Supermutants for Sale

I guess he has finally SOLD OUT.

:: drumroll ::

:: laughter ::


Naw, really. Is that even legal?

He's technically selling the patches and other third party material as well. Not to mention the design which he claims "Silver Style created".

I don't believe he can legally make money from that without the permission of all involved parties -- unless he planned ahead and had everyone agree to a shady ToS.

The passwords and stuff are another issue. By submitting your data you agree to the ToS and Privacy Policy -- if the website has any.

Unless either of those explicitly stated that none of the data will be used commercially, you're not in a legal position to do anything.

I think most forum softwares claim that in the default statement, tho, so he may be violating his own terms.
Ashmo said:
He's technically selling the patches and other third party material as well. Not to mention the design which he claims "Silver Style created".


The passwords and stuff are another issue. By submitting your data you agree to the ToS and Privacy Policy -- if the website has any.

that's the point ashmo. i don't even think he asked carsten strehse or anybody else from silver style for permission. and the interplay/fallout stuff...that's out of question.

the passwords...a theme which makes me angry and other ex-smt users scared. many of them are registered in the internet with the same nicks and passwords as on supermutants. i don't know if the website had any ToS.
I contacted project already - i am not agreed with this sellout and i hope we (all the ex smt-users) can stick together in this issue and stop glowbewohner.

In my opinion, he has only the right to sell his domain, some designs and so on - nothing more. No content, no userdata, no patches etc.

Another sad day for the fallout community... :-/
i read some of the terms about canceling this shit - there might be a possibilty...

"Es ist verboten, Mailing Listen oder persönliche Informationen über Dritte bei eBay anzubieten."

means: It is not allowed to sell private information (about other persons) or mailinglists...
Then what are you waiting for? Inform the eBay folks before you find yourself subscribed to a child porn newsletter.
we are waiting for the go out of the community - we are not glowbewohner.

(we are working on it...)
we actually send an email to right now.

the main intention of this action by glowbewohner is to provoke the ex-users. it seems that he wants to make us buy the domain(s). otherwise he had not accorded some users the ebay link via icq.
did i already mention that he's a very neat corckroach? :D
Yeah, that to. Plus he's basically selling other people's property and violating the licenses of all those non-commercial tools and mods.

As an aside, tho: don't be worried about the passwords.

If he used any modern 3rd party forum or had half a brain while programming his own, the passwords are not stored in plaintext.
The passwords have most likely been MD5 hashed and had their hashs stored.

Hashs, by their nature, cannot be decrypted (hashing is not an encryption method -- hashing loses information, encryption retains information).

In theory it'd be possible to brute force generate passwords for those hashs and try them in combination with the user names or e-mails at other websites, but unless someone who hates you personally happens to buy that website, it's not a problem for you.

The bigger problem is that he is selling your e-mail adresses and you probably didn't agree to that when signing up -- try to find a cache or backup of the ToS text if you want to verify that. The Web Archive could help.

He is allowed to sell the domains and whatever code he wrote and is NOT based on third party software he didn't get the expressed permission to resell (i.e. most non-commercial/open-source forums and CMSs) for, tho.

Contact all parties whose properties he is attempting to sell. That includes Silver Style, Interplay (hah -- don't expect an answer) and PHPKIT (their ToS forbids any commercial use).

I've reported him to (which won't do anything because they only abort auctions that violate their policy in a blatantly obvious way -- may be easier in the US) and sent him a mail with a list of parties whose licenses he is violating and what he can sell legally (= the domains).

Not that that'll do much.
So he's really gone off the deep end. Well, I guess too much radiation does cause brain rot or something.
thank you for the efforts! i browsed a little bit through the web archive you linked, but i can not handle much out of this. almost every entry is furnished with a "Sorry, we can't find the archived version of this page. The URL has been archived but not indexed."
what you said about the passwords is calming down. but i don't really like the imagination that i could get some more "do you wanna larger penis"-mails the next time.
also thanks for the ebay-reporting and the email direct to mr cockroach himself! :D

by the way it seems that he updated the ebay offer with an "advice: because almost the whole content consists of patches and fanart, i allude to selling ONLY the domain and the content would be given as an extra IF WISHED."

hm, but i think this doesn't make it more legal. now he gives other people's work away instead of selling it, still not asking for permission. or do i get anything wrong?

"Cockroach - Fallout Community Pariah"

:lol: that really rocks
on the new site this victim of super-dullness will get his place of honour in the hall of shame. period.
Punck_D said:
by the way it seems that he updated the ebay offer with an "advice: because almost the whole content consists of patches and fanart, i allude to selling ONLY the domain and the content would be given as an extra IF WISHED."

That is a very tenuous "disclaimer" that wouldn't hold up in a court of law. Sure, you can buy this truck, and keep all the stolen merchandise inside of it if you wish. Bullshit.

It is amazing that he would also become retarded about copyright, including his ignorance about the community. Then you can also contact the host of, and report the auction to them and how material on the site is yours and others, which Glowbewohner is trying to sell, and that should effectively put a freeze on that account. At least it will have been frozen until such a time that you can retrieve what you need from the site.

hm, but i think this doesn't make it more legal. now he gives other people's work away instead of selling it, still not asking for permission. or do i get anything wrong?

Nope. Because now Projekt and others can legally sue for unpaid wages, material costs, material delopment, for the work they did on the site, including software, time spent working at the site to build it into a community, time and effort spent authoring articles and news items for the site, etc. etc. - then Glowbewohner's subsequent seeking of profit from it without any say of theirs. In fact, the auction sale money would be rewarded, as would several heavy copyright infringement fines. Yes, Glowbewohner has fucked up so badly, it's likely he will not even retain the domain or any profit from it after this.
So let's see who's informed now.

* I wrote an eMail to the creators of the PHPKIT a few minutes ago.
* We contacted eBay - no answer so far.
* Carsten Strehse of SSE read my PM but didn't respond yet.

Just wanted to let you know that!
and i informed :wink:
i don't know if anyone cares there, but they are hosting the site. so it's worth a try.
Wrong, Punck_D is hosting the domains, the real hosting for the files, database etc. does the sponsor,
yeh punck, keep on trying...
glow wrote something about hosting in the ebay offer, regarding to this i mailed
so will you contact
Yeah I just did. They can't do anything, or at least nothing that's legal.

I mean, they're just hosting the files.

I hope that doesn't become a job for a lawyer.

Thanks for all your support!

@projekt @ punck_d (@ all the others)
Thanks for your activity according to this mess - so much about "the death community" ;-)