Superplay Fallout 3 preview

Per said:
In terms of realism I guess, but it's also a departure from how PnP RPGs typically handle the issue. Just a little step away from the game's roots.

No necessarily, I recall some had critical misses structured in, though granted those tend to be for hitting other people/self than for another part of the enemy, but they were adaptable at the game(dungeon) master's discretion if I recall correctly.

Either way I don't really have an issue with a miss hitting somewhere else, its the implementation that bothers me. Its like you have to aim TWICE to hit the enemy. The first being a test of PLAYER-(FPS)-skills , and the second being a test of your character's weapon skills/stats. Not exactly what I want from an RPG, or an FPS. Ah well. I'd have been happier if they just went the total FPS route (and called it something else).
Lexx said:
Pope Viper said:

Because in Oblivion it was possible too.

Ok, you're in a post-apocalyptic society, 90% (guess) of the population is dead. I would imagine not every single structure has been destroyed/fallen apart, yet BS thinks that you will want to buy a house?

Pope Viper said:
Q: Can you buy a house?
A: Yes.

Um. Why?

Yeah why ? Why buy it when you could simply nuke its owner with your soopa-doopa Fatman ? Then you would have full and unlimited access granted to his toilets in order to...heal from the...stagnant water ( ftw ).
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Is buying a house that disheartening to you? Really?

Does buying a house in a post-apocalyptic ruin of Washington, D.C. even make sense? No. Sure, you can come up with convoluted excuses for it, but they're just that. Convoluted excuses. Also, it doesn't fit Fallout.

Also, no one here is saying "OMG hous 4 sale ruins teh game!" But it is damn stupid, and probably a lot of people are quite sick of head-in-the-sand apologists telling them they're not allowed to complain about anything. I've only just joined and I'm already sick of it. If you want to defend it, fine. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, no matter how rediculous. But at least provide an actual argument for why buying a freaking house isn't totally absurd.
Ok, you're in a post-apocalyptic society, 90% (guess) of the population is dead. I would imagine not every single structure has been destroyed/fallen apart, yet BS thinks that you will want to buy a house?
I guess in smaller closed settlements/communities (eg Shady Sands) properties wouldn't be in abundance. It's also probable that people would lay claim to whole areas of land and demand payment/tribute from dwellers. There's loan sharks, crime gangs and nefarious types in the setting already, why not land owners?

That being said - if you shoot said owner, you should inherit the lot and not have to pay a penny. In Oblivion you had to pay to get the key, no other way, which was retarded. Even stupider, if you butchered a family and tried to sleep in the vacant house it wouldn't let you, because; 'the bed does not belong to you' :P

I also wonder how the game will revolve if you own a house, is it just there for larpers? Or will it serve as a base of operations, for a prolonged stay in a region (eg NWN2)? In F1/F2 you never were in a place long enough to need a house, F2's car was mobile... even in the TES games houses were rather redundant, for similar reasons.
Kyuu said:
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Is buying a house that disheartening to you? Really?

Does buying a house in a post-apocalyptic ruin of Washington, D.C. even make sense? No. Sure, you can come up with convoluted excuses for it, but they're just that. Convoluted excuses. Also, it doesn't fit Fallout.

Also, no one here is saying "OMG hous 4 sale ruins teh game!" But it is damn stupid, and probably a lot of people are quite sick of head-in-the-sand apologists telling them they're not allowed to complain about anything. I've only just joined and I'm already sick of it. If you want to defend it, fine. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, no matter how rediculous. But at least provide an actual argument for why buying a freaking house isn't totally absurd.
because it's a roleplaying game

you will also be able to buy your own robopony!!!11

i hope they also include some flowers which we will have to find and then wait 2 minutes to pick it, to finally bring it back to our quest giver gaining gr8 rew4rd 4 waiting 20 minutes to pick 10 flowars

just roleplaying
In reply to Dirty Dream Designer and Kyuu

Basically what Nim82 already said. I'll agree that it seems a bit odd to include, but since the game's set in a relatively small area getting a solid "Base of operations" type of thing similar to the keep and inn in NWN2 might work. And for reasons to pay for it, like Nim82 said, protection money and/or having a place in a populous community instead of having a shack out in the wasteland.

Or it could be completely worthless and they're just including it for the hell of it. Not much info on it.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Is buying a house that disheartening to you? Really?

