StarWArs Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith----Offical tittle

Bradylama said:
I mean, seriously, Han Solo? SOLO? Comeon.

Lucas was jerking off a lot at the time, it was originally Hand Solo (Cue drum roll).

Honestly, at this point I couldn't care less what he does with Episode 3, I just wish he would get his head out of his ass and release the original three movies on DVD in their ORIGINAL form. Every year he messes around with them more and is slowly destroying what is one of the best trilogies ever made with his retarded "special effects". Whatever magic he had is long gone, so he should stay the hell away from the 3 movies that actually make him seem like a competent film-maker.

This is going to suck.

Fucking twat. He's also re-writing Indiana Jones 4

Which means it too, will suck.
Star Wars III: Last Nail in the Coffin would've been a good name. George Lucas cannot for the life of him write or direct. The two better movies in the original trilogy weren't done by him. His writing is incredibly forced and cliched, and his constant reliance on special effects and CG has made the last two movies terrible, and will most likely make this one terrible. What a shame. :(
PsychoSniper said:
Personaly, I thinlk the SW expanded universe took a nosedice after the newjediorder novels came out. They dont even bother to get the writers to read more than a few previous SW books in some cases, which results in a fucked up book series with characthers out of characther.

I agree... I use to LOVE to read the novels... then this whole new series came out and... ICK... suddenly it was not the people I loved... it was a bunch of jackasses running around and carrying their names.
Getting back to what was being spoken

I AGREE... what is with his DRIVING need to put CGI EVERYWHERE. Yes... in some cases it looks good... but, I'm sorry, I think his characters like Jar Jar... not just because he is annoying... SUCK.

I don't know why... Gollum looked SO MUCH MORE REAL... they put a lot of work into him... And these people were just starting their special effects company...

Meanwhile back at ILM... they've gone to near cartoon.... sheesh
I heard that Lucas originally had a 9 part story but when making the original trilogy he condensed 6 parts into 3. With episode III coming out it completes the story.

Personally, i like the new movies. Of course their not as good as the originals but still enjoyable.
I think the magic of the three others (A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) is a magic Lucas can never rekindle. Maybe they should get other directors...

Hell, if they did the Heir to Empire Trilogy based on the universe by Timoty Zahn, then you'd have a fucking great movie.
There was supposed to be 3 sequals to the original set, but i think they scrapped the idea, since the books sorta fill that void in the story, and Who really wants to see more films by that man. Matt damon as Han solo! *shudder*
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is treason. Harrison Ford is Han Solo... I mean a Luke Skywalker replacement could be Rob Lowe. You know the dude who was younger #2 annd well had that sex tape scandal back in the '80's. Unless you plan to put Mark Hamill on a serious diet?
Whatever happened to Mark Hamill? More cheezy sci-fi flicks? More appearances on Howard Stern? Porn?

Personally I think the first three flicks were great but are over-rated. They were cool because they were new and exciting, and they could be pretty simple stories as well. If you look at the plot of the first three- it's a bit of a messiah story. The acting generally sucks (except for some of the old-timers) and it sinks into cheese by the Return of the Jedi.

The new trilogy has not been that bad. In many ways the stories are more interesting, the special effects are better, and the worlds are much more rich and alive. But the acting is still dull and stilted. It doesn't have characters you care about.

What is upsetting the fans is that the magic, the originality of the first ones, wore off. Had Lucas delivered this chronologically, it would kick ass. Instead, this is all a convoluted history.

That said- Things I want to see-

(1) Jar Jar Binks get decapitated. This guys deserves it.

(2) Natalie Portman giving birth. Hey, my high school social studies teacher made us watch a video of his wife giving birth (not only was it one of the most revolting things I've seen- man that bitch was ugly.)

(3) Ewoks sold in major stores as teddy bears. Because what else are they good for?

(4) What else can that light sabre do - remember the jedi are all monks.

(5) Sex! More intersteller sex is what made Star Trek so popular.

