John Uskglass said:
Forgive me if I do not break my back to become an apologist for an ideology that resulted in the deaths of a hundred million people in only a century.
*waves hand dismissively*
Such an argument could be made for a number of ideologies, including Christianity, Islam and, hell, capitalism. Survival of the fittest isn't cushy either. Colonialism under the dual flags of "spreading Christianity" and "becoming really rich since, hell, we're stronger than these natives anyway, tally-ho" would've burned a much richer scar on the face of the planet had they the means to, but they lacked such means. Hell, want to make an estimate how many people died of this grand enlightened ideology we call capitalism anyway?
You tend to get so many things confused and go bleary-eyed at the mention of any kind of social program, it's hard to even know where to begin. For you, Tolstoj's anarcho-pacifism equals Bakunin's violent revolutional preaching equals Leninism-Marxism equals Roosevelt's New Deal equals recent developments in South America.
Granted, I'm no fan of it either and think these developments, especially since South America has been thundering in the opposite direction, will be harmful. Especially since the general tendency seems to be for the only type of communism ever tried and tested: a dictatorial father-knows-best state with a healthy hint of opression and murder. No wonder it doesn't work, ey?
But instead of foaming at the mouth and making pointless gestures such as leering at communists, declaring their ideology dead, declaring their country dead (excuse me for assuming you have a flawed view on this. You consider Russia dead because you want it to be so. Most people don't), don't you think the more useful question is why Socialism is spreading so richly in America's own back yard, in which the US has spread a fairly efficient ideology of capitalism? Hmmm? Thoughts?
John Uskglass said:
Stupid socialists have always used America as an excuse for the inevitable failure that is their ideology.
Excuse me? You forgot the Cold War? You declared war on the ideology. According to you, you won, especially thanks to Reagen's efforts in some peoples' minds. But yet it is unfair if they claim they lost (in part or not) because you did indeed declare that war on them?
The blade cuts both ways. Use some logic.
John Uskglass said:
And I'm the one with the anti-corporate sig, you have P.J. O'Rourke. Do you even know who he is?
Yes, he's funny.
Did it occur to you I have the sig because I agree with what it says, not because I love the quote's author? Again with the single-mindedness.