The Battle

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-00 AT 01:54PM (GMT)[p]"Fang I know that this battle is important to you but sin't your squad more important," He looked towards the unconcious Cozma. Fang yhad gone off with the others. He doubted that this was really flame. If there could be a Cozma replica thanks to some technology then there could be a Flame too. Fang suspected that the enemy didn't want him there and had used this oppertunity to remove him from the battle. But what if this was really Flame. Cozma's weapon would not of hurt Fang who now had his helmet on.

"fang save your friend," Will whispered to him.
"I'm on it," Fang said "But what about those mutants artillery canoons on their way here. They'll cripple us"

Fang rose and walked over to Cozma who now had his weapon pointed at Flame's head. Fang considered his options. He dedcided it was worth a try at attacking Cozma. He had given Flame up for lost years ago and he had already emotionaly handled it. He could easily do it again. Fang considered which weapon would do the job best. He chose the Fang and drew it. He put the sword several feet in front of Cozma's face and readied to stab him.
"You'll never stab me with it you're too slow. Fang had the trick ready for the imposter of Cozma. He slipped one fionger off of the handle and hit a concealed button on the sword. It released a charge of electricity at the speed of a plasma rifle at Cozma's Face. It was quick, too quick for Cozma who was insentely knocked back by the force and the charge. Fang went for his weapon but Cozma, knowig it was his only chance, was reluctant to let go. Fang turned the weapon taking Cozma's arm with it and then locking some Martial arts arm lock in. Fang forced upon it as the rest of the group were clearly in trouble and the canons were soon approaching. Fang grabbed the weapon as Cozma screamed from the pain. Fang was ready to shoot but Cozma slipped his finger on a stealth Boy
"I'll be back Fang, Just trust me," With that Cozma could be heard running as well as Fang launching several random shots with his rifle.

"Flame are you ok?" Fang asked the unconcious figure who seemed to be recovering. fang helped him up and pulled him free of the ropes and gag. Fang hugged him and passed him his Solar Blaster and a suit of Brotherhood armour that had belonged to Flame before they were lost. Fang had retrieved it from the main base as he had all the prized possetions of his group. The armour was still as shiny and new as it was several years back.

Flame put it on there was no doubt now that this was the real Flame.
"Fang i have information for you,"
"Tell me after we win the battle," Fang replied as he resumed his position firing with the rest of the group. Flame joined too.

OOC: I recently had a problem with the PC i use the internet on and couldn't get on here. But it's okay now, I hope that explains why i haven't bee posting. Flame's profile will be here as soon as i make it which will be as soon as i've checked over all the posts i'm involved in on this site. Good postin'

"It seems that while some can heed the call and rise above it all most just run away, but no matter how many rise above the masses will always destroy them right.-Marcus Fallout 2
A red-dot appeared on the head of a mutant in the artillery squad......
"Alright ya damn mutiez.....It'z now time for ya one-way trip...." mutters Insane to himself. In a split second, the mutant's head turned to a blob of blood and tissues. The remaining mutants in the group suddendly got into a crazy rage and starts firing the artilleries to any moving creature, friend or foe, men or children alike. A stray hit the roof of the president mansion, revealing the hiding place of Insane.
"Over there! Kill Him!"
"Wrottsh.." the sick sound of a burst of 5mm ammo tearing a solidier apart were heard.....
Reptile: (thinks) Shit this is chaos i'll need to get another weivpoint at this.... But he didnt end the tought before the whole place turned out o be someting like hell explosions everyvere. Reptile had'nt seen anything like this since the chaotich battle of texas months ago.
And there up on the hillside there were a bunch of freaking artillerys.

He did see a enemy solidier in a powerarmor of some sort.
Reptile: Shit that place is Insanes sniping spot he'll get machinegun up his ass if i dont do something..... Reptile quickly run to the door and took out a tactical plastic explosive..... "lets see if what he'll do about this" he did start sneaking up to get behind the powerarmor guy...

Insane was taking aim on a mutant near the artillery....

Reptile was close enough to attatch the explosives to the armor and do a run for it..... But the powerarmor guy must have heard something he did turn around......
Reptile: I am fucked....

But the whole roof did explode the power armor guy did fall down and landed on Reptile the bad guy tried to kill Reptile. But Reptile were faster he did stick the rifle up to the badguys helmet and "Showwh..Schrach" the whole helmet and head exploded as the 2mm Ec bullet at the speed of light chruched trough the badguys helmet.....

Insane: shit! I better get down from here everyone will see me here... He did throw himself down the stairs and did see reptile trying to take on a power armor..... and armed whit a gaussrifle...
Reptile: FUUC.......!!!!!!!!
They did nearly fly trough t wall as the explosions did tear the building apart......

