The Battle

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RE: Question here

Well i have find it hard to take miss.Sexy serious no offense but a half naked woman armed whit a gaussrifle wandering around in a vault filled whit all kind off badasses...........
anyway Mr t got everything quite fine there and besides that feel fre to join T when u want... but i wouldnt start a armor shop here this time if i was u....

RE: Question here

OOC: hi again guys. Thanks for looking over my post. I intended that Miss sexy wasn't like any of us that have played fallout with commom sense like to put armour on. I intended her to be a bit more non combatitive. And she'll learn about her mistakes the hard way. anyway i have something to do now i'll post IC later. I've never been good at opening stories let's just hope i get a little better.
RE: Question here

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-01 AT 08:42PM (GMT)[p]DIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!


Insane: Holy shit.....No wonder Bob alwayz sayz that the brakez are the most important....And my headsetz were screwed up! Lemme check what can I get from thiz level.....Only a mezzy storeroom and the lift!?

Insane then walks into the lift and pressed "2". The lift door opens and a human figure appeared in front of him, and Insane's noses immidateily starts bleeding.....(Com'n he's a normal man....)
Insane: (Buzily trying to stop the bleeding....huh) Freeze! What the hell are ya doin here!?
Miss Sexy: I should had been the one asking that! Anyway, I'm a prisoner kept here and I am trying to escape.
Insane: (Still buzily trying to stop the bleeding....)I zee I zee....Zorry for bein so...err.....agrezzive. I'm one of the so called "rebalz"....I'm lookin for a group of guyz with a few of 'em on Power Armor, did ya zee'em?
Miss Sexy: Well no but......


Insane: (Done!) Shhhhh! The mutantz are ruzhing towardz here! There'z no way to hide and we gotta embush'em! Can ya help me?
Miss Sexy: Well I can't say no....Oh yea...your name?

Insane: Insane. And you?

OOC:Hope you dun mind me using ya char~~~don't like it then trash my post. BTW, you make me think of that "Monica" in slient scope...hehe
And that Bob refers to "Bob Used Cars" in FO1.
Haha, very funny Reptile, you're just a regular Gallagher...

And you're supposed to reply with...

"You think Gallagher is funny?"
OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

Why has posting in "The Battle" stopped? Are we waiting for Miss Sexxy to rewrite her post? Is she still even around?

What about Max and the others, who started out in "South of the Border," but just aren't around anymore. Has Karl died yet? Is someone composing some bang-up post that's taking awhile? How did "Aleho" become "Reptile?"

I'd be much obliged if you had any answers for me. I've been eager to get into it, but I don't want to introduce a character so soon after Miss Sexxy, as it would ruin story continuity. Plus, I've been debating about which character to use. One is "Ton," a super-mutant whose personality is best likened to if Mr. T and Andrew Dice Clay were dipped together. The other is "Joss," a disgraced field-agent for a technological society whose only real purpose is the gathering of pre-war knowledge, avoiding his enemies, and the occaisional mission from his superiors. Of course, Ton would be more unconventional, and probably more fun, but Joss would fit in easier with the storylines and characters on the board (and if, like "Invasion of Texas" spawned "South of the Border," this post spawns a psuedo-sequel, Joss would lend himself perfectly to the creation/continutation of a storyline.)

Any answers for me, either concerning the questions in the beginning of the post, or which character I should use (remember, I am a decent writer, but am new to this kind of writing), then do tell, please.

Oh, and get back to whacking each others brains out! That's an order, soldiers!
RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

Aleho wa my original but then again i wanted Reptile back and now i mostly use(d) him... and i dunno why it stopped but i would like Neo Will and Fang to start posting once more...
but well the fighting here might did become too big and not so fallout compatible anymore..

RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

I guess it's because that "The Battle" started in the middle of the Summer Holiday and so it went damn fast at that time.....
I guess the next poster maybe open a new topic, this is gettin a bit long to load.......
RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

New Topic, as in Battle Part 2 or perhaps a real new thread?
RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

I'm still around. I was actually gonna post. Does anyone know what happened to squigee. Do you think we should E-mail him. I was left without Internet access and know how limiting it feels. I was really worried about The Battle and that i was missing it. Should we wait for him. He was a decent guy. If we E-mail him he'll tell us if he quit.

To Yamu:
Why not think up another character called Yamu. It's much easier that way. Neo was ok because spelling out Sergeant Squigee all the time gets annoying. Try to base the character on both. You could make him a little like a clever guy like Myron but way tougher (that's assuming you consider him weak). Sort of like i made out that Cozma was. Except not a traitor.

To Mister T
We (Or at least i wouldn't) give up all the hard work and time we've put into South of the border and the battle without giving it a decent ending. And that ending isn't gonna happen for some time.

We're gonna need to make another post like the battle but against the mutsnts in the next town (Mutantania wasn't it, something like that i can't think) Taking into account what happened to the battle. when it's done we can have another big break and then make a sequel

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Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

Yeah there was point about "it was started in the summer" we had a lot more time back then.... should be mailed he did put a helluva work on this.... and the starter Will?
well if a story can get as many post as this did it sure needs an ending....
but i am as empty as Myrons brain right now so i don't wanna start posting and it shouldnt be made a fanfic by someone either.....

Reptile [that cant spell and does'nt know grammar for a shit]
RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

OOC: I'm still here

Miss Sexy pulls Insane out of the way and slips through a sequene of coridoors trying to get out of the way of the approaching mutant patrol.

"Exsuces me do you have some sort of armour i can put on?" Miss Sexy asks Insane.

Insane shakes his head, still clenching his nose

"Come on," She whisperes pulling him on along the coridoor. "There's something up ahead," She says looking forward.

Thet wonder what it could be trying to decide whether to jump into the shadows and hide ot stay there and greet them
RE: OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!! C'mon, people!!!

Insane: Thiz iz no good......we can now decide to run and hide, or greet'em here, readied. And I think that there'z zome armor on the ztoreroom upztairz.

Miss Sexy: Well lets see what do we hav with us. Only a gauss and some 2mms.

Insane: A 7.62 rev. That stuff ya see on my back waz damaged and I don't have the toolz to repair it.

Miss Sexy: Then I guess we'll need to run and hide then.

They peeped through the corners of the coridoors and found that the both the black shadows and mutie patrol is comin near, surrounding them.

Insane: No choise, we're zurrounded, Diu! Letz hope that those black blurz are not enemiez.......

OOC: Do you guyz want me to join up with ya big group? If yes then those black blurs will be you guyz.