The big deal about not being able to play past the end?


First time out of the vault
Just listened to both the Giant Bombcast and Rebel FM where the hosts complained about not being able to play the game past the ending, and honestly, I'm a bit perplexed as to why this is such big issue. I'd hate to be called an Obsidian apologist, but given how there's a lot to decide in that last stretch, I can totally understand how making a DLC pack expanding on the ending would be a more daunting task than making Broken Steel for Fallout 3 given that the Gamebryo engine's scripting is rather infamous for its stumbles in causality.

Much as I like those podcasts, is it really that big of an issue to save before that ending sequence (where they tell you with 300 feet tall neon letters "THIS IS THE END SEQUENCE"), and, you know, not play the ending until those DLC packs come out?

And for anyone who has a computer with the horses (and half a brain), there *is* a rather popular mod that lets you play past the ending (something I've nonetheless found a bit redundant given the above).
I don't get it either. It's an extremely idiotic complain considering that the only way to let you play after the end would be to bring you back before the last quest and locking out the option to start said quest. So what's the difference with making manually a save?
Because then you can free roam! because as you know you can't free roam before the last quest so it's vital!!!!

Yes I don't get the complain either, I prefer reloading a save before the battle than my actions have no relebance, there are too many variables for them to release a single DLC that takes them all into account to apply chanegs based on your actions.
People don't seem to get that while New Vegas is an open sandbox game it's also focused on story and that the game is over once the story is over. Especially since the player's path actually has an imminent effect on the ending and the world around.
Can you imagine the work that would go into making the game playable after the ending?
This isn't an ending that only has two possible outcomes, this is an ending that has several... And all of them effect the landscape pretty dramatically.
You'd have to have a DLC that keeps in mind that each ending has at LEAST one MAJOR faction pushed out of the game.

The independent ending would probably pose the most difficulty with this because you push both NCR and the Legion out of New Vegas.

I just can't see it being worth the time to do.
Why would you want such a thing anyway? It's over. The game is -over-. The end. Finite. Every Beth game (or 10$ DLC) that lets you play after the end usually had one or two little things that changed, such as the Dreamers waking in Morrowind or the dragon statue in Oblivion. Your actions had almost no consequences.

New Vegas lets you reshape the politics of the Wasteland as you see fit. What's the point of playing afterwards? It's done. The majority of the quests would make no sense, or the questgivers would be just dead/rioting/enslaved. A save is automatically created before the ending, ffs, it's not that hard to high-tail it out of here and go about your business. If it interferes in your role-playing (lol), just tell yourself that the armies need some time to prepare for the massive battle about to ensue.
Also, peopel are asking for a DLC that would basicaly make more than half of the Quests Fail automaticaly, unless you choose the NCR path, it's to hard to save before going to the last battle of Hoover Dam? Neither the Blade of the East nor Oliver's Uniform are wroth doign all of that, and if you are on PC and you want them so badly you can always just use console commands.
..........not to mention the biggest problem such DLC would create. Because of the numerous ways to shape the Mojave after the second battle at the dam there could not be one canon ending and i don't think Schrödinger's cat-like canon would sit well in my stomach.
An actual, proper expansion pack that did this would be pretty cool. Provided, y'know, you actually planned for it from the get go, but that would probably work better in a sort of 'episodic gaming' idea, though I'm not sure how that would work in an open sandbox game. But you'd still have an end, unless you planned on supporting it forever.
I am REALLY glad that there was no thought of an expansion dlc. It would have ruined the game IF it was even possible. Try not to think of broken steel and how everyone still treats you like shit even though you saved the whole capitol wasteland from like 3 huge problems (Water, Enclave, Super Mutants to an extent).
agiel7 said:
Much as I like those podcasts, is it really that big of an issue to save before that ending sequence (where they tell you with 300 feet tall neon letters "THIS IS THE END SEQUENCE"), and, you know, not play the ending until those DLC packs come out?

The best part is they even need to make the latest patch (1.4) create an automatic save, because people simply continue without reading the warning. And that warning box is huge!
It's astonishing. :shock:

I don't get the big deal either, OK, let's suppose the game continues. What in hell you will do in the Wasteland? There's no more quests to persue.
So you need to use your imagination and, say it, collect every buffalo gourd seed available in the Mojave for example.

You can do this before the game ends too. :roll:
Why would you want to continue playing after the end anyway? most quests would be done and New Vegas has terrible exploration so there would be no real need for that.