Just the day, Prez? It's more like the entire WEEK. TV and news is chock full of evreything super bowl. Not to mention the fact that it's hyped by the league from day 1, right after the previous superbowl. The whole situation gets very dramatic.
yeah, theres stuff on TV the whole week but not compared to Sunday. Sunday were talking NBC,CBS,FOX,ABC,all the ESPN's, FOX Sports net, Spike TV. Good money says there will be football movies on TNT,TBS,USA, and AMC. If you didn't know about the game and you watch any TV channel that day you will be informed. I can only think of 2 other days that get press like that... Independence day and Christmas day.
Screw you guys...

I have to work...

And it's the single busiest day, meh. That's what you get when you're the best wing cook in Arizona.

P.S. Patriots by 24
I am going Patriots as well. But it would be nice to see the Giants back in action, or the Jets. I used to be a big Raider fan.

But Americans should get into soccer more. The problem is that there are too many other sports that draw their attention. Plus, I think with soccer you need to have more regular games.

Still last World Cup kicked ass. Looking forward to Germany.
I have to work, too, Dove. :cry:

This will be the first Superbowl I've ever missed (in my lifetime, of course).

'Course, I don't think many people will be renting videos on Super Bowl night.
Malk, you work in a video rental store? Cause if its like a Blockbuster or something, just put the game on those TVs that are all hanging from the cieling.
It is a Blockbuster.

Those TVs are hooked up directly to a DVD player, into which we put our "Blockbuster Entertainment Television" disc.

The same commercials and shitty music videos over and over again, all day, every day, for a month. Then we get a new disc. Repeat process.

I hate my life.
Jebus, you are such an idiot savant.

I am proud to say that I haven't watched a superbowl for four years. Hell, I haven't watched football (of either variety) for that long too.

I will never understand our communal obsession with cheering for a team that doesn't want anything more than your money. Why do you feel this connection to them? Better to spend your time on pursuits that actually matter in the real world, like the relationship with your significant other, etc.
For me, Murdoch, the Super Bowl was never about the was never about the teams, it was never about the commercials.

The Super Bowl, for me, at least, was about spending time with family and friends, huddled on a couch, telling jokes while eating nachos and chili and all kinds of messy food and sodas. Cheering when someone made an awesome play or made a really brutal hit. Laughing at the commercials and just having a good time all around.

That's why the Super Bowl is so popular, I think. It's 5 or 6 hours where you can just forget about everything, sit on the couch, get fat with your friends and fuck around.
Malk, what if brought one of those small portable tvs into work? That way, you could just get the signal off its antenna. Sure the picture might be crappy, but hey, at least you got it.
Malkavian said:
For me, Murdoch, the Super Bowl was never about the was never about the teams, it was never about the commercials.

The Super Bowl, for me, at least, was about spending time with family and friends, huddled on a couch, telling jokes while eating nachos and chili and all kinds of messy food and sodas. Cheering when someone made an awesome play or made a really brutal hit. Laughing at the commercials and just having a good time all around.

That's why the Super Bowl is so popular, I think. It's 5 or 6 hours where you can just forget about everything, sit on the couch, get fat with your friends and fuck around.

Now THAT I'll buy. Good reason.
The reason that americans don`t like soccer is that they would have been beaten to crap by practically any south american country they went upp against ,and the frenchies would probably get them too. :twisted: Atleast that is what my ex-american english teacher told us. Funny guy, and a liverpoolfan all the way, he used to come dressed all in black if liverpool lost a match, or all in liverpool clothing if they won.

As for the world cup. It is not about sitting down with friends or any stuff like that. It is about exitment, about honor, about patriotism, about loyalty, about love and hate, about sitting in the sofa and jumping high, with the adrenalin flowing through your veins, and screaaaaaaming "goal" when we score that final goal at the very last second. (yeah it does not happen often, but when it do) :D

Me? It is Liverpool and Rosenborg all the way?

Superbowl? From what I have seen from foxtrot it seems pretty big.
It's practically a holiday in the U.S.

If you like American football you might want to watch, it's broadcast mostly worldwide.

Our world cup team years ago wasn't too bad, they just aren't good enough to compete with countries that have football/soccer as the most important sport.

Personally I prefer "soccer" over american football.
Our women's soccer team dominates, at least. One of my friend's from high school is the son of Tony Dicicco, the coach of the 1999 women's world cup championship team. Wethersfield, CT baby...all the way
::looks at calender::
17 days until the Daytona 500! :)
For some, the hardest months of the year are between Febuary and August. For me, it's between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day.
I was so hungry for motorsports, I watched lawnmower racing on ESPN2. I got excited about Jason Keller's Busch team switching sponsors from Albertson's Groceries to Miller High Life. I spent more time analyzing the new Nextel Cup points system than any boring football stat. I got hyped about Toyota's entries into the Craftsman Truck series- and was shocked to learn that Darell Waltrip will field a team of Tundras in 2004.
Come Valentine's Day week, my TV will be tuned in to the Speed Channel, the volume cranked up so loud the windows will shatter, taking in the doppler effect of 40-plus carburated V8 engines, uncorked and revved up as high as the little restrictor plates will allow.
It's NASCAR time. Everything else is just a stupid game.
WOOHOO! Let's drive around in an oval for 6 hours! I sure do love me some TIDE DETERGENT!

Actually I'm just kidding, auto racing is a very difficult and accomplished sport.
Trust me, for 38 weeks, nothing else matters. :)
One of my life goals is to be on one of those "how bad have you got it?" commercials.
Bah, real racers turn left AND RIGHT! AMA superbike races are where it's at.