Students of Fallout


Simply wow.

Reading the article, I paid special attention to the forum posts by his students. Specifically;

Idk if anyone else has this problem but I am having a hard time getting anything done... I started as Max Stone hopin to kill some things and level up... but there isn't much 2 kill... the redscorpians are owning me... Any way to move like a little bit quicker?

That reads like a modern day gamer, for sure. My father's little 13 year old step son would fall directly into that category, as I did the exact same thing with him, and this was almost word for word his beef with it. I installed Fallout on his computer, but warned him that he couldn't compare it to, say, Fable, which he was reall in to at the time. He waved his hand like a know-it-all 13 year old boy, and said he'd be fine. I said alright, and went home. Not an hour later he calls my cell begging me to come back and explain what to do. He said the game was boring him to tears, that he couldn't figure out why the rats kept kicking his ass, and that he had no idea what to do once he finally DID get out of the cave.

I'm terrible about reading manuals and whatnot, so it took me forever to find out how to rest because the pipboy doesn't work originally and I didn't try it again until I clicked it by accident. So far, I appreciated being left to my own devices, but because the game is so old, with the graphics it has and whatnot, it sometimes is hard to recognize what needs to be done. Like it's only after you play a game like this that you realize how much easier having glowing objects of interest is.

See, this is another gripe I had with my dad's stepson. Gamers these days aren't like how it used to be. It's like everything these days, people want shit spoonfed to them, they want it to make sense, want it to be easy. Let's talk for example, about sandbox games. Grand Theft Auto, Oblivion, Fallout 3, to name a few. You think, wow, sandbox, that's huge open space, I can go anywhere, do anything. Now what do I do though? I want to know my objective, where is it? Oh, but that's what the little compass is for, right? It tells you exactly where to go, so you don't miss it. There's no sense of exploration, of discovery, there's just go here, talk to this person, they tell you to go there, you follow the arrow, it gets you to where you are going, and presto, glowing object of interest acquired!

I was impressed by the further posts, however, when they started getting into it, but most kids these days will give up and never touch it again. I'd wager to say if he hadn't forced them to stay focused, many would never have touched it again, because the graphics are not pretty, or the game is not an easy button-masher.

But what I was most impressed about was the conversation he had with his students at the end;

And so we met again this morning. After a long and productive conversation I asked them how they were feeling about Fallout 3. "They're totally gonna screw up that game," said one student. "They're gonna say shoot this guy in the eyeball, like they're giving you all these choices, but you know they're gonna make it run and gun. You're gonna be running around blowing stuff up, and all the shooter players are gonna love it. But it won't be Fallout. I promise you. It won't be Fallout." "It looks pretty amazing," observed another, "and it should be fun. But yeah, it probably won't be Fallout."

Maybe, if there were teachers and people out there like this guy, gaming would be good again. Maybe.