NOT a sport.

yeah sure it's fun to play and watch, and ok fine it's on ESPN, hell I watch it when nothing better is on. But it's not a sport! Gahhhh!

I'm with Jebus here. Soccer is the best.
According to a sport is:
a. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
b. A particular form of this activity.
2. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
3. An active pastime; recreation.

Under the definition of Sport, Poker has been proven to be one.
King of Creation said:
3. An active pastime; recreation.

3. An active pastime; recreation.

By the definition it says one must engage in some sort of physical activity here. Active doesn't mean sitting and thinking. If you want to get into semantics...prepare for pwnage. Hehe.

Not a sport, but hell fun to watch and play. And bet.
Ok...well here we go

Defintion: Active:
Marked by or involving direct participation: took an active interest in politics; played an active role on the committee.

According to the defintion of the word "active" and as illustrated by the example the dictionary uses, playing the game of poker would be considered "active" as people are directly participating in the the game the whole time. Therefore, Poker is an Active Pastime, a recreation, or recreational activity, which under the definition, IS a sport.

And just so you don't start arguing about what a pastime is:
n : a subject or pursuit that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly): "sailing is her favorite pastime"; "his main pastime is gambling"; "he counts reading among his interests"; "they criticized the boy for his limited interests"
One of the examples Websters Dictionary gives uses Gambling, which is exactly what the sport of Poker embodies.

All right you got into semantics. said:
1. Being in physical motion: active fish in the aquarium.

2. Functioning or capable of functioning.

3. a. Marked by energetic activity; busy: active stock and bond markets; spent an active day sightseeing.
b. Involving or requiring physical exertion and energy: an active workout at the gym.

4. a. Being in a state of action; not quiescent: active hostilities along the border.
b. Erupting or liable to erupt; not dormant: an active volcano.

5. a. Marked by or involving direct participation: took an active interest in politics; played an active role on the committee.
b. Currently in use or effect: an active membership.
c. Openly acknowledged or expressed: an active dislike of the new neighbors.

6. Producing an intended action or effect: active ingredients.

The active you used: #5 is not the active used in the definition of sport. In the definition of sport, the word active is used to alter the word 'pastime'. When talking about a pastime, active participation is assumed, as opposed to passive participation. Or else it wouldn't be a pastime. The #5 definition of active is used more to alter words dealing with unimplied activeness.

The reason that the dictionary did not just simply put:

3. A pastime; recreation,

and instead use:

3. An active pastime; recreation

as their definition for sport, using the adjective "active" in front of pastime, is because there are types of (inactive) pastimes that far from count as sports. According to you, I can consider crocheting a sport. Or reading books. Or playing board games. Whatever can be considered a pastime? Or only pastimes that involve "direct participation"?

Yes, poker/gambling is a pastime. But it is an inactive one. Yes, the brain is involved, and so the mind is active, but the altering word that dictionary uses in front of pastime implies that those not involving physical activity do not qualify as part of the definition of sport.
Poker is just as much a sport as Golf or Bowling, it just depends on how you look at it or which synonym you use. Christ you guys are going insane with the damn definitions. you choose to disregard the meanings of words as put down in dictionaries. Fine. That's really great. Since I've already proved the Poker is a sport, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I'm just going to throw in some more side ideas.

Sports are competitive, correct? Poker is competitive. The object is to win, as with all sports.
The Physical Exertion argument has no credibility. It requires the same amount of physical exertion that golf and bowling require, and Poker also requires more stamina, of the mental and physical variety. Players, especially in tournaments such as the WPT, play from early in the morning, to early the next morning, rest a few hours, then are right back at it. If that doesn't require stamina, then I don't know what does.

If anything, Poker is surely not in the sport ranks of football and basketball, but it surely is a sport, as clearly stated by ESPN columnist Bill Simmons:
We live in a world where poker, golf, darts, billiards and paintball are considered sports.
ESPN and FoxSportsNet have accepted that Poker is a sport. They regularly air poker events, and ESPN even has a WPT time slot. If THE authorites on sports can accept it, why can't you?
Hey, you wanted to get into the semantics battle. Time to accept your defeat. No proof exists that poker is a sport, outside quoting sports commentators and the like.

