Do you really believe that? How many episodic games do you know that give as much or more content in one episode as an average game?Kyuu said:If every campaign has as much (or more) content as an average game, how is that a bad thing?
Arash said:I'm a blizz fanboy (ok ok dont bash me) and I, certainly hope, that they (Blizzard) makes starcraft2 a big game. If they are just using Starcraft to get more money I'll be pissed.
Mord_Sith said:The original had (if memory serves) at least 6-7 campaigns per race, then Brood Wars had about 5-6 each, bringing it to a total of 11-13 campaigns per race, which in total you're looking at 33-39 campaigns.
Confalone said:It's opening cinematic might just make up for it. I think I'm swayed...or swooning over Zeratul. PS: I am not gay.