And everyting turned out to be black for Reptile Insane did still move.......
Karl had blacked out again but this time he felt worse, the choas seemed to stem from bad to worse and now with a crippled leg and barely enough .223 he was in not such a good fighting condition. If only he could get word to that Ranger(?) outpost then maybe he'll be to warn California of this new mutant threat.
Unbeknown to the others (Will, Fang etc.) he had found Karl Brigand was a Slave Ranger, he had contacts all over the east from NCR to the Hub. His comrades needed him. If only he could survive this battle and seek out Will and the others maybe, just maybe they'll be able to help.

Bad Luck: This is hotting up!
OOC: HI id like to join but its a little late, maybe someone who is part of the brother hood of steal could say they radioed for help and ill come in with a platoon.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-00 AT 03:26AM (GMT)[p]"Wake up Reptile! Hey wake up!" Insane yelled straight into Reptile's ears, but of no avail.
"Shit.....Butcher! Where'z the medic?"
"He's long dead!! But his gear is still with me!!"
"Throw me a Psycho and Stimpack!!! Reptile'z down!"
After getting his hands on the drugs, Insane jammed them into Reptile, hoping to recover him. Meanwhile, the plasma fire continues.
Reptile: hmmm what were am I...
Insane: He talks.... Are you okay???
Reptile: Think so but my body hurt as hell....
Butcher: Look out!!!! There is a guy whit a minigun´...

Both Insane and Butcher dives for cover as the air is filled whit 5mm bullets.....

Insane: (over the gunfire) SHIT HE HAZ US HERE!!!!
Butcher: I CANT HEAR YOU!!!!!

Reptile that been left back sees the minigunner it is a big and ugly guy in combat armor... Reptile slowly takes the gaussrifle and takes aim...
Minigunner: SHIT HE MOVES *he tryes to shoot reptile but too late. The first 2mm EC goes trough he legg the second trough the arm and the last trough the chest....

Insane: Reptile is Ok......
Karl could see two of the people he was looking for, one of the men were called Insane, the other, Reptile.
"Hey?" Bellowed Karl in agony.
ooc-I had the coolest idea. You know how Fallout Tatics will have a mission editor. Well, I can't think of anything better than turning this into a mission! What do you all think?
Great idea!! I would love to get in on this story, can someone say they called for back up or something and Ill come in with a squad of bos troops.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-00 AT 02:10PM (GMT)[p]"Hey!!" yelles Karl," Do you have any stimpack and .223s!!"
"What? I can't hear you! The plasma cannons are defening us!!!" bellowed Reptile.
"If only we have more manpower and firepower.........then we can go rush those artalleries!" screamed Insane, with a plasma shot landing just 2-3 meters to him.
Suddendly a very different explosion was heard from a far. Some figures appeared near the mutant artallery and starts slaguatering them.
"Here they are finally!" said Fang, smi,ling under his helmet.

OOC: Hope in this way LtBecker can join......if u guys don't like it, trash the post.
OOC: ick to crowded on the right... Ok im not sure where everybody is so im going to start where i know sombody is...
oops almost forgot me profile...
Name: Alexia
Age: 22
Faction: BOS Nova Ops special unit
Hair: Black
Eye: right brown left cybernetic
Skills: Combat (specialty heavy weapons), Repair, Driving, and Science
Equip: 14mm specialty SMG, Combat Knife, x2 10mm SMG, Bozar, x4 C4, x5 dynamite, x2 .223 pistol, Black power armor with Special Ops Insignia, x4 stimpacks, x3 mentats, Medkit, .223 ammo, 14mm ammo, 10mm ammo, picture of wife
righty then on to my person...
IC-“SHIT IT IS MADNESS OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” is all Alexia could hear over the blasts of artillery the rattle of machine guns and the fusillade of pistols in the courtyard…
Wearing black power armor Alexia stepped into the courtyard quickly dropping a running mutant with a 15 round burst from his 14mm SMG. The rounds exploding inside of him splattering his carcass all over walls of the courtyard. The blasting artillery was deafening and he could hear almost nothing but a few soldiers sitting by the wreckage of an APC. Alexia ran over to them noticing one of them was hurt badly very badly.
“WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE!?” Shouted Alexia towards one of the men that was trying to help him. (OOC: Ok I this is supposed to be Aleho, Karl, and Fang not sure where you guys are…) The man shrugged as Alexia took another look at him he noticed that the man was wearing BOS power armor. “Hmm he should be a good soldier then” whispered Alexia to himself. Before he could ask what the mans condition was a blast of plasma flattened a nearby tower.
“WE NEED TO GET THIS MAN OUT OF HERE!” Alexia shouted at the two soldiers who where still looking at him like he was some sort of demon…
“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!” the power armor wearing man asked.
“NAME IS ALEXIA IM PART OF NOVA OPS!” Alexia stabbed the injured man with a stimpack “CAN YOU HELP ME GET THIS MAN OUT OF HERE?”
“NO!” the man answered. Then the man jumped up fired a couple rounds into the air. “WHERE TO BUSY HOLDING OFF THE MUTIES YOU TAKE HIM! GET HIM AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE WE WILL COVER YOU!” With that the man popped up again and fired at nothing in particular…