(6) An alliance between the Empire, Cthulu and Walmart- because you know they are all part of the same insidious cabal.
welsh said:
Personally I think the first three flicks were great but are over-rated. They were cool because they were new and exciting, and they could be pretty simple stories as well. If you look at the plot of the first three- it's a bit of a messiah story. The acting generally sucks (except for some of the old-timers) and it sinks into cheese by the Return of the Jedi.

The new trilogy has not been that bad. In many ways the stories are more interesting, the special effects are better, and the worlds are much more rich and alive.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Jesus, man. I just lost a little respect for you! :P
Don't be a fool Malk.

The reason why Star Wars was such a big hit was because it hadn't been done before. It was still a novelty. Watch the films over again, and there really isn't all that much there. What works is that it's new. The Empire Strike Back is great because it's a bit darker and more complex, but the Return of the Jedi sucks. The best part of that film is the big battle in space over the rebuilt deathstar. The whole thing with Jabba the Hut was boring, and those little teddy bears was just for the kids.

Why the new ones are not as well received is because it's (1) not the first three movies- no duh! (2) it's all history- the force has no more suprises for us and we know how it's going to end up, (3) the acting is terrible- mostly because of the crappy script. Anakin Skywalker is a snooze. Thank God he became Darth Vader or he would have been a complete bore. The most interesting character is Yoda and he's a fucking puppet. Samuel Jackson doesn't do much but begs the question- is this what happened to Jackson after Pulp Fiction (it's not- his end comes in Kill Bill 2).
welsh said:
The whole thing with Jabba the Hut was boring

Blasphemy! Leia in the gold bikini is a classic, and Jabba teh Hawt is one of the coolest characters in Star Wars.
I have to disagree with you welsh, but then again I've watched the movies hundreds of times since I was a kid so I can't really be objective about them.
Why the new ones are not as well received is because it's (1) not the first three movies- no duh! (2) it's all history- the force has no more suprises for us and we know how it's going to end up, (3) the acting is terrible- mostly because of the crappy script. Anakin Skywalker is a snooze. Thank God he became Darth Vader or he would have been a complete bore. The most interesting character is Yoda and he's a fucking puppet. Samuel Jackson doesn't do much but begs the question- is this what happened to Jackson after Pulp Fiction (it's not- his end comes in Kill Bill 2).
Add 4) it was made for the kids. Too much humour and aiming it at small children (Jar Jar fucking Binks and his comrades, anyone?). Oh, and the acting was indeed incredibly but really really incredibly bad. Really. That Amidala chick has got to be one of the worst actresses I have ever seen. It's like she's literally reading out her lines.
Ok, I'll agree.

Jabba the Hut was pretty fucking cool. But it was all atmosphere and not much story.

Carrie Fisher in a bikini? Had it been MOnica Bellucci, well, that would have been different


Though admittedly the possibility of tentacle rape of Princess Leia by Jabba would have been something I'd like to see.

In fact, add that to the list of things Star Wars Revenge of the SIth should have.

Jabba was great, but under utilized. That entire section has only one purpose- to get Han Solo out from a plot issue that he'd been carring for over two movies.
I agree with welsh. Especially on the Monica thing.

Except for Star Wars IV-VI not being all that. For that he will go to hell along with everyone he ever loved.
welsh said:
Jabba the Hut was pretty fucking cool. But it was all atmosphere and not much story.

Uh, Han Solo, carbonite, getting him back, blah blah...

That's pretty fucking important to the story.

As well as the fact that it cements Luke as a Jedi warrior. It's really the first time you see him "grown up."
I have to say that the acting... is not the fault of the actors.

I've seen Natalie Portman in various other roles... and she simply is not that bad...

Remember... George Lucas is the director... and he is well known for getting his actors to act like stick figures....

Seriously... I just wish he would have wrote, with the help of someone who is good with dialog... and produced and let a director with talent for directing actors do the job. He could advise on the special effects... but George just sucks as a director... Period.

That above all else kills the new movies.
Sander said:
Oh, and the acting was indeed incredibly but really really incredibly bad. Really. That Amidala chick has got to be one of the worst actresses I have ever seen. It's like she's literally reading out her lines.

Natalie Portman isn't a terrible actress, unlike the 2x4 playing Anakin. The scripts have been atrocious.