It's less of being disheartened and more of how the devs think it fits into the gaming world. It doesn't. It just seems like a "Hey, this worked grrrrrrrrreat in Oblivion, so let's put it in FO3. It doesn't make sense. Not at all.
Pope Viper said:
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Is buying a house that disheartening to you? Really?

It's less of being disheartened and more of how the devs think it fits into the gaming world. It doesn't. It just seems like a "Hey, this worked grrrrrrrrreat in Oblivion, so let's put it in FO3. It doesn't make sense. Not at all.
That's the thing though, we don't know how it'll fit into the Fallout 3 part of the world specifically. They might have a good reason behind it, or it could be grrrrrrrrrreat in Oblivion. Buying property in a post apocalyptic world seems a bit silly, but I could sort of see it making sense in the confines of a town/city/settlement where they'll defend your home, supply you with water, so on and so forth. Kinda what Nim82 was thinking.

On the flipside, part of why it worked in Oblivion was the fact that it never really ended. You could keep going after the main quest was done and explore dungeons and do quests and add more quests through mods so there was sort of a reason to have a place to stash piles of things, but since they've said when you finish the story of Fallout 3 the game's over. That's kind of why the quest based housing sort of like NWN2 sounds plausible to me. Since Fallout 3 is supposedly going to be more finite I imagine they'll flesh the housing out and have better reasons to get it.
Isn't it kind of telling that you have to think up excuses or possible scenarios for all these things we're hearing about before they seem reasonable? At least its a bad trend in my opinion anyway, I could be wrong but I'm a pessimist :roll:
Tora said:
Isn't it kind of telling that you have to think up excuses or possible scenarios for all these things we're hearing about before they seem reasonable? At least its a bad trend in my opinion anyway, I could be wrong but I'm a pessimist :roll:

Considering anything anyone else claims is speculation too, it hardly seems any less logical than any other claim, yeah?
xdarkyrex said:
Tora said:
Isn't it kind of telling that you have to think up excuses or possible scenarios for all these things we're hearing about before they seem reasonable? At least its a bad trend in my opinion anyway, I could be wrong but I'm a pessimist :roll:

Considering anything anyone else claims is speculation too, it hardly seems any less logical than any other claim, yeah?

Not really, if I see an ad for a new product before it comes out, its logical to evaluate it based on what I see, instead of based on 'possible other features not yet-released or mentioned'
Tora said:
xdarkyrex said:
Tora said:
Isn't it kind of telling that you have to think up excuses or possible scenarios for all these things we're hearing about before they seem reasonable? At least its a bad trend in my opinion anyway, I could be wrong but I'm a pessimist :roll:

Considering anything anyone else claims is speculation too, it hardly seems any less logical than any other claim, yeah?

Not really, if I see an ad for a new product before it comes out, its logical to evaluate it based on what I see, instead of based on 'possible other features not yet-released or mentioned'

Maybe you are taking the "advertisement" out of context then, eh?

considering we aren't given a context, reading "You get to own a house" doesn't say ANYTHING. You have NO idea how it will work. Not one tiny bit of an idea. You are speculating to make any claim about what that implies other than "you get a house". Any connection you can make from it to the quality of Fallout 3 is speculative.

So how is what everyone else is doing any different?

xdarkyrex said:
Maybe you are taking the "advertisement" out of context then, eh?

considering we aren't given a context, reading "You get to own a house" doesn't say ANYTHING. You have NO idea how it will work. Not one tiny bit of an idea. You are speculating to make any claim about what that implies other than "you get a house". Any connection you can make from it to the quality of Fallout 3 is speculative.

So how is what everyone else is doing any different?


Did you see me complaining about owning a house? :roll:
I haven't complained about THAT.

What I _have_ complained about is stuff like what the combat seems like to me and such, BASED on what we were TOLD.
'Sides If something seems out of place, and you weren't given a reason for it, it'll remain out of place until we're given a reason. And possible justifications for it NOT being out of place is speculation. Saying it seems out of place right _now_ is NOT speculation, its conclusion based on known facts.
Tora said:
'Sides If something seems out of place, and you weren't given a reason for it, it'll remain out of place until we're given a reason. And possible justifications for it NOT being out of place is speculation. Saying it seems out of place right _now_ is NOT speculation, its conclusion based on known facts.

Out of place based on what?
What have you seen that makes a house be out of place, given what you know about the house and the game.

See, you are assuming that the house will work exactly as you predict, which is an essential claim to make it out of place, considering you know NOTHING about its placement.