# They knew exact time fallout will arrive and could enter a mine seconds before it started to descent - what a stupidity, it's very hard to predict fallout pattern with exact measuring (many natives living on Pacific Ocean islands have their experience with nuclear bomb tests and unpredictable fallout patterns).
# They survived in the mine without any ventilation and with air full of dust.
# Radioactivity from fallout was prevented by applying duct tape on the windows (I always thought rad. rays are reduced by sheer mass and density of the material, but somehow, modern American science can use duct tape these days).
# They had barbecue hours after fallout descent (which is always considered as the most dangerous time) and fallout was generally treated like water - it falls down and disappears (Bush-like physics).
# They used oil (petrol) as if it wasn't scarce more than human life.
1. They didn't know exactly when, they figured the most of the Fallout from Denver would come down with the storm that was coming from Denver, and they assumed the storm was coming in about 2 hours as it usually does, the rain falling down the second he closed the door to his cellar shelter, I will agree was a little cheesy.
2. STUPID, if you payed attention at all you will have heard him ask and be positively replied that the MINE HAD VENTILATION, and water. What makes you think the air was full of dust? Didn't look like they were kicking any up to me. (water was prob used to keep that from happening in the mine at all times anyway.
3. The rain wasn't radioactive, and the dectape and crap was just a precautionary measure, no one is actually dumb enough to think that will help that much, its just to help keep any from leaking through the windows.
4. That barbeque was safe because the rain was not tainted with radioactivity, maybe Denver was hit by a hydrogen bomb, and less radioactive, or the fallout and mostly settled before the storm picked it up.
5. Oil? whats makes you think that? They used gas and diesel for important purposes like running the hospital or cars for scouting out for news. Sure they maybe used some on the food, but thats better than letting it all spoil.