Spring Forlorn World Artwork


Night Watchman
Staff member
Although it is almost spring here, the eternal winter of Forlorn World prevails. There are some new artworks that the devs want to show us:

Their authors are Mariusz Pawluk, Jarosław Gąsior „geno7” and Benedykt Szneider, respectively.
A new recruitment drive has started for the project, curiously, even a poster, which you might print and exhibit, has been prepared. You can also help by writing your ideas in the proffesions thread on the FW forum, on jobs that could survive after a nuclear war.

Link: ForlornWorld.com
Nice artwork. They actually managed to get hold of matching army clothes that looks fresh.. must be comfortable.

..and the professions thread.. bah.. looks like pure greek to me.

The game looks promising. The game engine itself is great so the rest is up to the designers and the writers. good luck!
monsharen said:
..and the professions thread.. bah.. looks like pure greek to me.

Actually, it's pure Polish. Just post whatever you want in English, they'll understand.
Meh. Looks okay, nothing impressive.

I'd geniunely like the third picture, were the fingers, y'know, the right length.
don't mean to be a sticker but, we'll need more than 3 screenshots to beleive *another* post-apoc game is being made.
Hey, obsidian does this, troika wants that, bioware will do that, black island does a F3... -> most of those don't exist anymore and EVERYDAY we get a 'hey we are doing a post apoc game check this out' :roll:
Wooz said:
Meh. Looks okay, nothing impressive.

I'd geniunely like the third picture, were the fingers, y'know, the right length.

Erm ... stand in front of mirror, do the V thingy with fingers, lean the hand towards the mirror o.O
Your point being?

There's something seriously wrong with that hand and its fingers, period.
Sigh ... my point is the >perspective<

Look at this example. Look at your hand. Point one finger up. It's relativly long. Now point the finger towards your face. It will seem shorter.
Frog has got a point: it's perfectly possible. Maybe he's not making a peace sign (V), maybe he's trying to poke someone's eyes out!

It's an unlucky pose. Period.

Artwork looks pretty impressive.
<s>Imbecile art-noobs.</s> Problem is, a hand isn't a detail, it's a major part of a character.

Perfectly possible, maybe, still doesn't explain why the hand looks like a fucking sponge, nor justify the artist's incapability of drawing a hand in that particular perspective.

The rest of the image is perfectly fine, and I love it; really, hence the uber-harsh critique on the hand. The random white blobs look cool, give a nice snow effect, the pose is great, the sign fucking rules. Still, the contrast of detail between the sloppy hand and the uber-detailed vest is just too big and blatant for me to shrug off.

Goddammit, if someone does something photorealistically, then do it all the way, don't avoid the hands and justify one's laziness by saying "omfg ther prespuktive, hur hur".
Wooz said:
Goddammit, if someone does something photorealistically, then do it all the way, don't avoid the hands and justify one's laziness by saying "omfg ther prespuktive, hur hur".

Maybe he's not very good at hands.

The perspective is no issue, he's tilting his hands, fine.

His hand also appears to have 6 fingers, though.


1. Index finger.

2. Middle finger.

3. Thumb.

4. Ring finger.

5. Ring finger.

6. Pinky.

Not how the index finger is longer than the middle finger. The first ring finger seems to stem from nowhere. The second ring finger might be his pinky and the thing next to it just a fold in the clothing, but it's way too large to be a pinky.
The main problem I see in this hand is #3. A Thumb held in the " V " position, holding the ring and pinky fingers, from that perspective (come on, try it) should look straight, or slightly curbed. Not forming a frigging 90 degrees angle.

Frog said:
And I'll still say it's just you.


So says the wall. I spent all day today drawing and painting a hand with charcoal and oils on a canvas.

What's next? Instructing Kharn on Russian philology? Teaching Rosh what the US NAVY is? Giving lectures on binary code to Ratty?
No, I dont intend to give anyone a lecture. I just point my view.

Ok, so 4th finger may look akward with no ( dunno how its called ) that sticking out bone place visible. But thats about it.

Well, when you point fingers at different angle their lenght may warry.
Also thumb doesnt make 90 degrees, what you think is a part of thum is just a space between index finger and the spot where thumb starts, it's just highlihted.
6th finger I belive is just part of the palm or perhaps the sleeve ( character is holding the bottom of it and it wrinkles ).
Also it looks like the hand is in some thick glove, so hand's overall look is deformed, got wrinkles, material stretches at places and the hand lack details.