Tax the Church-

Taxing the Church?

In Croatia, Catholic priests get paid generously from the government budget. They drive around in BMWs and have sex with underaged boys when they aren't busy spouting ultranationalist hatred in sermons and holding masses for condemned war criminals and Nazi collaborators. Influence they exercise over government policies is tremendous, as are the profits they make selling shitty right-wing fundamentalist magazines.

Taxing the Church?

When I look at the Catholic Church in Croatia now and consider what they represent, I can't help but long for the good old days of rigid anticlerical socialism, when priests were persecuted for sticking their noses into matters that don't concern them, and religious practices were confined to where they belong - privacy of people's homes.

Taxing the Church?

Oh, yes, tax them, by all means. But besides taxing them, realize the astounding societal power of the clergy, acknowledge the potential for misuse of that power and make them legally accountable for their words and actions, both on and off the pulpit.
In Sweden the Supreme Court just recently declared it legal to make hate speeches, as long as you do it in a religious context. Supposedly, overriding EU legislation then makes it fall under freedom of speech/religion.
I think I'm gonna be sick.

Not that I already felt this way about the matter. Welsh here has just given me a lot more info than I already had.

Sadly, I hate admitting this, though Churches should NOT be taxed if this continues to go on I think I support a tax. Why? Well the idea of churches not being taxed came from the fact that "church = religion" and thus is separate from government and untaxable. If the churches suddenly become "social institutions" that govern all areas of their worshippers lives then that makes them a part of government. Dont blame me. To me there breaking a sacred belief that God and government are separate and dont think I only believe that, because its in the constitution.

Anyone who disagrees can go read the Old Testament book of Kings and the last chapter of the book before it. (The last chapter in the book before it is actually a summary of what happens.) That should tell you what God thinks of people who think elected officials are elected from God when in fact they were elected by people.

The Vault Dweller


I will fight you on this Mr. Uskglass. Try me.
Anyways. Newsflash, Europe got over the feudal system some time ago. Its methods, while understandable at the time, have absolutely no place in modern society.
True. Close to my argument.

What you fail to grasp is that most of the posts here highliten the abuses of religion in society thourough the ages. Nobody's saying that religion isn't something important for society, just pointing out the dangers of flock mentality which always lead to misery.
Humph. I still don't see how this is abuse Wooz. These Churches are independant minded, and likeminded congregationalists flock to churches with clergy they agree with: the clergy tend to preach to the converted politically.

It doesn't take the Khmer Rouge to despise ass-evangelists such as Pat Robertson, masters in building hyperstructures of power and fear with old ladies' checks. If you don't see what's wrong with this man's actions, juxtaposed with Christ's teachings, you can't evin begin to claim you understood anything in the Bible.
I do see what's wrong, but I don't like judging him: even if it's not his intention he does do some good.

If Pat Robertson is Christian, then I am Captain Kirk. Hell, most "Churches" in the states are based on bucolically stupid fundaments, reading the Word Of God out of a hat, to name one.
Hey, I ain't no Mormon, and I ain't been in a Church for the purpose of praying in years.
Ratty said:
Taxing the Church?

In Croatia, Catholic priests get paid generously from the government budget. They drive around in BMWs and have sex with underaged boys when they aren't busy spouting ultranationalist hatred in sermons and holding masses for condemned war criminals and Nazi collaborators. Influence they exercise over government policies is tremendous, as are the profits they make selling shitty right-wing fundamentalist magazines.

Taxing the Church?

When I look at the Catholic Church in Croatia now and consider what they represent, I can't help but long for the good old days of rigid anticlerical socialism, when priests were persecuted for sticking their noses into matters that don't concern them, and religious practices were confined to where they belong - privacy of people's homes.

Taxing the Church?

Oh, yes, tax them, by all means. But besides taxing them, realize the astounding societal power of the clergy, acknowledge the potential for misuse of that power and make them legally accountable for their words and actions, both on and off the pulpit.

You forgot to mention that most of them are hardcore alcoholics.
CCR said:
I do see what's wrong, but I don't like judging him: even if it's not his intention he does do some good.

Such as, for instance?
If one nation starts taxing the church, it won't be long before countries that aren't influenced very heavily at all by religion will be taxing the church aswell.

Go for it.

edit: coherency
PRetty often these Evangelists happen to encourage people to take an interest in Africa and the like. Not THAT bad.

John, don't be foolish. When Evengalists support tyrants like Mobutu or Doe, where they begin owning shares in diamond mines, and when they tell the poor bastards working their planations that God wants them to suffer because it's good for their soul, than you've got to start wondering what's up with the Evengelists.

Someone is making a profit and last I heard God doesn't need a diamond mine.

Ok, so maybe that's just the leaders- the Jimmy Swaggarts, the Pat Robinsons. But then what about the poor fools that follow them because, after all- those leaders must be good men because God loves them.


I say tax the church.
John, don't be foolish. When Evengalists support tyrants like Mobutu or Doe, where they begin owning shares in diamond mines, and when they tell the poor bastards working their planations that God wants them to suffer because it's good for their soul, than you've got to start wondering what's up with the Evengelists.
News to me. Only it is not. Everyone and their mother exploits Africa. Last time I checked you where not screaming about taxing Farmers because of agricultural subsidies.

Ok, so maybe that's just the leaders- the Jimmy Swaggarts, the Pat Robinsons. But then what about the poor fools that follow them because, after all- those leaders must be good men because God loves them.
Folks like Pat Robinsons are idealouges first and Churchmen second. Remember the days when folks like Pat Robertson talked of the Seperation of Church and State making people like Martin Luther King unamerican?
News to you? You might want to read up on William Reno- Warlord Politics and Africa. He's rather unkind to evengelicals.

