Deathclaw Chameleon
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Ok, so there's a lot of opinions of who the good guys and bad guys are in FNV, personally I prefer NCR to legion, cause they're not as malicious. The NCR try to do what's best but they don't and they cause a lot of problems. At least they aint racist for that matter as there are Ghouls that have become veteran rangers. The legion on the other hand try to imitate the ancient Romans but want control more than anything and kill what they don't like. They seem grateful however for services you provide, but they're definitely villainous. Mr. House; he wants to conrtol New Vegas and wants it to be the way he has it. I'm not even sure if he is the actual Mr.House as he has been suggested to be the brother. But he has lived long and no one should cheat death, so he had his days. Yes Man; I've not tried his quests but as far as I know, he's a kiss-ass who works for the more powerful person, but he does have an enlightening personality for sure. So none are truly good yet truly bad, and the only certain faction/person to side with is up to you, whatever you think's best for the Mojave; because you're the main protagonist, and a protagonist is destined for greatness in Fallout New Vegas.