Tablets and multitouch

The tilt and button presses are registered the same way so you shouldn't have to worry about that. If one thing stops working, everything kind of does.

Since they did have clicking and jittering problems, tilting will probably also appear a bit off.

I vote for the McGyver way using tin foil. Seems to do the job.
I've decided to get a Wacom Intuos A5, either wide or 4:3, I'm not sure yet. Also, apparently the special edition (which includes an airbrush pen) is generally cheaper than the regular version. Weird.
If you have a wide screen then get the wide tablet, otherwise there's no point (although I've heard of special drivers that let you map extra controls to the unused surface).

On a separate note I've received the lcd screen I'm going to put into my tablet, but it's a laptop lcd so I have to devise a work around for getting a DVI signal into it. I'm pretty confident I can build this thing but I'm really really low on time at the moment... *sigh*
No point in Widescreen, get the A5 or the A4.

Arachnivore said:
On a separate note I've received the lcd screen I'm going to put into my tablet, but it's a laptop lcd so I have to devise a work around for getting a DVI signal into it. I'm pretty confident I can build this thing but I'm really really low on time at the moment... *sigh*


There's no point in having a second monitor for graphic work if it's going to be an LCD pieceashit. You should work on a CRT flat-surface monitor, as LCD screens sharp enough to do graphic work are unbelievably expensive.
Wooz said:

There's no point in having a second monitor for graphic work if it's going to be an LCD pieceashit. You should work on a CRT flat-surface monitor, as LCD screens sharp enough to do graphic work are unbelievably expensive.
First of all; how do you expect me to fit a CRT into a graphic tablet?

Secondly; The LCD I got was a 15" 1600x1200 laptop lcd for $30 (USD) on eBay. It's got better dpi than I've ever seen on a CRT.

Thirdly; I'm planning on using this thing mostly for engineering programs. I like to do graphics stuff when I have time but I'm no professional and I don't have a very critical eye.

The only real concern I have is that the color is 18-bit (nearly all laptop LCDs are 18-bit) rather than 24-bit. Laptops usually compensate for this by dithering the picture witch can apparently simulate 16.2 million colors (24-bit => 16.7 million colors) although I'm not sure where that number comes from.
I'm only going to use the tablet for product design sketching, not for replacing the mouse, and since it feels a lot more natural to draw horizontally than vertically I'm going for an Intuos3 A5 wide, special edition if it's actually cheaper.
Arachnivore said:
First of all; how do you expect me to fit a CRT into a graphic tablet?

Oh, right, you're into that home-made Cintiq-thing. I thought the "put into my tablet" thing was a typo.