Steam autumn sale is on

Tagaziel said:
Should I get X-COM?

Hell yes. And if you have the cash, get Enemy Within ASAP. The base game is great, but its greatness was increased manyfold with the expansion. And don't worry that you should enjoy the vanilla game first, Enemy Within simply adds so much content while still bringing you the same story. I can't imagine going back to playing without it. More varied missions and maps, more enemies, more equipment, a heck of a lot more options for building your squad.
My wallet wants you to know that it hates you and hopes you all die a death as painful as these purchases are. :P
TheWesDude said:
simple, if you dont have a controller, dont get it.

if you dont have a controller, people say its keyboard setup is horrible and you cant re-bind them.

Ohh shi.. I did actually get my cash and i was going back and forth if i would ever play it.. No controller here since 8 years ago so i guess i let it rot on my wishlist!

Tagaziel said:
My wallet wants you to know that it hates you and hopes you all die a death as painful as these purchases are. :P

I thank the gods.. Or Russias w/e you prefer for selling me the games cheaper than i would have paid myself!

75% on DIshonored.. Must not spend more cash... >:|

COH 2 was like 230 SEK as cheapest with a 40% off coupon and a russian guy sold me a code for like 170 since it is much cheaper over there :clap:
Akratus said:
Incorrect. There is zero suggestions in the game that this is the case. There is even evidence in the thalmor embassy that they actually have no idea why alduin has appeared.

Did you even play that infiltration quest? It was all about finding out if the thalmor are behind the dragons. Surprise: You find out they don't.

I stand corrected. My bad. I'm actually playing through now, and I wasn't able to go through that quest.

I sure love hearing Alduin's meticulous arguments in Skyrim.

What do you mean? If you're suggesting that's not the case, it's really obvious regardless.

Nice assumption there. Perhaps I should have put more than just a little effort in my first post, but that says nothing of my knowledge of tes lore, which is not little.

Here's the thing: Skyrim's story is pretty much the best part of the game. Ever other element is either half-baked, okay, or at worst, horrible.

Oh, again, you're still wrong about Alduin's and the Dragonborn's