And I posted about that here, oh, years ago.

As for screaming about farm subsidies- yeah, I scream about that too. But not here. Somethings I do for a dissertation.

As for Pat Robinson, Jimmy Swaggart, and other evengelicals being ideologues- Everyone who is a leader is an ideologue of their own ideas. Some of them get rich in the process.

I don't like crooks. I don't like dishonesty, and I don't like people getting rich by selling God.

As far as I am concerned, if you sell God, you sell a service. And if you make a profit, than you pay taxes on the profit.

An ideologue for God should get no more protection than an ideologue for Adam Smith or Karl Marx.

I just believe in fairness.
John Uskglass said:
He does not exist, just made up the name as an example.

But it still stands: I'd trust a man of the Cloth rather then a Celebrity in terms of politics any day, for the simple reason that one requires education and a certain amount of connection with the real world.

Then you are a fool, because that "man of the cloth" is nothing but a con man that uses popularity to get money. So does the celebrity. The bottom line is: you and millions of others are too naive to see that BOTH are actors, only that one doesn't dishonestly portray his roles. Can you figure out which one that is?

I would also trust the celebrity more, depending upon whom they are, as many celebrities have to get popular from their own work. That is something many celebrities and EVERY evangelist is fraudulent at, in using someone else's popularity as a crutch to make money.

So, then you would trust a fraudulent actor, over the actor that might just be a cabbage. Sheep to a shepherd...

The difference is, one of the above has use to this world as entertainment for homosexuals,
So does that make Unitarian churches the worst of both worlds?

Only if Streisand is performing the mass. :D

while the other makes cash off of abusing the teachings of the Bible, as does EVERY evangelist.
To be fair, the only word I disagree with in that sentence is 'every', but I still don't see why they are worse then celebrities.

Celebrities, while they may have ego, don't defraud the people who are following them. People expect the celebrity to play roles, be in the spotlight, yadda yadda yadda. They don't expect the guy on TV preaching God to be taking their money and abusing it.

The fact is, there is no purpose for evangelism, PERIOD. Local churches can work in a church structure with others in their structure if they are affiliated, and if a local church wants to work with a charity - it is up to their clergy and their people. A nation-wide minister is not in it for spreading the word of God, he's in it for spreading his face around. Just try to show me a humble televangelist. None? Thank you, as none of them follow the teachings they use to berate others to make money off of the word of God.

Again, both the evangelist and the actor are both acting to get your money, but only one is doing it for fraudulent reasons.

They rouse people into giving them cash over denigrating others and for feeling good along with the other sheep in the congregation, but they really don't see what their money is truly going to.
No, they don't, and I largely agree, even if I do think some evangelists occasionally do do good.

Like what? Denigrate one set of people while using a tragedy as an excuse to leech off more money? Then use a portion of that money to use it as a photo op?

Yeah, they preserved literacy and heritage, by putting it solely in the church and king's hands.
Do Frankish peasants just magically become literate without the blah blah blah...

This was already debunked, but I have to add the irony that millions of Americans apparently rely on having someone else read the bible to them, as they are incapable of reading and understanding it themselves.

No, they purposefully kept the people ignorant because it served their needs and the needs of the king, and you can't quite get everyone's attention and control over them when there are people bright enough to figure out the plot holes in the bible, or for that matter, how the then current incarnation of the church or the "God-appointed ruler" was not following the teachings of Christ in any form whatsoever.
Congratulation! Wow, you should really tell the world this stuff! Why don't you nail your Theses to the door of Castle Church!

This is common knowledge for anyone who is familiar with REAL medieval study outside of LARPS and what little popular myth the common person knows. Sorry if it comes as a shock to you.

Stability is required for growth, and growth through that time lead to the modern age. Many people tried alternatives to the Feudal system, such as Wat Tyler, Angelo da Clareno, the Bogomils, the Cathars, but they fucked up. Medieval society evolved on it's own, and the Church did prove to be a source of stability during that age.

Yeah, especially for England. And Spain. :roll:

Such stability as putting those who are strange or in the way of a religious leader's ambitions on trial and burning them for being a witch. Such stability that led to people leaving countries to float over an ocean because of religious persecution.

Look, guys, you may think this all sounds cute and funny, and that in spite of every lesson of the post-1789 world that religion is somehow not essential to society or is some kind of moneymaking scheme, but this is not going to happen, and you will all have to get past that.

You will have to do quite a bit better than that, since every lesson since the fucking Crusades has proven that religions are usually little but differently-colored pock marks on the world's ass. It has been scholars, not priests, that have moved this world forward, because the educated are intelligent and wise enough to look beyond the dogma, and are bright enough to imagine themselves behind someone else's eyes. The religions with people who wisely follow what is taught (what a concept, something that Christianity has NEVER been capable of since Jesus) are founded and upheld by people who are more legitimately scholars as well. About the best any part of the Christian church could come to higher thinking would be Creationism, and that is just more church dogma to bicker over while they don't bother to follow their own scripture.

So if they can't follow their own teachings and are going to be a church in name only, to make money, then they are a fucking business. That is it.
Hopefully this is a reasonable gravidig. I'm in an argumentation course now and i have an assignment to analyze arguments from a current controversy. Naturally, the best way to do this is to look back at some old Welsh threads. This is by far my favorite. Even though i liked the Economist article here, it really doesn't mention anything specific on taxing the church. So, I did some research and found a decent page containing several articles about topic:

I haven't read this one yet but the title appears to be relevant: