A Smooth-Skin
The Animated Adventures? Kicks mucho butt, yes. But that futuristic Batman blows.
geekpocket said:i bet you wouldnt call batman gay to his face. cus he'd whip out some homophobe beatstick or grapplehook or something and beat you. what's a homophobe beatstick? ever been beat by a rubber hose? it's like that.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:Judging Batman by the sixties TV series is like judging Fallout by playing FOBOS.
The costumes might be closer than the movies but the rest of the show was nothing like the original comics. The dark theme of the first two Batman movies are far more accurate.Blade Runner said:That's an odd remark, requiem. In fact, shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean: the sixties tv series are much closer to the original Batman-concept (in the comics) than the later movies are. The costume is authentic (purple-blue/grey/yellow), the car, Robin's dress (hehe), the Joker, the Riddler and so on.
The later movies were an extension of the TV series, how can you not watch them and see the influence of the show? Until the Sixties, Batman was a Dark Neurotic avenger (well as dark and neurotic as the mores of the era would allow), then he lightened up. Whether that was an influence of the show or just of the times I don't know. Then in the 70's he started to get Darker and more troubled again right up to the first two films (I stopped reading the comics around 91 so I don't know what direction he went after that.)Blade Runner said:The later movies raped the original Batman-concept and setting in very much the same way as FOBOS will most probably be raping the original Fallout setting. Funny most people have no problem whatsoever with Batman's postmodern black latex sm suit or that cocooning car (you know, with them shields and stuff)? Is that because turning Batman (who was indeed as gay as a daisy in the original tv series) into a dark and neurotic crusader was a good thing to do?
Have you ever read any of the Batman comics? Rather than just watched the TV show, Films or the cartoons? Though the animated series and Batman of the Future capture the spirit of the comics, they're no substitute for stuff like Batman Year One, or The Dark Knight Returns.Blade Runner said:Pf! Lame. Leather thongs look good on women as well, but that doesn't mean that the prostitutes in a future Fallout title should be wearing them. In short: I hate the modern version of Batman even more than I hate that totally laughable sissy that goes "Kapow!" and "Crack!" in every goddamn episode. Voilà! Simply put: Batman is a joke. And since he's a modern symbol of the American dream, the American dream must be a joke as well.
Not seen Spiderman so I can't comment, but I don't think they've ever really managed to transfer comic book superheros to the big screen very well. Original Superheros invented exclusively for a movie work a lot better.Blade Runner said:The best movie about a superhero is - imo - Spiderman. Except for the bit about the spider, the story stayed pretty close to the original story which appeared in the comics.
Some of the most beautiful women in the world come from Canada, but it's alright that you're attracted to Canadian men, it's nothing to be ashamed of.Blade Runner said:I stick to my choice, though: Wolverine. He's the man. And he's Canadian. Canadians are alright. Except female Canadians, of course. Female Canadians are ugly as the night. That's a known fact.
geekpocket said:After rereading your post BladeRunner I thought of another thing. I don't think Batman is a modern symbol of the American Dream. Batman represents a lot of things; vengeance, retribution, power over ones self, but i dont think these characteristics make up the american dream. if i had to pick a superhero that was a symbol, i think superman would be better. He's the original boy scout superhero, fighting for truth, justice, mom and apple pie.
geekpocket said:Since you like Wolverine so much, what's your favorite costume/personaliy/team for him? I liked him as Patch, going up against the thugs of Madripoor. Didnt have that great a costume though. His brown costume from his early days with the X-Men was the best, i think. Wolverine is one of my favorites as well. One of the best issues is when he's with the x-men in the Hellfire Club. He gets dropped through a few floors down to the sewer. The rest of the issue shows the team getting taken out. In the last few panels it shows Wolverine getting up out of the sewer, ready to take on the Hellfire Club by himself. awesome.