Strategy Informer preview

Xenophile said:
I really liked the idea of the Fallout setting.. more than any mechanics.. so getting me experience closer to being the VD and less of controlling him, is all good in my book. I mean it was all what we were "imagining" when we were playing the game anyway.
First off, not everyone imagined being the vault dweller when they played, secondly, the setting in Fallout 3 only bears some superficial simialarities.
Don't know if anyone caught the IGN interview but what scares me the most is:

"IGN: Is this the start of an ongoing relationship with Bethesda and the Fallout franchise?

Pete Hines: I would hope so, and that was the whole point of picking up the rights. This is going to be something that we plan to continue and develop going forward, like we did with the Elder Scrolls, but obviously you've got to do the first one first!"

Get ready for a decade of pain.
Pete Hines said:
We want fans who loved that series to find a game that is true to what they remembered.

I almost spilled my drink when I read this... what a load of ****. Maybe, if we all get a severe case of amnesia...
Xenophile said:
I don't know.. I am getting more excited.. It probably won't be perfect. But this kind of IS what I would have "dreamed" of as a Fallout game.

I really liked the idea of the Fallout setting.. more than any mechanics.. so getting me experience closer to being the VD and less of controlling him, is all good in my book. I mean it was all what we were "imagining" when we were playing the game anyway.
So first-person view makes the difference between 'being' someone and imagining you're him?
Sander said:
So first-person view makes the difference between 'being' someone and imagining you're him?


I just went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea - the loading screen took ages...

First-person, third-person, whatever, isn't going to cange the fact that this a computer game, and not a Star Trek holodeck. It always surprises me that people find perspective to be so important to whether or not, and to what extent, they can lose themselves in a game.

Blimey, PnP should be about the world's worst entertainment by those standards. As it is, some of the richest gaming experiences I've had, with the most investment in fully-formed characters have an interface no more complicated than a biro, a piece of A4, and a few dice.
Bernard Bumner said:
Blimey, PnP should be about the world's worst entertainment by those standards. As it is, some of the richest gaming experiences I've had, with the most investment in fully-formed characters have an interface no more complicated than a biro, a piece of A4, and a few dice.

So true.

Immersion (I thought I would never take the word into my mouth after the ramblings in the Beth forums have turned it into a swear word almost) is in the mind and not solely related to the perspective.
Blimey, PnP should be about the world's worst entertainment by those standards. As it is, some of the richest gaming experiences I've had, with the most investment in fully-formed characters have an interface no more complicated than a biro, a piece of A4, and a few dice.

Don't say that outlaud when Pete is nearby... Fallout 4 might become a cPnP, where you actually play a Fallout RPG and throw a modeled dice in FPS perspective and 4d graphics...

I can see those headlines...

NEW UBER D.I.C.E. system - alows you slow-mo your throws...
Ezekial said:
Blimey, PnP should be about the world's worst entertainment by those standards. As it is, some of the richest gaming experiences I've had, with the most investment in fully-formed characters have an interface no more complicated than a biro, a piece of A4, and a few dice.

Don't say that outlaud when Pete is nearby... Fallout 4 might become a cPnP, where you actually play a Fallout RPG and throw a modeled dice in FPS perspective and 4d graphics...

I can see those headlines...

NEW UBER D.I.C.E. system - alows you slow-mo your throws...
A fallout game that would actually simulate the board and all? That would be AWESOME man! :D
At first it probably sounds fun, but think about it: PnP is about your own imagination, interaction with real, genuine flesh-n'-bones humans around you and the feel of dice in your hand (no save game option!), putting it into a computer which generates the world that was supposed to be in your head would... it would kill it IMHO, no matter how many wicked dice models you would make.

I think it follows the same "logic" as with the Fallout 3 -> focused on the wrong bits from it's predecessor (graphics), decapitated the system leaving the game brainless and filled with ghouls with rabies or super mutants after additional steroid-based workout.

However, a communication program with 3d dices, web-based character sheets and maybe excel sheet that would allow to play PnP games with mates around the globe would be a kick ass thing!
However, a communication program with 3d dices, web-based character sheets and maybe excel sheet that would allow to play PnP games with mates around the globe would be a kick ass thing!

I and a friend were searching for some RPG program... not being a programer sucks. If I were a programmer, I would whip out a RPG program with SPECIAL and all in mind!

And each time I see a Fallout 3 preview, my mind sinks to a lower level of hope about Fallout 3. Even when I always thought the last level was the end of the charms, bam, a new preview forces my mind to put a drill in the ground and make a bigger hole...
Since it's already been settled by the online press that this is the BEST RPG EVER MADE, I guess I don't really need to play it.

It's like the Colbert Report.

Is Fallout 3 a great game, or is it the greatest game?

You'll just have to put me down for great.
Ezekial said:
However, a communication program with 3d dices, web-based character sheets and maybe excel sheet that would allow to play PnP games with mates around the globe would be a kick ass thing!
I think I read somewhere that such a program is being made and will come out at the same time as the 4th edition of D&D.
I wonder if you could use different rulesets in that...