Summer reading

The O'Brian series is really quite good. I think I only got to the fifth or sixth book- I remember the Mauritius Command.

1984- great.
read To Kill a Mockingbird a long time ago. Are you going to see the Gegory Peck flick?

Catch-22 was great. I also enjoyed Heller's God Knows- about King David's last thoughts.

Dumas- still have to read the Count. Loved the Three Muskateers. Recently read The Club Dumas just because of that one.

Just picked up some more Cthulhu fiction (working on a short story at the moment involving Cthulhu).
World of Darkness Basic Rules; yeah, WoD 2.0 setting is less patchwork and more logical... not bad, really. Second editions of PnPs tend to suck, but this is awesome

To read during summer:
Grundlegende Techniken der organischen Chemie - Standardvorgänge der Analyse (Basic techniques of organic chemistry - standart procedures of analysis); :roll: fuck that, I do NOT study chemistry, whose idea were the set books of this semester, he?
Eine Enführung in biologische Systematik (Biological systematics & classification system); now, THAT is more interesting than that chemical crap.
Applied limnology; dito, this one is in English, though

I also think I'll re-read The Dark Tower, but only the first three ones. And I'll start reading Ovid - Ars Amatoria (no, not in Latin, even it is was fun at school)
Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy
Timeline by Michael Crichton

and currently, Autobiography of Malcolm X for the second time. Unbelievable book.
The code of Leonardo(I am buying the illustrated edition tomorrow).And the key to that book.

Popol Vuh - It is somewhere in my home, I must find it.

Myths and legends from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia - by Eruard Petiska

Norwegian myths - by R. I. Page

Ancient mysteries - a new book by Peter James and Nick Torp.

And a book about Thracian treasures(maybe the first one,that I will read), becuse I will go treasure hunting soon :twisted:
I'm currently doped on Kurt Vonnegut. Read Breakfast of champions and Slaughterhouse 5 last week. Mrs. Wooz is borrowing me some other book by him tomorrow.

Other than that, reading a lot of books about Baroque art and architecture, as I have exams soon. Boring.

Was Ist said:
And a book about Thracian treasures(maybe the first one,that I will read), becuse I will go treasure hunting soon

Sweet. I hear there are hidden Thracian jewels along some roads in Kosovo. They look like this:

Wooz said:
I'm currently doped on Kurt Vonnegut. Read Breakfast of champions and Slaughterhouse 5 last week. Mrs. Wooz is borrowing me some other book by him tomorrow.

Other than that, reading a lot of books about Baroque art and architecture, as I have exams soon. Boring.

Was Ist said:
And a book about Thracian treasures(maybe the first one,that I will read), becuse I will go treasure hunting soon

Sweet. I hear there are hidden Thracian jewels along some roads in Kosovo. They look like this:


Might I recommend Cat's Cradle? It is most excellent.
Was ist? ? ? said:
And a book about Thracian treasures(maybe the first one,that I will read), becuse I will go treasure hunting soon :twisted:
I hear the best way to find treasure is by playing in highway traffic. Go for it!
Wooz is so naughty.
Ratty said:
I hear the best way to find treasure is by playing in highway traffic. Go for it!
:D I don't think so.

I am serious about the treasure-hunting.The golden objects are waiting me.
Wooz said:

When I looked at that I had the sudden recurring image of myself holding the thing in my hands and fiddling with it as it explodes and sends bits of myself flying around as Ian scratches his head. Then this image of a helmet of power armor and some rusty menu. A hovering pointer appears and moves to "load"...then I wake up.

The Vault Dweller
welsh said:
read To Kill a Mockingbird a long time ago. Are you going to see the Gegory Peck flick?

Catch-22 was great. I also enjoyed Heller's God Knows- about King David's last thoughts.

Just picked up some more Cthulhu fiction (working on a short story at the moment involving Cthulhu).

I might see the film, but not till after I've read the book. Thats the other book I've been meaning to read, Catch 22! I love Cthulhu, I haven't read any of the fiction (Yet) but I've been playing the pnp rpg with some friends for ages.
I just read Guns Germs and Steel, by...someone, gave the book away. Won a Pullitzer and such.
Fireblade said:
Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzche

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William Shirer

America - Jon Stewart.



These are some of the books that I am presently reading myself. That's a pretty weird coincidence.

I've also been meaning to go to the library and finally read "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire", especially since I just re-read "The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century AD to the Third" by Edward N. Luttwak.
Lazarus Plus said:
I've also been meaning to go to the library and finally read "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire",

Holy crap, Gibbon's behemoth.

Well, have fun. I once bought that book, but nowadays I mostly use it to bludgeon rampaging elephants to death.
Well, have fun. I once bought that book, but nowadays I mostly use it to bludgeon rampaging elephants to death.
Yar. Even the edited version I read was 1,000 + pages I think. And hot damn, that guy really hates religion. I really wanted to stop about halfway through the fucking book.