Friend in Trouble
See Dutch un-concious and on the ground while bullets fly by, he than see's the rocketeerr walking down the cliffside, Aerakade takes aim at the man and squeezes the trigger only to hear a dry 'click'.
He rolls over the hillside and tumbles down it to the bottom , he meets the rocketeer, draws his .223 pistol from his hip and fires three times at the man , he than takes the rocketlauncher and fires it at the rockside by some slavers, they get sourrounded by dust and can no longer make a good shot at anyone for now or until they run out out the dust cloud, Aerakade bends over, grabs the un-concious Dutch and runs behind a rock, he checks his ammo finding he's only go two more clips for his .223 pistol , and only two bullets left in the current clip, which means he better not get attacked because he won't be able to hold anyone off for long.
See Dutch un-concious and on the ground while bullets fly by, he than see's the rocketeerr walking down the cliffside, Aerakade takes aim at the man and squeezes the trigger only to hear a dry 'click'.
He rolls over the hillside and tumbles down it to the bottom , he meets the rocketeer, draws his .223 pistol from his hip and fires three times at the man , he than takes the rocketlauncher and fires it at the rockside by some slavers, they get sourrounded by dust and can no longer make a good shot at anyone for now or until they run out out the dust cloud, Aerakade bends over, grabs the un-concious Dutch and runs behind a rock, he checks his ammo finding he's only go two more clips for his .223 pistol , and only two bullets left in the current clip, which means he better not get attacked because he won't be able to hold anyone off for long.