The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
As some of you may have noticed in the past NMA reported on the television show "Jericho" due to it's post-apocalyptic nature and supposedly good quality.
Recently the show was canceled after only the first season. The fans angered by what they deem to be an unfair and inexplainable move by the CBS executives have mobilized and started a campaign to get the show back on air and voice their displeasure.
Many of you may be fans of the show and even if you are not, as I am, you will be fairly impressed by the level of fanaticism of such fans. They may remind you of our movement here.
If you wish to help them or are just curious you can see their site here:
Jericho Lives
I'd like to say that after seeing just how much work they've been doing I'd like to watch the show now inspite of hardly watching any television. Perhaps they are on to something.
Special thanks to one Revdrjflash for reporting this to NMA.
The Vault Dweller
Recently the show was canceled after only the first season. The fans angered by what they deem to be an unfair and inexplainable move by the CBS executives have mobilized and started a campaign to get the show back on air and voice their displeasure.
Many of you may be fans of the show and even if you are not, as I am, you will be fairly impressed by the level of fanaticism of such fans. They may remind you of our movement here.
If you wish to help them or are just curious you can see their site here:
Jericho Lives
I'd like to say that after seeing just how much work they've been doing I'd like to watch the show now inspite of hardly watching any television. Perhaps they are on to something.
Special thanks to one Revdrjflash for reporting this to NMA.
The Vault Dweller