Yeah, because she is so obviously anime-styled. Except, not really.
No muscles? I can think of a couple reasons for that. One, not many people find heavy musculature attractive on a woman. Yeah yeah, superficiality, blah blah. It's not like men are never portrayed unrealistically in games/movies/whatever, now is it? Second, physiologically-speaking, women do not develop musculature as readily as males do, and it tends not to show as much because women generally have a higher percentage of body fat than men (optimal body fat for men is about 5%, for women it's 15%). I know a few girls who are quite fit, and none of them have obvious musculature. Third, if she's a force user (as I'd suspect since, in usual Star Wars lore, lightsabers (or even light-nightsticks) are too dangerous to the wielder for anyone but someone sensitive to the force to use effectively), muscles would be even less necessary for her.
If you don't like her design, obviously that's your prerogative. I'm not actually that fond of how she looks myself. Just try not to have absurd reasons like "where's her muscle?!" She doesn't have muscle because whoever designed her didn't give them to her, and there's not really a good reason why she should have to have well-defined musculature.
As far as the half-naked thing goes... well, there's not really a good reason for her to be wearing any sort of armor. Classically, force users generally eschew anything heavier than a robe. She's obviously not a Jedi, so no reason she should be wearing a Jedi robe. *shrug* Like I said though, I'm not terribly fond of her design, including the clothing.
As for what bothers me about her... the pants are okay, and the foot-wear. I've never liked that style of top, and I dunno about her hair. Mostly it's probably the light-nightsticks... that's just trying too hard to do something different there.