Starship Troopers 2 - The Bugs are Back?

Starship Troopers is one of my favorite sci-fi action movies.

Great stuff.
The original sucked. Well, not REALLY, but it WAS sort of stupid.

P.S. And when I read Bugs are Back w\o reading the other part of the title I thought - "Fallout?"
It had it's good parts, but the thing that always drove me crazy is why the troops would always get so close to the bugs. They have machine guns for chrissake! Shoot from a distance!
Haha, no dude, that decreases the "limbs getting ripped off" count!

Edit - Looks like this will be direct to video, unless I misread something?
Sweet. The movie wasn't much like the novel was, but what do you expect for a 90's movie adaptation of a 60's book?

Either way, i liked the movie, and wouldn't mind a sequel if it's a good one. (HINT to interplay, and all other companies: sequels are tolerated, if they're GOOD.)
Welsh, i have a question for you. Have you ever read the book Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein?

Cheers Thorgrimm
Starship Troopers is awesome! It's definitely one of my favourite sci-fi movies. I remember seeing it at the movie theatre with some dame. Afterwards we both felt like joining the army and shooting bad guys. Perfect recruitment movie. And all those beautiful people!Hm...
Judging by the pictures the sequel is going to suck bigtime, though. It looks like B-crap.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]It had it's good parts, but the thing that always drove me crazy is why the troops would always get so close to the bugs. They have machine guns for chrissake! Shoot from a distance!

They were - just the bugs were faster than human ground troops.
Sure the bugs were fast... but i would sit there in bewilderment while a gunner would advance on a bug 3 times as big as him, and fire from 5 feet away..... and then act suprised when they get impaled. They might as well go unarmed and try to get the bugs in a headlock.
It's stupid to have infantry at all. Just buttrape the whole planet with nukes. Then go down with flamertanks and napalm bombers and kill off the rest. Why bother luring them out of the caves when you can blow up the caves? :twisted:
Baboon said:
It's stupid to have infantry at all. Just buttrape the whole planet with nukes. Then go down with flamertanks and napalm bombers and kill off the rest. Why bother luring them out of the caves when you can blow up the caves? :twisted:

Well, according to the movie they often glassed the planet before assaulting it. Of course then why even ake the planet if you've annihalated all surface life-the only stuff humans might want?

But the whole thing is silly really. The book detailed how the marines used combat armor, equipped with flamthrowers, lasers and such. Furthermore, the book gave me the impression that the bugs weren't giant hulking cockroahes but rather a vaguely humanoid critter with its own flamethrowers and lasers.

The morons in the movie, when not engaged in coed showering, adopted standard Napoleonic tactics of lined, massed infantry assaults with weapons designed for human-sized targets against bugs that only engaged through melee actions.


Well, at least it had nakedness!
Murdoch, it sounds like you are describing the Skinnies who were at first allies of the bugs. Then when the M.I. put the hurtin on them they changed sides. The bugs themselves were intelligent 8 legged critters. As they had starships and weapons, but were a hive mind. Hell they did not have to shoot splooge out into space to colonize planets. They just used ships.

Cheers Thorgrimm
Blade Runner said:
. I remember seeing it at the movie theatre with some dame.

:lol: How old are you, 80?

This movie sucked ass. Just read the book, its good.

What is with this forum and b-rated action flicks?
I didn't enjoy it, is all.

So I guess I thought it was badly written?

Dunno. I have a hard time getting into fantasy and sci-fi books, unless they're extremely well written.

I'm more of a satire kind of guy.