Telefragged do Pete

Nothing like ignoring the past of the Fallout community, enduring the bastard children that were Fallout Tactics and Fallout: BOS. Not to mention what their respective developers said about their games as well.

HayT's obviously gloating over his "inside scoop" over at the Something Awful forums, being the one to release tidbits of information to them and leading them in insulting the core fanbase. Perhaps we should team up and pay for a Something Awful account for Rosh (if he doesn't have one), so he can go over there and talk to HayT.

HayT's being really professional about this whole thing, making sure we trust Bethesda and all. I wonder if he's held accountable to a superior at Bethesda who can tell him how stupid he's being on the internet.
Mr. Teatime said:
Someone needs to tell me what HayT and Ropekid say after page 13. I couldn't access further, they wanted me to pay to access a forum.

There really isn't much after that page anyway, it's just people bandwagoning with a very occasional post pertaining to the actual game. I thought you has an account there anyway?

Hayt is a nice guy, don't anyone go bashing him just yet. IIRC he's a mod or admin at their forums as well, and he's only reacting to the influx of people the same way we'd react to to a huge rush of Morrowind fans coming over here, so I wouldn't take the comments too seriously

I don't think he has any plans to post here for the same reason J.E. didn't - ie, he doesn't think anything he could say would get any positive response no matter what, and that he'd just be getting insulted left and right for his trouble. Maybe that would happen, maybe not - Puuk and Briareus were pretty well recieved if I recall - but we definitely aren't going to get him or any other Bethesda devs to post here and talk with us if we start flinging insults right off the bat. I suggest we stick to commenting on and criticizing the info we get rather than the people involved. Remember the cliche, "You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar".
Based on the fact that I had to keep this secret, you can trust that even if I knew any details on the project, I wouldn't really be able to talk about them. I imagine at some point, we're going to be doing some hiring. I also imagine a lot of decisions are going to be made - some of which I have no doubt will piss people off.

Lost any doubts just by reading that he was already making fun of us BEFORE the reactions became more loud, but seeing that sentence i have no doubt who those decisions are going to piss off. It`s us alright. He doesn`t have a clue what he just got himself up.
Briosafreak said:
Based on the fact that I had to keep this secret, you can trust that even if I knew any details on the project, I wouldn't really be able to talk about them. I imagine at some point, we're going to be doing some hiring. I also imagine a lot of decisions are going to be made - some of which I have no doubt will piss people off.

Lost any doubts just by reading that he was already making fun of us BEFORE the reactions became more loud, but seeing that sentence i have no doubt who those decisions are going to piss off. It`s us alright. He doesn`t have a clue what he just got himself up.

This blows...hard.....the fucker even admitted he had never played FO2. Yea, huge fan.

BTW: JE posted this in the thread. Apparently VB multiplayer mock-up

Finger: The diehard Fallout fans are demanding that Fallout 3 take place from a top-down view and that its combat will be turn-based. I've read many comments that say it's not Fallout without these elements. What can you say to those fans right now to ease their minds?

Pete Hines: Until we show the game itself, nothing we say will ease their minds.

How about you just tell us you're actually going to make Fallout 3 a Fallout game by having topdown, 3rd person isometric view, with turn based combat? That would certainly ease my mind, and I'm sure it would ease everyone elses.

Oh....and guess what....I feel the need to say this yet again:


edit: that screen shot makes me want to cry... :( ..something awesome which we'll never have anything close too.
Jesus Christ, there's enough bile in this thread to fill a lake. "Jumping the gun" comes to mind.
We should post a newsbit with something like this:

Hey Fallout fans come and look what Bethesda thinks of you, in the words of one of their Developers on the SA forum:
Hardcore Fallout fans are already registering accounts on the Elder Scrolls forums for the sole purpose of telling us how much we suck, and that this is the worst decision in the history of the industry. Hooray!

I felt a little guilty posting this, knowing that ropekid was going to see it. I certainly understand his frustration, and I hope that we don't let him down.

