Suggestion thoughts now that you've seen the engine.

Mephiston said:
I didn't have the pacience to read all the posts so i appologise if this has already been mentioned and dealt with.

So fallout 3 supposetly uses the oblivion engine. What will that mean for gameplay then? the answer IS JACK SHIT. There is no relation between the engine and the rpg system. An engine is a complex set of instructions which define the game enviroment, such as ligthing, terrain, physics, draw distance restrictions and all that shit. It has nothing to do with how a game will be played and will feel like. Now that doenst mean bethesda won't fuck it up anyway, but i wouldnt be concerned just because a certain engine is being used.

Simplest example that comes to mind: Anachornox, a final fantasy style rpg that used ....get ready....the quake 2 engine. In fact, if you've played it didn't know already you would have never been able to figure out that it used that engine.

the graphics in oblivion are nice... but only on screenshots. the animations are ugly as "&§/$. characters and game world dont seem to belong together in oblivion.

they should have created the oblivion world without all the characters and monsters etc.. as a demo showing how great their engine is and how it can create realistic woods, water etc.. and where you can fly through the landscape and just watch the beautiful graphics.

but as soon as an NPC passes the screen everything looks ugly.

and if you want immersion in fallout 3 (and immersion IS important for an RPG, especially for Fallout) you will need good animations (the animations in F1 and F2 were good. they were simple but they looked good). and i dont believe that bethesda will be able to make completely new animations for their characters for fallout 3 because they will use the same engine they have been using for some years now (isnt the oblivion engine an enhanced morrowind engine?) and they wont use new techniques for creating character animations.

one more problem of the engine is ragdoll physics... do you really think bethesda will program death animations (like in F1 and F2) for F3. why should they ? they already have a "great" ragdoll physics engine. its much easier for them. and death animations were one of the features that made fallout so great. i loved shooting people with my plasma rifle :twisted:

really sorry for my bad english
Yea touche on the ragdoll physics. Really tho there are few 3d games out there who could match the detail of fallout's gory deaths. Probably soldier of fortune or jedi knight 3 come close, but as soon as the physics engines became mainstream dismemberment just sort of dissapeared. But i woudnt loose hope just yet. F.E.A.R. has some pretty excellent death animation and particle effects.

AS for the animations of npcs...well maybe will look ugly up close but if the game has a 3d panning camera from a bird's eye view it shoudlnt be too bad. Look at silent storm....the camera was shit i admit, but the animations weren't horrible. Thats what i would expect in F03
I think Bloodrayne did a fair job of providing gory animations to 3D models. If you combine this gore with tactical gameplay like Silent Storm, add in the scenery of the Gamebryo engine and a story to rival the previous Fallout games, then we should have a Fallout 3 that will make us proud.
Well, I have some hope that a 3d isometric view will be incorporated into the game. From my time with the heroes V beta, I have seen that scenery can be beautiful and isometric. At least I hope that's an isometric view--I am an ecologist, so I'm not entirely sure I can say that heroes v uses a true isometric view--but, it is a top-down view with a rotating camera. And, in my humble opinion, the graphics are gorgeous. The rotating camera means that you can change your view if it's blocked by scenery. Aw hell I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to say except that I damn well hope Bethesda has the decency to go top-down view and put effort into making FO3 beautiful and true to its heritage. I suppose I must defer to the people with greater technical knowledge than I and hope that turn-based combat is firmly entrenched in the game. Again, Heroes V has turn based combat (albeit, the combat screen is separate from the main screen, but the whole damn game is TB, so a modern game can be TB and satisfying). My sincerest hope is that Bethesda remembers who this game is for--FO fans. To those people who say Bethesda shouldn't have to cater to a small group of fans--we're the ones buying the damn game as soon as it comes out. Think about this--Heroes IV had some seriously stanky sales--why? The story was crappy and there were gameplay changes EVEN MORE MINUTE than what FO fans want. Heroes became units and the story sucked (paring the list down a bit). It sunk the game because people felt like it wasn't truly a heroes game. If 3DO had come through with a true successor to heroes III, they would have made an assload of money on the game. If you don't please the fan-base, then the game won't sell--broadening appeal to attract new fans doesn't give you enough sales to save a game from fan-based hatred.

So, can the engine be tweaked to be true to Fallout? God I hope so, from what I've heard, it can. Will they? They damn well better, otherwise they are going to lose an assload of money on development. We are not the elder scrolls fans--we do not want elder scrolls. Bethesda better damn well listen to us because it seems to me that with their development schedule, losing a boatload of money is not in their best interest, because it will be some time before they have another game out to stores after FO3.

btw--I do hope that bethesda can reconcile ragdoll physics with a crapload of different death animations. Somehow, I would feel like a cheap whore if I kill something with a flamethrower and it doesn't even get singed--but it does roll down the stairs.

PS and to head off any criticisms, when I say make FO3 beautiful, I mean graphically rich and realistic
uncreative said:
...they would have made an assload of money on the game... otherwise they are going to lose an assload of money on development...because it seems to me that with their development schedule, losing a boatload of money is not in their best interest...btw--I do hope that bethesda can reconcile ragdoll physics with a crapload of different death animations...
assloads, boatloads, and craploads - oh my!
To be honest i'm all for 3D if done in the right (Van Buren) style.
For example take Commandos. C1 was Isometric and without it the game would have sucked. However, C2 was 3D, but still isometric view point. This brought a whole new dimension to the game (no pun intended) because you could look at things you couldn't before. 3D is doable, but its not fallout if it doesn't keep that iso style.
Hotel California said:
To be honest i'm all for 3D if done in the right (Van Buren) style.