OOC: hope I didn’t do something stupid I’m new at this board…
You guys seem not to be posting, are you getting bored? Should we speed it up to inside the vault? (To where my char is?)
I don't know but, that Hummer high-speed combat, the sniper shooting Fang,the funny part when they fought the gang, the scence with Neo and the girl all seemed more fun than this drawn-out combat.
And don't take this in a rude way, cause I know you all are very good writers.
Fang, do you have the information about power armor?
And for you new people, I am the person who wrote for Neo, thought up the idea of Santa Rosilita (the warehouse), and Alamo (the city that the battle is going on).
And what ever happens... this is one hell of a story.
RE: The Battle OOC

Well i'v been away a lot on the hollyday and that have surely some1 else also been...... but u are right the story did lose much of the "something little extra" and more then that after a few posts in the combat.... And the combat is also way to big as fast as one guy moves down one threath everybodey have invented 10 new problems that all needs 3 posts to be solved... it doesnt just work should we restart from somewere and speed it up this time???

OOC: Sorry i haven't been posting, i was busy finishing my Fan Fic to put it into the contest and then the Fallout P & P rules for Miroslav. I'm still working on those rules but i'll be back a bit more soon. anyway here goes a little battle post to try and get us out of combat, or me at least

IC: "We better get out o' here," fang called "Those artillery are nearly here. We have to move!!!"

"Where to," Reptile screamed at him, the two were right next to each other. Fang, Flame and Reptile had moved over to the APC, Will and Karl were still behind the rocks firing.

"How about the vault?" Fang said
"it'll be hard!!" flame called back
"Why?" The other two asked Fang still trying to treat the injured guy.

"They took me down there," Flame said "I was blindfolded, i was put into a..." A shot from a rocket launcher landed near the group they were just able to jump out of the way. "...cold room they kept me in there, the vault was quite deep, al i know is there's something not right down there, if we go we had better be careful,"

"What about the Santa Anna, He's still alive isn't he?" Fang asked. The group tried to figure out some sort of a solution. "Those artillery are nearly in range," fang said pointing to the mutant vehicles coming ever closer. "i Don't know if we can survive here for much longer."

"How about another round of explosives?" Reptile asked
"I Don't think that would work," fang said
The group sat still firing one or two shots now and then.

"I'm not sure about this but when i was young i was sure that they taught us something about plasma detonation, let me try to remember..." Alexia said "i think there was a type of generator that emits some sort of a wave of pulse that will detonate stuff, Any ideas!!!"

Everyone looked at the new guy, the others began introducing themselves but Fang looked like he was doing something else sat exactly in the same position not moving. His power armour was actually more like Advanced Power Armour MKII the brotherhood had captured. He was using the HUD (Heads Up Display) He had displayed this new troops profile on his screen. Then, seeing that this guy was really a good guy he moved forward and shook his hand.

"I learnt something about those generators too." Fang stated "But there too complicated to make,"

Reptile suggested retreating but they were unsure how to go about this. Fang thought he could get to a nearby building, "We get inside!" He ordered

They all ran for the building. They didn't stop or notice what was happening until they were inside. Fang walked to a window and through out a grenade at the open ground in the middle of the battle. Will looked toward the explosion and then the building it had seemed to come from. Then he saw Fang slightly leaning out of the window, his helmet was now back on but he still had the special markings. And Reptile was besdie him.

Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
OCC:Looks like LtBecker is not joining so trash my previous post....And I guess we maybe dragging the battle a bit long. And where is everybody's position?
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-01 AT 11:18AM (GMT)[p]OOC:Reptile, Flame, Alexia and I are in the building, i don't know where you are. Will is down under the cover , everyone else i'm not sure.


