Still no checks

Re: employees stupidity

wonderbun said:
to those looking in it must seem that way, however there are forces both internal and external that keep them going back, not all have to do with the back pay owed.
Reasons like being incompetent, incapable programmers etc... (I mean really, if they were any good, they'd be able to get jobs, right?)

wonderbun said:
Besides, if they stay, they can loot the assets,, furniture etc (not that it will help that much, but it will feel good)
Whichever computers have Jefferson source code on them. They're the ones to nick. ;) An open source community working on Jefferson would pop-up almost overnight. Interplay would be too defunct to do anything about it.
Reasons like being incompetent, incapable programmers etc... (I mean really, if they were any good, they'd be able to get jobs, right?)

Wrong. Try the Thief3 demo, the programing and design errors from DX2 are gone. So what happened to the braves that stepped in or were hired to fix those problems? Fired. The ones that were ready to relocate to a different part of the country in 48 hours were hired on the spot. The others are having the same problems as those from Iplay staff.

Most of the incompetents left with Chucky awhile ago.
Briosafreak said:
Wrong. Try the Thief3 demo, the programing and design errors from DX2 are gone. So what happened to the braves that stepped in or were hired to fix those problems? Fired.

Sorry, but I have a hard time telling what this has to do with Iply's situation. The firings after Thief 3 was a sudden bit of idiocy on EIDOS' part. Interplay has been up shit creek for years now. The warning signs were there. Both companies are run by ignorant asshats, that is true.

The ones that were ready to relocate to a different part of the country in 48 hours were hired on the spot.

I would bet that there was a time leeway on that. 48 hours is really too sudden for any move, period. That is, unless you meant that in 48 hours they were prepared to be moving at a later date. Otherwise, I have to grimly say that it comes down to planning, and that firings at the end of a dev cycle aren't an unknown thing. Many people are hired on a per-title basis instead of being a full-time developer.
The Tax Man Cometh

The Tax Man Cometh


I am translating some of my personal experiences with several "troubled employers". Certainly not public held corporations, still they were purveyors of "bad paper". The view, of punishment being equal to our judical system's OPINION of the crime, is my own, and does not obligate anyone to abandon their cherished moral idealism, or cloud their ecstatic, lotus eating, purity wth any hint of situational ethics ...

As far as "criminal " legal sanctions for check bouncing, it may depend, when and if, a "day in court" occurs, AND, if there's enough money for the lawyer(s) who may or may not establish that the "check writer" had reasonable evidence that the checks were negotiable.

All the lawyer(s) has(have) to "sell" is that their client ""fully intended to honor his debts"".

Individual or group civil actions might be "justifiable" , but a 'street ethic' of net profit after legal expenses might pervade the issue, and
negate any moral and legal high ground.

"White Collar Crime" has always been 'lucrative' in the U.S. The dollars misappropriated versus the 'instant' parole and 'hours' of "community service", and of course, the legal fees that buy that "get out of jail card", ... make the odds better than any other state sponsored lottery,
short of purchase of "access" via massive campaign contributions,

If a felony "sticks", and the bold Darwinian capitalist has greater ambitions for a political career, such as the U.S. Senate, than that might be "bought" if there is a sufficient legal fund for a retrial or appeal.

I am not aware if any of these "born again's" have won a seat.
Yet, I am sure that at least one talk show host beat his felony to run for Senator in Virginia. His "crime" was lying to Congress to cover Black Ops in "Cold War One". Hardly, precisely, relevant to "bad paper from I'play" but perhaps implies a precedent, or "circumstantial evidence" of Absolution For Sale. Negotiable Justice in the U.S. of A.

Lurking in this I'play scenario is the assumption that these payrole checks also had local, state and federal tax withholdings. These are likely paid to the authorities in quarterly sums. Any default would trigger penalties and interest, and pressure for immediate payment that can be negotiated to
a payment schedule that generates more interest, and an additional drain on funds that has been know to sink smaller businesses, even
under the protection of the bankruptcy chapters.

Doubt that I'play will wrap itself in the mantel of "tax outlaw", this additional expense will be, ""just"", more 'chips' to throw in the pot to stay in the game.

Sorry, but I have a hard time telling what this has to do with Iply's situation.

No it wasn`t because of that, but because of the assumption that competent people= jobs all around. That`s over, anything can happen to everyone, and if it`s difficult for one to relocate than it`s really really difficult to stay in the gaming business. Either the Iplay devs are fired and can get something, not much, from unemployement benefits, or they better stick around, trying to get what is owed to them while keeping an eye on alternatives.

It has nothing to do with competence DU, Chuck got a job in another state right after he was sacked, others much more competent are still looking or changing directions regarding their career.

That is, unless you meant that in 48 hours they were prepared to be moving at a later date.

Yep, that`s what i intended to say, i`m afraid my english, though better than Herves, still has a long way to go .
First of all let me address the insulting and degrading statement
The rest are incompetent or incapable programmers...