I'm curious. Are you saying that merely because you had higher hopes for Van Buren (original people and all that), or because you actually preferred it? It seems a lot of people have taken the "lesser of two evils" stance towards F3 these days...
Eh? There was little wrong with the Van Buren style from what I could see, it was pretty much isometric.
I also had some pretty high hopes for Van Buren, it looked ok, we knew they were sticking TB and Iso, and released info on what they were doing with it, as supposed to having not a clue as to what Beth will do.
Lazarus said:
Hotel California said:
To be honest i'm all for 3D if done in the right (Van Buren) style.

I'm curious. Are you saying that merely because you had higher hopes for Van Buren (original people and all that), or because you actually preferred it? It seems a lot of people have taken the "lesser of two evils" stance towards F3 these days...

To be honest i loved the VB graphics ever since seeing that screenshot of the two buildings, men and dogs. It totally blew me away. Every thing was right about it - it screamed Fallout. Had it as my wallpaper for weeks; fantasised about robing the Besdestha vault of VB for monthts after.

After reading the Docs i cry myself to sleep some nights :roll:
After spending countless hour in Oblivion, I conclude that the following things MUST BE FIXED:

1. Character animation. Seriously most of the NPCs walk like ghost/floating around.

2. No more "Everyone has a voice now!". Only crucial NPC has voice!

3. Fix the graphic engine. It looks nice but also a system killer (I blame the tree and grass).

4. Get rid the Havok engine. It's nothing but a gimmick IMO (and why the hell every game with Havok has the NPC died and their leg twist up thingie?) I have shitload of screenshots to prove it :lol: .
Hotel California said:
To be honest i loved the VB graphics ever since seeing that screenshot of the two buildings, men and dogs. It totally blew me away. Every thing was right about it - it screamed Fallout. Had it as my wallpaper for weeks; fantasised about robing the Besdestha vault of VB for monthts after.

After reading the Docs i cry myself to sleep some nights :roll:

It worked with new graphics, and the pics made a happy me. Isn't there a vid around somewhere too?
I would hope bethesda doesn't render a lot of grass and trees and lush environments in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
I guess it is possible to create a believable 3D wasteland environment with all the shaders/parallax mapping/etc. The real problem is the art, not the technology....
Bethesda needs to refrain from overdoing the effects and putting in nice vivid colours and shiny rocks. We are looking for a dull, dirty, faded look.
ugh how I'd hate to see tons of wavy grass in F3...
rgne said:
Bethesda needs to refrain from overdoing the effects and putting in nice vivid colours and shiny rocks. We are looking for a dull, dirty, faded look.
ugh how I'd hate to see tons of wavy grass in F3...
Which can be edited if they'd include a FCS. They included the Elder Scrolls Construction Set with Morrowind and Oblivion(PoS).
Though the oblivion one sucks when compared to the morrowind one. >_>

There's at least half a dozen texture mods for morrowind, including a "darker morrowind" mod. (which would be great for making a fallout-like landscape)
Shit. I've forgotten about FO3 after BIS was shut down, and stumbled upon some news just a couple of hours ago.

FO3 will be a mindless 'kill that, collect those, open this' semi-rpg, just like morrowind was for chance for dialogues from FO1&FO2. In the best option, they'll implement the swearing course from POS (and let's just hope that curses from the game will be loud enough to cover up the fucks and sakes I'll throw myself after launching the game).
Isometric view? No, because it would make implementing those ridiculously advanced graphics (which will run only on the high end machines of course) nigh-on-impossible, and that would make the xbox port sell bad.
Someone exclaimed hopes that only important NPCs will be envoiced, in original FO style. Unfortunately Bethesda is concerned with the majority of potential gamers who like to refrain from reading anything whenever possible.
Bethesda is a studio showing great abilities in the brand of screwing up games. I thought it's difficult to fuck up a simple racing game when it is made by a large gaming company, fortunately Beth came there to prove me wrong with it's splendid IHRA Drag Racing (or Drug Racing, a more adequate name referring to the amount of hard stuff you'd probably have to inject into yourself to make it enjoyable in a tiniest little bit).
BIS would make it on Van Buren, without any eye-candy effects but with art that builds up the atmosphere and a nonlinear story that would make us play the game again and again.
Beth's going to build a game on an undeniably lower intellectual level, with a shallow story and no gameplay at all (But hey, we'll see the power armor shine in the sun, and we'll be able to count the bullets in a deatchclaw's corpse! What a marvelous chance to see what's our radeon 94000 with 2048 vram made of!)
Some people say that FO3 wasn't killed in action yet and it might be a good game, however I can respond to these claims that Poland might as well win the championship in 2010.
Normally I'm not that bitter at's just I was a sort of a FO fanatic a couple of years ago, had all the knowledge of ins and outs earned by hardcore gaming and finishing both parts tens of times. And I just got sad a little bit when I've read what's going to happen.
G'night. :(
Oh, how I love prophets. Where would the world be if it weren't for people who know nothing claiming they know everything.

Stumbled across this site while looking for hints on where to find an electronic lockpick ingame.

My one real fear,after reading here and elsewhere,that they plan to use the Oblivion engine(whatever that means since there seems to be some disagreement on that here) is that whether by design,laziness,or because they know that pissing off the longtime fans means nothing when the twitch kiddies will spend their money on the newest action game,that the game is going to become Oblivion the post-nuclear war adventure.Far easier to just give Oblivion a graphical facelift,while keeping in all the elements that make it a putrid RPG but a wonderful mindless action game,and just renaming it Fallout 3.

I'm going to keep my fingers crossed though and hope that i'm wrong,but with double speak like"staying true to the game..and taking it in exciting new directions" it is very hard not to see this developing into a game where character skill is ripped out and your ability to mash controller buttons,or become a Kama Sutra Master with the keyboard,doesn't mean more.

The death knell will come,for me at least, for buying the game when they start talking about how cool the mini games are.