Surprise - a talk with Leon!


Does anybody know any good turn-based (present day) military strategy games with base building (and no, Civ doesn't count, it's too eco-heavy for my taste)?

I was wondering whether there any games that allow base building in real time and then switch to turn based during combat, that'd give me just what I like about RTS games but tear out the annoying action focus.

Maybe I should just install SimCity again. But I digress...
Rise Of Nations and Command And Conquer Generals comes to mind. Sorry I couldn't offer more info since I don't play much strategy games.
DarkCorp said:
Rise Of Nations and Command And Conquer Generals comes to mind. Sorry I couldn't offer more info since I don't play much strategy games.

C&C Generals is NOT turn based. I don't know anything about Rise of Nations though, although I suspect it's an RTS as well.

I'm talking about TBS or (preferably, although I doubt it exists) RTS with TB combat.
King of Creation said:
Warhammer....the table top game :wink:

Never played any of the computer games.

Let me specify my question: Any DIGITAL games?

And Warhammer does not have any base-building in it.
Oh my bad misread. I don't know of any although if you do find some make sure to tell me cause I'm interested.
I'm not taking a side of any combat system.
I just pointed few things in DarkCorp's post that didn't realy fit to rt or tb characteristics and fit more to design.
And DarkCorp, in tb game with good ai and with wide selection of actions you'd propably be pinned down whole time anyways. If game include line of sight computer bos may use areas that you can't see to constantly change locations and take you by surprise. Just an example.
It's again not specific to tb or rt realy.

Ah, and rt combat system may be used succesfuly in strategy games. For example close combat games use it and they're more deep than some tb games and I find these games quite good from tactical point of view. ... you can't build up your base there though. It's not typical "master of mouse" rts yet it's in rt.

But my point is so much depends on design. While rt and tb gives totaly different feel in game there are many things you mention in your posts ( as well as things mentioned in article from Briosafreak's link ) that I tried to point out .... with not much luck so far due to my bad english I think :P ... that can be achived in both systems if implemented well.
Does anybody know any good turn-based (present day) military strategy games with base building (and no, Civ doesn't count, it's too eco-heavy for my taste)?

Not sure if it is what you are looking for but Imperialism is a great game, if you haven't played it already.