TES Fixer-Upper to Help Make F:NV


Night Watchman
Staff member
A talented and experienced modder, Jorge "Oscuro" Salgado, joined Obsidian Entertainment fairly recently to help with developing Fallout: New Vegas. He is quoted as being extremely knowledgable about the TES editor and scripting, and is renowned for developing the <s>epic level spell</s> game re-balancing mod Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. I guess it's good to have a man knowing how to right wrongs on board.

Link: The Vault

Thanks Ausir!
So, a person that actually knows how to make things right is on the team. I'm happy, since he knows what annoys people most and perhaps he'll be able to prevent some common mistakes that the devs do.
This is pretty cool. Oscuro pretty much removed the one thing I didn't like about Oblivion, the level scaling. This is kinds like what Valve does, hiring out really good modders.
This is good news. Jorge is quite skilled not just in the TESIV Editor, but also in fields of game design and balance. Not to mention the details in OOO that made the game world seem more alive and diverse.
It's nice to see that this modder's work got rewarded with a job in developing F:NV. I got disappointed when I heard Mark Morgan wasn't scoring in, but now I got my hopes again.

Thanks for the good news :clap:
OakTable said:
This is pretty cool. Oscuro pretty much removed the one thing I didn't like about Oblivion, the level scaling. This is kinds like what Valve does, hiring out really good modders.

I agree, they should have picked him up sooner
Since F3'd enginge is basically Oblivion's engine, yeah. He also happens to be knowledgable in terms of game balance and economy.
This is a wonderful news. Oscuro is a great modder.Now if only Morgan was on board and it would really be almost perfect . ).
Pfft, they should have picked up Timeslip or the Unofficial Oblivion/Morrowind/Fallout 3 patch teams! This is good enough, though.

Just so long as they never hire AlienSlof.
aenemic said:
makes you wonder why they didn't pick him up earlier though.
Assuming that he's on the QA team, it makes sense that they would pick him up around when they started doing QA work. It's promising but I hope that they continue to support NV post release, allowing him to finish his work making the game as pleasant for the customer as possible.
I don't recall raging boners being a feature in any of her mods. Sure, there's lots of fetish stuff in there, but the quality of it is only surpassed by creativity.

And unlike many other mods, she actually tries to work the mods into the TESverse.