Kahgan said:
Anack said:
Aren't as good as the old ones? New albums are POS. First listen Master of puppets or Ride the lightning, and then listen St. Anger, and then compare them. You will want to cry. I mean, not even a single solo on albuM? It's not innovation, it's nu metal shit.
obviusly, you don't know what you're talking about. period.
I have a metallica fan sitting right next to me calling you a shithead, hurrah
Really, Metallica has long since become "Angry Gimp On Drums with A Spineless Redneck Covering Drinking Songs", sound-bited and compromised by the trendy pop label mentality. The only way they could cope with what most consider to be the leaving of a good portion of their talent (Megadeth, McGovney, coke, weed, beer), and with Lars suddenly deciding he's the only one to have any decisions, was to sell out - which fit into Lars' plans nicely.
The drums are up way too much, and frankly since Metallica has become a cover band - they should now be touring high schools and retirement centers. Their music sounded better, and was at least original, when Lars was stoned enough to focus on his playing instead of whining, and when James was drunk enough to have some balls of his own. Now instead of the great music they once had, they are covering drinking songs. There is a difference between changing styles, and selling out to sound like shit. The Beatles changed with the decades - Metallica stayed the same for quite a while and stood for something for longer than many here have been alive Then they changed their formula into really unimaginative and frankly, lame-sounding ways, going back on pretty much everything they promoted and played in the past.
The Beatles didn't flip genres to try and "re-invent their sound", because they didn't have it - it was called "talent", which Metallica does not have anymore, especially, you know, when they cover drinking songs.
Metallica are generally regarded as has-beens, as the number of good songs on their albums lately are outnumbered by the formulaic shit that makes Black look brilliant (which it was in some ways, but Load was inescusable, Re-Load was just sell-out garbage). Oh, yeah, I see no reason why the majority of fans shouldn't be upset with THAT!
Kings of rock, my ass. That still belongs to the Ozzman, the Dark Prince.
Back to the topic, I am surprised nobody has mentioned Buckethead. From what I understand and hear, the lead singer of System of a Down is also the lead vocals in Buckethead.
This video is twisted, but quite amusing.