What an ugly beast! Mutation knows no mercy!
nyibelunger said:
quite impressive, almost same as my mental representation of metzger.
Thanks nyi.
nyibelunger said:
It needs only one thing to perfection and it is movement of body during his speech.
What movement? Besides, it has been already discussed: talk animation is repeated all the time, so animating things other than jaw and lips will cause weird results. ALL original THs have talk animation done in this way - so far no one posted any proof that I'm wrong.
* But I'm waiting, since I must finish with textures.
Been considering for a while changing body's position little a bit for angry, neutral, and happy, but then again - do the original THs act in this way?
* If not, then why bother with it?

Not to mention that you don't see body at all (it's not next-gen crap obviously

), so everything may look weird. The only thing that could somehow work is the shoulder-pad(s) shake for Shake or Nod thingy, but then again I have no idea when engine is using them. In the same way as blink? Maybe between talk sequences? I don't know.
*In both cases I don't care about muties, or zombies - only humans count