"How do we get out?" Reptile asked.
"I'm sure that this building leads into the sewers!" Fang said
"Where will we go from there?" Alexia asked
"Well we could head back to the farm," fang suggested
"or we could attack the palace through the sewers," Reptile added
"Well let's just get out of here to anywhere!" fang said leaving the room

"what about Will and the others!" Reptile asked
"i'll think of something!" was Fang's reply

They followed Fang into the sewers, It took quite a while to get down there. Fang found a manhole going into the sewers. Fang climbed down slowly followed by the other three. As the Flame hit the ground Fang pulled him and Alexia down into the smelly disgustiing sewer, Reptile just stoof there. But several seconds later fang grabbed his foot and pulled him in. They were all wearing mask on their faces with air circulators in their suits and so they were able to survive under water. Fang moved his arm up to Flmae and linked it to his arm through some device. This way they were able to contact each other.

"There were troops approaching us!" Fang told him
"that's why you pulled us down here?"
"Indeed!" fang replied
"what now?" Flame asked.
"We get up behind them!" fang said

With that Fang dislinked and motinoed the group to swim and follow him. They moved pover to the edge and climbed out. They suprised the troops weapons ready and sluaghtered them with bursts from all their weapons capable. Fang had a miningun firing the others any weapons they could. As the bodies dies they took everything of value and through them into the sewers were their bodies would rot

"Let's have a look at this," fang said hacking into a pip boy he'd found

Major Hackshaw
This is Santa Anna i'm in the vault now. We have sealed off the main doors but there is a secret enterance through the sewers. We need you to go there and reinforce it. Make sure that no body can get in. The city above us will be flattened by the Mutant artillery. Once this is done we can escape back to Mutania where we can plan our strike.

Fang showed it to the rest of his group. "We head there fang said pointing to where the secret enterance was on a map provided. Next they went to attack the vault.

"If we could get out of the vault main eneterance then perhaps we could leave for this Mutania and strike there. The name suggests Mutants. However the Brotherhood have a base near here we would have to get there first. Perhaps we could kill Santa Anna in the vault as well. But we need someone to go get the rest of the group and one person to get the hummer and take it to the vault main eneterance. And another to get the DPV the APC was destroyed. Then when we fall out of the Vault main enterance we'll have a quick escape. If we kill Santa Anna then there are likely to be some real pissed off Brotherhood rebels," Fang briefed them

"brotherhood rebels," Reptile said "ow yes, well how come they don't all wear power armour?" Reptile asked

"Well from what i can tell," Fang said looking at the data storage device while they walked "They're a lot bigger than we though turns out that they were just the top division. We thought they were the whole army. They are a lot bigger than we thought. Anyway let's get to that vault Fang said heading for the enterance.

"now one of you's going to have to go back, Any volunteers?" fang asked

OOC: I have some plans for the vault and Santa Anna. And by the way Santa Annas our big boss so don't kill him yet.

Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
OOC: As I've stated before, Karl Brigand ain't going to be alive for much longer so as soon as everyone goes to the Vault the better, I say.
OOC: Dam it! This is the second time I’ve had to get another username because their/my computer fucked up. I put in my password (from the email they sent) and their server says it’s incorrect. Oh well… just had to rant. Oh yeah, it’s me Squigee Goober. And the new name is Sargent_Squigee if you couldn’t tell.

Neo is in the jail of Santa Anna’s mansion.

IC: No footsteps could be heard in the jail’s barren hallway. Just the way Neo had wanted it… Most of the guards were protecting Santa Anna while he was saying his speech. There was nobody to stop an invasion from the inside. Neo recited Santa Anna’s name as he opened his pack. Santa Anna… almost sounded like Satan Anna…

While Neo was just hanging around at the farm, he had looked over Dellapenyas’s map one more time. It had a message on the backside about what Dellapenyas’s goals before he would die. Dellapenyas knew death was a probably when he joined the resistance. All of the objectives were crossed out with the exception of number five and six. It read…

#5 Meet Sargent Squigee and teach my recruits their battle tactics.
#6 Free the prisoners at Santa Anna’s mansion. That asset would increase the resistance numbers tenfold since Santa Anna’s prisoners are only political.

It had taken over an hour to silently take out the few jail guards (without the alarm going off). Quite an accomplishment for one man... All the prisoners were so weary from malnutrition that they did not even notice the guard’s absence. As Neo was fumbling in the darkness for the keys on the guards, he saw someone looking at him… it was Rick. Right as Neo was about to tell Rick about how Vivian survived, a large group bust his stealthy operation. Neo was sweating uncontrollably at this large group finding out his location and ruining all his hard work. He started to dive for a hiding spot but saw none in the hallway. But luckily… it was his friends. These friends would help Neo get into the vault and find out why his grandfather would do such a thing. It was just a few minutes before Neo would step into a vault for the first time.

OOC: I’m not sure if I said this but when we end this I hope that you can put as good of an ending as Invasion of Texas.
Good work everyone. This is turning out to be awesome.