Supreme Commander 2 RIP

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
Anyone else dissapointed about the game ?

After playing the demo, reading some reviews and the forum it seems the game is compared to Total Anihilation and Supreme Commander 1 a step backwards.

Its not just the simplification of the resources but also the way how it seems maps and visuals have been reduced for the consoles. While I dont want to blame everything of course on the console it seems that most maps in SC 2 have only 1/3 or 1/5 the size of the old maps while there are less units and experimentals are a joke now.

Funny is how most of the oppinions on Amazon about SC2 are negative and it seems there are quite a many people with doubts on the forum.

I always hoped that the game would remain somewhat ... true. Wishfull thinking I guess ...
funny how after encountering 'SC2' in your post my mind suddenly switched to StarCraft 2 :)
Xellos said:
funny how after encountering 'SC2' in your post my mind suddenly switched to StarCraft 2 :)

Indeed, I think SC is more associated with Star Craft than Supreme Commander.
1) no more storage and adjacency bonuses

2) no more tier system, all handled through "research" options, research gets you all non-basic units such as nukes/TML/arty/experimental/some units

3) added a 3rd resource, research

4) no research options are exclusionary, you can get all upgrades

5) games generally start with 2-3 upgrades for either land/structure/air, and then making a beeline to the new "mass converters" and then spamming energy gens and research stations

6) experimentals are not "epic" like they used to be, they are mostly just super-units, and are built by "expirmental" factories, one for each type, land/sea/air other than the odd experimental that is made by engie/acu

7) as far as i can tell, there are no more SCUs

8) there are no engie stations, max of 3 engies/acu per factory, and only 1 unit can build a building, no assisting.

i miss anything?
I think that pretty much are the important points. And why it fails. For me at least.

I really liked the first game for its big maps and that it took you some time to get things started. You could have battles on Tech 1 of course. But still you had to pay some attention to your economy.

Now its very simple cause your whole resources get magicaly stored somewhere without the need to build energy and mass containers. I liked it that you could harm or destroy the economy of your enemy in the first game and he had to deal with a loos in power.