Star Wars Battlefront

Ya I saw a commercial and the graphics look awesome especially with all the Star Wars figures!

I only hope its not completely linear and mission based...

The Vault Dweller
Its BfV/42 ish with a decent singleplayer meaning instant battle or Instant battle in sequence(aka story mode)! Multiplayer could be more fun if i didnt have to sign up for Gamespy. The AI is actually pretty decent and challenging at the higher lvls not just cause of sheer numbers either.
I've been playing it on the PC all day. Very good network code compared to other FPS I've played. Sniping is a breeze, great scenery, music, intelligent AI. TONS of little novelties thrown here and there for atmosphere.

Unfortunately, there's only 1 game type and it can get VERY repetitive. Not only that but the types of "classes" you can be are insanely bland.

Not much creativity went into the mechanics of the game. Moreso into level design, scenery, and atmosphere.

This has kept me entertained for 1 entire day. But I can already tell playtime will diminish extremely fast throughout the week. Starting with the 6-7 hours I played today to possibly 3-4 hours tomorrow, to 1 hour for a couple days. Then BAM! Its just another game I casually pop in when I'm bored.

Too bad, I was pretty excited for this one.

EDIT: Although, I see loads of potential for mods.
I just picked it up as well... but I also picked up Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Guess which one I'll be playing more?
You are a regular riot Phil. Actually, I don't care for Doom, in any of it's iterations.

My comment on the game so far is that I rather detest GameSpy, which refused to work properly. Haven't played a single multiplayer game because of that service. I try from in-game, no multiplayer games show up, I try from the program itself, it locks up when I try to log in. I know what the problem is, not one I can do much about either. It's just when I play a multi-player game that doesn't utilize GameSpy, it works fine.

Edit: Forgot to mention this, but the manual is the amoung the worst I've seen (from a major company at least, they can afford to create good manuals). It's only real purpose is to reveal the key layout, and what more it is wrong. I found that quite annoying.
Kotario said:
I just picked it up as well... but I also picked up Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Guess which one I'll be playing more?
I'm guessing either rome or evil genius.
Its an OK game. Its not as good as all the hype is making it out to be though. And I keep rubbing my eyes cause I think my contacts are messed up, then I realize its that stupid blurry effect that they purposely put in the game.

I hate playing in Vehicles. They maneuver crappily. I wish there was more to the maps as well.

I guess those are my inital thoughts. I'll post a better one when I finish the game.
I actually like the soft lens.

I believe the reason the vehicles maneuver so badly is because it's 'balancing.' They are so overwhelmingly powerful in the game, all the ammunition a soldier can carry from a rocket launcher won't destroy an AT-ST.

I do like some of the maps, others are not so great. Most of them could benefit from being larger.

I'm trying to work out a multiplayer solution, because that's the entire reason I bought this game. Unsurprisingly, the single-player campaign isn't very good, missions are strung together, and you change sides without reason. It's funny, when-ever you play a mission in which the bad guys win, it's always from a battle you don't see in the movies.

Now that I've gotten the hang of the game more or less, and have changed the controls to be more advantageous to my style....the game is begining to kick ass. The first Geonosian level is awesome, piloting the huge tanks and the troop dropships. Fun as hell.
I picked this game up Wednesday. It'll do until either some good mods come along or I can upgrade my compy to run UT2k4.

One thing I learned from it is that minimum system requirements can sometimes be slightly lower than what's printed on the box, because my processor speed is 100MHz below the listed specs.

I can't compare this game to others in its specific category, but if I were to rank all the Star Wars games I've played as far as enjoyment goes: (highest to lowest)

1-- X-Wing Series (the only reason I have a joystick)
2-- Jedi Academy
3-- Star Wars Arcade (the newer one)
4-- Star Wars (the older vector-graphics arcade game)
5-- Yoda Stories
6-- Star Wars Battlefront
7-- Knights of the Old Republic
8-- Jedi Knight 2: Outcast
9-- Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight (I for one actually like FMV)
10-- Force Commander
(and now we get to the games I didn't like so much)
11-- Mysteries of the Sith (the expansion for DF2: JK)
12-- Rogue Squadron Series
13-- Rebel Assault II
14-- Shadows of the Empire
15-- Any console game not previously mentioned
16-- Dark Forces
17-- Rebel Assault

Edit:: Added KOTOR to the list... forgot I have it. It's been in the XBOX for about two weeks untouched. Thanks for reminding me.
You haven't played Knights of the Old Republic yet?

I really recommend it. Although it is very, VERY linear. It was one of the most entertaining and creative games I've played. If it were turn-based and non-linear KOTOR would of probably been in my top 5 all time games.
Err... not all of those games are for the PC, so he must have some experience with consoles. There is always Knights of the Old Republic on the X-Box.