SuAside said:
i've been putting [Starship Troopers] off because i'm told he doesnt write action too well, but i'm interested in the governement form & such.
I'd concur with that evaluation. Reading Heinlein -- for all he did for Sci-Fi -- is more about reading dissertations on the soft sciences, cloaked in a thin veneer of fiction. He did have a novel approach to Sci-Fi in that he didn't give you a lecture on the mechanics of a sliding door, but rather simply said, "the door slid open," concentrating more on what it woud be like to live in the future than the hard science making it possible.
Personally, I'd say that if you're looking for well-written action you're better off w/Space Operas or Science Fantasy. Of course, finding
well-written examples in that genre is probably worthy of a grad student's research project...
SuAside said:
a lil' Q about your name though? is it related to starship troopers? in the squadbased RTS game they made it's what the power armor troops yell when you give them the order to use their jumpjets.
My name is indeed taken from the novel. Doing something "on the bounce" is doing it quickly/well. An "on the bounce" individual is a quick/sharp/skilled one.
I first read this novel when I was in the Army the first time. A felllow NCO turned me on to it, and he turned it into my nickname within a couple of weeks.
Coming back into the Army I made the term "on the bounce!" a part of my NCO persona. (All good non-commissioned officers are oscar caliber actors, in case no one ever told you.

) I find it amusing to run around yelling at troops to do things, "on the bounce, you apes!"
SuAside said:
gonna be good to brush up on my french as well
Reading it in the original, eh? You're one up on me there.
Catch-22 is another excellent choice. It's a really odd novel in that the chronology is jumbled and the last 1/4 gets a bit surreal, but the satire is undeniability hilarious. Of course it's even better if you've some military experience, but even if you don't it'll be worth your while.
If I may be so bold as to make a recommendation, I would suggest picking up a copy of Roth's
Portnoy's Complaint. It's about a Jewish lawyer undergoing psychoanalysis. You'll never look at liver quite the same way...