To the folks asking us to not make Fallout just like Morrowind:
Gee, thanks. We never would've thought of that, had you not mentioned it. I was already writing up design docs that included entire plot lines about cliffracers; I guess maybe now I'll get rid of those, thanks to your quick thinking.

Edit: I tried to register an account at NMA to tell them how much we appreciate their support, but I never got the confirmation Email. Looks like their forums are down now, so no big loss I guess.[...]
I am desperately trying to keep up with everything being posted here, on the official forums, NMA, and a few other places. (I stopped reading RPG codex because it made my head hurt.)

I also need to find time to play through Fallout 2 now, which is a game I never got to. Don't know when the hell that's going to happen, as I'm a little behind on work as it is.

Edit: personal thought - I find it fascinating that so many people simply assume we're going to re-texture Morrowind, change a few lines of dialogue, and release a new game. Aside from the fact that I've already said we recognize that the Fallout world is one QUITE different from the Elder Scrolls, I know all too well where Morrowind fell short, and I assure you that we're quite capable of learning from it.[...]
Thanks for all the words of support, folks.

The SuperNerds are already demanding answers about how the game's going to play (they're clogging up my oh-so-pristine, military-state-run, official forums right now, with their fluids and diseases) and the fucking ink on the deal isn't even dry yet.

Based on the fact that I had to keep this secret, you can trust that even if I knew any details on the project, I wouldn't really be able to talk about them. I imagine at some point, we're going to be doing some hiring. I also imagine a lot of decisions are going to be made - some of which I have no doubt will piss people off.

I guess all I can say for now is that I really hope we can put together something that lives up to (realistic) expectations. I, for one, am very excited to have a chance to work on something that's so fundamentally different from Morrowind.
Yeah, you'd think the Gamespot interview would've calmed them down some, but now they're more angry than ever. NERD RAGE!

And to the dozens of posts of members of the SA like these ones:
Can someone explain why there is still a Fallout community and why it appears to be full of some of the most pessimistic, xenophobic, and generally fanatical people ever?
After calming down and actually reading the thread, I have to say I don't care about perspective, and I don't care about the combat system, as long as I can once again roam post-apocalyptic America in a TRUE, story-driven RPG.
That's easy: All of the normal people are no longer a part of the "Fallout Community", they're just fans of the games. The people who are a part of the "Fallout Community" have been refined and distilled over time into glittering gems of hatred.
I'm sure the project is in capable hands and I'm curious to see how this comes out. I can't wait to see the setting (like does this take place during/after/shortly after the epilogue of Fallout 2 or Fallout:BOS). WIll there be Reavers or the Calculator's Robots at all... that kind of thing.
I can't wait to take up my old mantle of the "charismatic pussy who can barely hold a gun".

Our friend the Bethesda developer showed how happy he was and that he was going to show the posts to the colleagues in the office by mail.

We at NMA welcome the Bethesda developer and wish him the best luck for HIS FIRST game of Fallout2.

$5 says that the multiple dialouge options confuse him.

and damn straight were bitter, after the way Interplay kept fucking us over.
Bradylama said:
Way to add fuel to Pete's fire, guys.

Oh, fuck off. The entire time this has been going on you've been standing on the sidelines making little asinine comments.

Shove it, dude. If you don't have anything productive to add, don't add anything at all.
jaberwocki said:
I think I might hayt him.

Mwahahaha, I'm sorry but that was so simple and yet it still made me laugh :). I agree, this Hayt guy seems to be reacting rather childish to our uproar. While I understand that many find our actions to be a little extreme, we at least raise viable arguments. He seems to have simply been reduced to name calling. I want JE back. At least he was able to ride the wave :(. Whether you guys liked him or not, he's always awesome in my book :).
Bradylama said:
Way to add fuel to Pete's fire, guys.

Only he's not paid to light a bonfire, is he? Or he might be, but then I've misunderstood the point of PR.
They are complaining because people joined their forums and said they didn't like their game.

Shit, I didn't know we have to like Morrowind in order to talk about what we want in a FO3.

We at NMA welcome the Bethesda developer and wish him the best luck for HIS FIRST game of Fallout2

as I said, HUGE fans over there.

Makes you wonder if he has played FO:BOS