And even quoting these people, they are paid to say stuff like this. The sports channels need to offer more variety, and calling things like poker sport to show on TV, that's fine, but it's still not a sport. It is fun to watch, and I cannot think of a more appropriate place to slot it other than a sports channel. It just adds to the variety and spice of life. The more the better yes? Too bad it does not fit into the realm of sports.

You migh argue there is sportsmanship with poker. Yes, there are good losers and bad winners, and there is a certain feel one must have to endure the game. But that is far from physical stamina.

You bring up the point of poker players in the tournaments playing for many hours per day. Well, geez, if this isn't proof enough. What the hell can you do for that many hours per day and NOT get tired? It is the exact point that poker is NOT a sport is the reason that they are able to stay alert for so long. Any real sport going for that long, and the players would keel over from exhaustion. Oh yeah, that is not really stamina either. That is just caffeine and willpower.

Poker is competitive. The object is to win, as with all sports

No shit. Scholarships are competitive as hell, and the object is to win one. Is that sport? Game shows are competitive, and the object is to win. Those are sports?

You've gone from trying to prove by definition, to going to generalizations about poker and sports, and trying to draw a relationship.

Here is a list of what I do not consider sports:
-any form of gambling not associated with participation in physical activity.
-horse racing and horse jumping
-dogs chasing dead birds/other critters
-eating contests
-I'll add more if i think about it
I used to play soccer, then I realized what a crappy sport it was.
I don't watch sports, except when I'm visiting my grandparents.
There's nothing else to do, and I'm not allowed to change channel.
Ultimate frizbee.

And let me add that mud wrestling is more a sport that poker. Poker is a perfectly fine game, but any activity where your fat ass actually grows the more you play is probably more game then sport.
Daemon Spawn said:
Hey, you wanted to get into the semantics battle. Time to accept your defeat. No proof exists that poker is a sport, outside quoting sports commentators and the like.

Did you miss something? Why are you completely disregarding everything i said? Under the defintion of SPORT, Poker is a sport. There's no way around it. I proved beyong a shadow of a doubt that Poker is, under the accepted defintion, a sport. You might not like the idea, but saying over and over again that poker is not a sport is just plain ignorant. You have failed to prove otherwise. Instead, you chose to say that the accepted definitions of words used in the dictionary aren't real in order to try and refute my point. Do you think you know more about what constitutes the defintion of a word than multiple dictionary sources?
You have failed this battle of semantics.
Man, you suck at semantics battles. I was just getting warmed up, too. I told you if you wanted to get into a semantics battle, prepare for pwnage. Really, your perceptions of words do not make them exactly what you want them to be. The dictionary uses adjectives in definitions conservatively, in order to get a specific feel to the definition. This makes the definitions more or less what they want them to mean. If they did not care about being specific or exact, they would leave out the adjectives, so people like you could misinterpret their meanings, and draw wrong conclusions about the definitions.

Look at my post again. I address every topic you bring up.

Oh, and since I have nearly conclusively proven (except to you - I think) that poker is not a sport, this discussion can end, yes?
No, this discussion is not over, because you continously and ignorantly try to bring back your already failed argument. You wanted to argue semantics, but then refuted the dictionary's defintions of words. That's just plain ignorant. You also refuse to accept the statements of noted and accepted authories of sports. Your stubborn refusal to accept any other truth other than what you think is rendering this argument useless, because you're too middle school to change your opinion. Instead, you continue to try and argue about something that you have already miserably failed at.
For the record, my definition of a sport is any activity that can be judged objectively. This includes motocross, poker, track and field, etc. They almost invariably include a referee of some name-someone who interprets the rules.

A non-sport is anything with judges. Human, fallible judges. This includes Danceline, diving, ice skating, gymnastics. Judges are different than referees because they acutally score an event, handing out points directly.

I defined these after the annoying and annoyingly hot danceline girls in high school and their preppy ass fuckstick parents wanted danceline changed to a sport.

Carry on.
I guess if you keep boasting, and posturing, and filling your posts with arrogance and artificial confidence maybe you can bolster your own argument. Yes. Great idea. Instead of going after the weak points in my argument, or even coming up with something original...

Keep trying to convince yourself.

EDIT- Since when does poker need referees? lol

"Foul - Illegal use of bluffing." pfft.