Team Xbox Fallout 3 preview

lisac2k said:
What's the point of a new racing tire if it's useless on the track?

To sell it in the States. There people actually go to races for the crashes.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the average american consumer.
OK, let's see what Gavin Carter, Lead Producer has to say about the V.A.T.S. (taken from the In-depth Interview)

Gavin Carter said:
(2:34) So we came up with this system called Vaultec Assisted Targeting System which is shortened-- Its short name is V.A.T.S. - VATS allows you basically, within any combat situation, at any moment you want, you can pause time, you can examine your combat situation, then you can use action points to do certain actions, such as "I wanna target this guy's leg and then I wanna shoot his head". Ahm so, you spend your action points, ahm, you queue those up, and then you press the VATS button and engage VATS mode, and computer takes over. Based on your skill, you, you witness the outcome of that.
Now, I agree with Beth's PR - it is a new system, I haven't seen that in a game before. I doubt it's revolutionary, since probably most of the players will avoid using it and consider it annoyance (or how you put it "a stupid gimmick feature with absolutely no use for any damn gaming experience").

Meaning, we're returning to the point where this dialogue started - it's all about sticking their fingers in our pockets, selling us something we don't need (car salesmen, anyone?)
I wouldn't say it's a completely new system, as the only thing new about it is the AP restrictions and specific aiming. KOTOR I and II both used a RTwP system where you could pause, queue up moves, and unpause to watch them get played out automatically based on your skills and stats. Also, I don't know if most players will avoid it. I, for one, will try to use it simply because of the aimed shots it allows. And even RTwP and queued shots beats RT shooting in my book, as I'm an RPG player...not an FPS player.

And it still doesn't seem 100% clear as to whether aiming in RT will allow you to actually aim (with your crosshairs) at the various body parts and get the same debilitating effects as this paused aiming. Only time will tell.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
I bet Toddie really takes "getting into character" way to serious and does it from a golden toilet the studio bought after releasing horse armor.

Cut it out with these inane personal attacks. Sorrow, I'm looking at you too.
Hi guys, I'm new around here, and I figured I should introduce myself. I've checked in on the website quite a few times over the past years, but hadn't registered for the forums till now..

I'm an avid fallout 1 and 2 fan (didnt like fot much) and in case you're wondering, yes, I prefer isometric views and the ability to shoot children in the groin with a 9mm mauser pistol if I should want to. (in a RPG)

Like many of the rest of you, I've been waiting for a worthy successor to the fallout legacy for some time, and unless I'm gravely mistaken this travesty that they're calling FO3 is definitely not it. Action-RPG my butt!

anyway, I don't want to start ranting too hard in my first post on here so I'll get to the point:

yevinorion said:
And it still doesn't seem 100% clear as to whether aiming in RT will allow you to actually aim (with your crosshairs) at the various body parts and get the same debilitating effects as this paused aiming. Only time will tell.

As a classic FPS gamer, I think it would be a major step backward in gameplay for an FPS game of any sort to drop the ability to make headshots in real time. I love older FPS games like quake 2, but they are sadly lacking when it comes to the thrills of making a really great shot and snuffing someone with a slug in the eye.

There's nothing quite as lame as shooting an enemy in the foot only to watch them grab their face in a silly preset death animation and fall over.

on the other hand..

For an RPG with guns, the ability to run through it in real time without ever using an "aimed" shot pretty much negates the gameplay benefits of having stats. (and the purpose of having character skills and levels or the letters RPG in its description)

with that said, I really doubt that anyone at Bethesda realizes that their "innovative" combat system is going to completely make or break this game.

They seem to be of the opinion that if they stick in a bunch of fallouty looking content (AKA shit they ripped out of FO to try and make their game look something like it..) everyone will just eat up the "setting" and "atmosphere" and forget about the completely retarded gameplay.

This probably stems from their repeatedly proven inability to actually understand what the fans of the original game(s) loved about Fallout.
lisa said:
Now, I agree with Beth's PR - it is a new system, I haven't seen that in a game before.
Ehm, actually, it works the same way all Bioware games work: it's classic real-time with pause. You pause the game, give orders and then the computer shows you the results.
Sander said:
lisa said:
Now, I agree with Beth's PR - it is a new system, I haven't seen that in a game before.
Ehm, actually, it works the same way all Bioware games work: it's classic real-time with pause. You pause the game, give orders and then the computer shows you the results.
Yes, yes... Clarification: haven't seen the game using RTwP + assigning APs during the pause.
yevinorion said:
Only time will tell.
Yep, about time to finish speculating about it. At least for me.
The way i think VATS system will work.

You walk in FPS view, you see an enemy, you target the enemy and press VATS button. The screen will zoom in on targeted enemy and you can use the "aim shot". When you use the aim shot you will use some AP and do the action, but you will not get out of VATS system till you have 0 AP or you deactivate it.

Im not sure if you will be able to target different enemies in one VATS session.
Futurity said:
The way i think VATS system will work.

You walk in FPS view, you see an enemy, you target the enemy and press VATS button. The screen will zoom in on targeted enemy and you can use the "aim shot". When you use the aim shot you will use some AP and do the action, but you will not get out of VATS system till you have 0 AP or you deactivate it.

Im not sure if you will be able to target different enemies in one VATS session.
Yes, you can target multiple enemies in one 'session'. The system works through queueing your actions.
Sander said:
Yes, you can target multiple enemies in one 'session'. The system works through queueing your actions.

Essentially just like the one in KOTOR (but with AP and targeting).

My real question is...what other actions can take place while in VATS? Can we access inventory? Use items (healing items, stat boosting drugs, etc)?

Basically, I'm hoping there's still a lot to this system that we don't know about yet. If what we know is the full extent of it, then I'll be severely disappointed.
yevinorion said:
Use items (healing items
Only if you happen to be standing next to a toilet.. hehe, just kidding :p

yevinorion said:
My real question is...what other actions can take place while in VATS? Can we access inventory? Use items (healing items, stat boosting drugs, etc)?

Basically, I'm hoping there's still a lot to this system that we don't know about yet. If what we know is the full extent of it, then I'll be severely disappointed.
Dont know the answer to that, i have read most articles / previews, and cannot remember having seen the VATS system presented in any detail. That said, i could naturally have missed it, if i have, im sure someone will correct me ASAP :)
I haven't seen much detail on VATS either in all my preview reading. So my guess is, the basics that we know are all that is available to know.

I just hope, as I previously stated, that what we do know isn't all of it.
I am starting to imagine Todd Howard's house being like Saddam Hussein's. Golden toilets and doorhandles, tasteless wall paintings of women riding daedric warhammers.
Perhaps, just to make all actions influence VATS in combat, if you move, access inventory, fire a gun, or use an item, AP should be used (or, maybe make accessing the inventory activate the VATS system, just to make time stop). And, I'm talking seriously about this. All of a sudden, I'm craving Fallout, and my computer refuses to play FO1 and 2. So, I'm effectively going insane.
Performing actions in RT does affect your AP. If you can access the inventory in VATS it would probably use AP too. One cool think about VATS is that when you turn it on it makes the old combat toggle sound from FO1/2.
Mori said:
Performing actions in RT does affect your AP. If you can access the inventory in VATS it would probably use AP too.
That's some neat pure speculation, there. Hell, for as far as we know accessing your inventory in VATS doesn't even cost AP.
Mori said:
Performing actions in RT does affect your AP. If you can access the inventory in VATS it would probably use AP too.

One cool think about VATS is that when you turn it on it makes the old combat toggle sound from FO1/2.

So, this is the resemblance to FOs original combat they were talking about ;d