Starcraft 2 campaigns to be sold separately

This has honestly made me not want to purchase SC2 at all. A YEAR between campaigns? It's bad enough that we have to wait so long for Valve to relesae 20 minute HL episodes.

Fuck Blizzard and their cash grabbing bullshit.
LOL, that's not judge it before it comes out, and I don't really think they need to "grab" more money per se, considering they are treated like gods in South Korea.

Any expansions to most games are probably better than DW expansions.
Guys, guys. Seriously.

If every campaign has as much (or more) content as an average game, how is that a bad thing? Would you really prefer all three campaigns now with far less content in each? Or all three campaigns at full-length at a much later date?

I guess I'm the only one who sees this as, potentially, a good thing (barring disappointing content in the campaigns). Also, I find it highly unlikely we'll be stuck with only race to play with for MP for a year.
I'm a blizz fanboy (ok ok dont bash me) and I, certainly hope, that they (Blizzard) makes starcraft2 a big game. If they are just using Starcraft to get more money I'll be pissed.
This topic wants to make me play StarCraft now.

"You wanna peice of Me boy!?!"

heh heh I love yelling that.
Kyuu said:
If every campaign has as much (or more) content as an average game, how is that a bad thing?
Do you really believe that? How many episodic games do you know that give as much or more content in one episode as an average game?
I used to think the same way, but then I played HL ep. 1 an 2. After paying quite a bit of money for an hour of gameplay, I realized what a sham that episodic content is.
episode 1 was a sham - while episode 2 was totally worth it imho.

this is blizzards first try at it and i will give them a chance to proove that its worth either spending 50$ on each iteration

on the other hand i'm hoping it will be 50$ for the first and only 20-25 for the rest
Arash said:
I'm a blizz fanboy (ok ok dont bash me) and I, certainly hope, that they (Blizzard) makes starcraft2 a big game. If they are just using Starcraft to get more money I'll be pissed.

as a fellow Blizzard fanboy I couldn't have said it better myself
As long as they dont make Diablo III have seperate game purchases for each character I'm fine with it. :P
Hah I can see it now "Oh noo, sorry if you want to play as the Barbarian FEMALE you're going to have to drop 40$ on that expansion... what's that? you dont want to? Go fuck yourself do you know who we are? we made WARCRAFT TWO for fucks sake!"
I have to say this is bloody shameless, and here I used to think that Blizzard had the gusto to stick it to the birdmen of this gen of games and make a proper game...

The original had (if memory serves) at least 6-7 campaigns per race, then Brood Wars had about 5-6 each, bringing it to a total of 11-13 campaigns per race, which in total you're looking at 33-39 campaigns.

Each campaign took a varied amount of time based on how far you progressed in the storyline, but usually they jumped by about 20 minutes per mission from the start of each set so usually there's at least a few days of gameplay therein.

If each episode does not contain at least that much content I will be greatly dissappointed...
Mord_Sith said:
The original had (if memory serves) at least 6-7 campaigns per race, then Brood Wars had about 5-6 each, bringing it to a total of 11-13 campaigns per race, which in total you're looking at 33-39 campaigns.

The original Starcraft had 12 Terran missions and 10 for both the Protoss and Zerg. The difficulty went up pretty steadily too, I think it took me about a day to finish the final Protoss mission. But at the time I was in grade seven and probably couldn't long divide, let alone micro the Terran tank push with the 'toss carriers.
Yeap im thinking like Mord_Sith...

I think this can be a good thing for SC fans IF there is as much content in one episode as in all the missions combined for all races in SC1. In fact that would be awesome :)

That means we will se much more content, sure we have to pay more, but that doesn't bother me as long as you get more...

Blizzard is one company of few that i also would give the benefit of the doubt.
Meh, you are right about that. I also wouldn't mind paying for more content, so long as that content reflects the money I'm pouring into Blizzard's coffers. But still, I think I'd prefer getting ti all at once, simply for Blizzard's awful track record of timely releases.
Aside from taking our money 3x, I'm ok with that. I'll just play Dawn of War 2 until exaustion, and then buy all three SC 2 campaings at once. Something around 2013... :roll:

Diablo 3, though, I'll pre-order for sure :salute:
Confalone said:
It's opening cinematic might just make up for it. I think I'm swayed...or swooning over Zeratul. PS: I am not gay.

Right... :roll:

All evidence says otherwise so... WTF were you doing on such site? :mrgreen:

[spoiler:a1da59a637]Yo dawg, ima kidding, ya? :P [/spoiler:a1da59a637]
Hey, the one on game trailer's front page didn't load! so I googled it and gay-gamer was the only one that wasn't the original announcement trailer. I swear I'm as hetero-fucking-sexual as they come... oh god I posted it to my facebook too!

[spoiler:c7df622159] s'cool thug [/spoiler:c7df622159] 8-)
This announcement has made me well, loose just a little hope for blizzard, WOW was such a cash grab, and it looks like they are doing the same thing with diablo 3 and starcraft 2.

I guess they couldn't have just made a long game. Expansions are fine and all, but given blizzards track record of releasing games on time...HAH.

I've noticed though that Protoss is the last one to be released. They win?