Game Devs have very specialized programming skills, most in C, C++ and C#, some in Java, etc... It takes quite a bit (unless one has had the opportunity which can be costly)to stay abreast of all or even some of the non-specialized programming languages out there.

Remember IP's tagline "For gamers by gamers".... Well unfortunately when you fire all the gamers and hire programmers who have little or no practical gaming experience with the exception of maybe having playeda few specialized console titles how can they understand; first the mindset and second what it takes to make a great game (story, world, engine, graphics, etc).


I find it extremely insulting for those on the fringes of the situation to make assumptions about those who are directly involved.




So before you start to judge or make statements from the outside, try looking from the inside out. It makes a big difference.
wonderbun said:
I find it extremely insulting for those on the fringes of the situation to make assumptions about those who are directly involved.

Alright, I'll let Rosh dig into the rest of that post, but let me first explain something about the situation here. We're not a "phan-site", never have been, and we do not hold the wide-spread position that devs are godly figures that should remain unjudged and given their space. If they do something stupid, we kick them for it, at the very least, which is why MCA referred to us as a "consience".

Do not brush of remarks here as simply insulting or spiteful and made out of ignorance, and do not be presumptuous enough to stand on your high pedestal and tell us from there that we are wrong. Many here are intimitaly aware of what is going on "on the inside", and many more know the workings of the gaming industry intimitaly.

Just saying. Watch yourself, we do not appreciate people jumping in just to tell us with a superior tone what is and what is not.
You're advice is noted...
I apologize for sounding snooty and antagonistic.

Yes programmers can be stupid, god knows they are a "special breed" in all aspects of the computer industry, but to make a generalization that all of those left at a struggling company are either incapable or incompetent is unfair.

I knew I would be beat upon, and fully accept that but, there are mitigating circumstances and many issues that cannot and should not be discussed in this open forum, that will ultimately determine the outcome of IP and even some of the employees.

The whole job issue is a "delicate" point these days. All I ask is that if you don't work for Interplay or Titus, that you really look hard at all of the issues and try to understand that just because they haven't gotten jobs yet, doesn't mean they can't or won't or that they are incapable or incompetent at what they do
but to make a generalization that all of those left at a struggling company are either incapable or incompetent is unfair.

That`s what i was saying, generalizations don`t work well in labeling employees from IP, we`re talking diferent people with diferent backgrounds. All i`m saying is please talk to them first before making any judjement, as i said earlier if competence was the only thing at stake Chuck would be unemployed by now, and as a matter of fact he isn`t, while people from the real Fallout games are.

And i`m not beeing a fanboy Kharn, i tend to take these issues of jobs in the american economy in general and in the IT business in particular in a very serious way, since i had to study Robert Reich very deeply this year, and believe me that i don`t want in any way to be on their shoes right now.

And i do keep in perspective one simple fact, that Interplay employees aren`t the enemy, Herve and Molitor are.
Just waiting to hear if the key actually unlocked the building (should know in about 2 hours).

Also to answer a question asked a while back, IP has continued to charge employees the amount for their full benefits even though there is no insurance and hasn't been for at least 30 days.

The one check that they have received did take the deduction for all three, even though by that time both dental vision and life had been cancelled due to "consistent non-payment"

I will try to keep everyone posted on Today's events.
Briosafreak said:
That`s what i was saying, generalizations don`t work well in labeling employees from IP, we`re talking diferent people with diferent backgrounds. All i`m saying is please talk to them first before making any judjement, as i said earlier if competence was the only thing at stake Chuck would be unemployed by now, and as a matter of fact he isn`t, while people from the real Fallout games are.

Oh, I was not talking about Interplay employees and their current situation or saying that you two are wrong or right. This subject, callous as it may sound, does not interest me too much and I certainly haven't formed an opinion of it. I was simply saying one should tread carefully around such subjects and should not, as a newcomer, fly at old-timer's throats without too much provocation. Next to that, though this may be wrong, I will accept more criticism of devs than I will accept praise of them.
I decided after sending a private message to go ahead and post it to this forum.....

the interplay employees were called at home and told to come and pick up all personal effects.... The doors are being shuttered by the Property Management Company for lack of payment!

No word on Checks, and I tried calling and the only dept answering is IT (they have to lock down anyway and be the last out)

As I get more I will post....
Will you tell us who you are or your position? Though you really aren't obligated too, and a need for privacy is understandable.

Certainly keep us abreast of the situation, and thank you. This is getting rather interesting, seeing the inevitable finally come to pass after prolonging it for far too long. Sort of like a bad actor, you know? Keeps on going and going, centering all the attention, but not doing the sensible thing which is to give it up.
Who can read "Anyonymous" and the little "Guest" right under it and lacks the history to tell from context alone who the person is, even though it has become obvious with later posts in other threads.