The Book of Sunrise

Mossed Neuronn

First time out of the vault

Good Morning, Folks!

My name is Moss and I'm making a game called The Book of Sunrise. I'm using Unity Engine for the prototype and it looks like I will use it for the actual game. Since it's a turn-based CPRG it will probably be interesting for the NMA audience. Currently I'm working on the prototype and the overall art style of the game.

So I've come here to share some progress with you.

Some core statements:
- steampunk-fantasy CRPG
- party-based
- turn-based
- dialogues and stuff
- top-view orthographic camera
- gameplay customization with "home rules"
- cookies
- random generation of some game elements
- optional roguelike mode
Core statements is a subject to change during the preproduction.

You can check some concept art:

Screenshots of the prototype:

And also download this prototype for Windows, or Mac OS X, or even Linux.

I would be very glad to hear your thoughts about this small demo. Fell free to tell me what you doesn't like or like in this prototype. Keep in mind that it's not a final game and not even a game (actually), I just testing things with it, so let's test them together! Such as: what kind of proportions characters should have, how fast they should run, how the player will interact with the game world and so on. Also this demo helps me with the final technical design.

You are very welcome to the web page or the forum of the game if you want a little bit more info.

Thank You for the attention!

And I definitely should say:
Sorry for my English. I hope I posted it in the right forum.
I expected that there might be deep intention of using CRPG...

anyway good luck with making game.
woo1108, thank you for kind words.

Just noticed that some of people might recognize CRPG as a Classic RPG. If you think about it in that way you are probably right in that case.

Also I have launched forum where you can find more info about the game: So if you have some interest, you are very welcome.
I look at the first concept art and. . .


Of course, I don't want to be too petty. Your minimalist, keyed-down colors art style in the actual game looks very nice.


"-dialogues and stuff
-random generation of some game elements

Makes me feel like my gif.

I'm not the right guy to ask about this though. If I wasn't trying to be not too critical, since this is your baby and since we're on a forum where I feel I need to show some class, my intense dislike for anything japanese or anything that is like it would be. . . you get the gist. I hope you'll be successful when it does come to your target audience.
Akratus, thank you for the response.
To be short: it's ok. It was tough decision for me to make a game with such a gameplay with anime-related graphics. And it still a question so any suggestions, critique or comments are welcome.
This demo does not represent final graphics and I think I will make separate proto to find right visual appearance.

Anyway there is a new update with new build:
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

In this update:
- Added background music (you can check it out on SoundCloud)
- Added sound effects
- Added looting system
- Added usable inventory items

New screenshots:

I'm going to prototype combat with the next build, so I'll be glad to hear your thoughts about optional real-time mode (with active pause).

(Should I update links in the top post for the newest builds?)
No, I mean computer RPG, and I think it is differ from console RPGs(especially JRPG or F(or T)PS-RPG.
the graphics make it seem like a JRPG

most people here on this forum prefer the WRPG or "western" style RPG, not the asian style.
"Turn-based" is just one attribute of the type of CRPG these forums prefer.

The rest of your game's qualities stray far away from that preference.
TheWesDude said:
the graphics make it seem like a JRPG

most people here on this forum prefer the WRPG or "western" style RPG, not the asian style.
I think it't not a matter of graphic...
it's matter of genre.
for most JRPG, it's mostly stroy driven game, the story forces player to do something linear. so for me, most of WRPG of these days are also kind of JRPG.
As long as the mechanics and gameplay are Fallout style, it is good to me. I like asian art style in general, and your is looking promising - but it needs a lot of polishing (suppose it is still the pre-alpha of the pre-alpha, so to speak).

Keep this in mind and you'll likely do good:

Re: Making a game with Unity

Mossed Neuronn said:
- steampunk-fantasy CRPG
Sounds good.
Some of the in-game portraits looks like a children though. Cute faces, big eyes, pink hair.. I cannot save world again with a bunch of kids at my command. Put some aged, vicious and ugly characters there, please. We and I demand moar scars, beards, tatoos and eye-patches!
Thank you all for the commentaries. I'll try to answer as I see things right now.

I'm not the biggest expert in game genres, but to say roughly it's a WRPG with "kind of" JRPG art-style.

woo1108, I think this game is very far from F(T)PS RPGs. Also, draft storyline that I have right now implies some non-linear variations. But it's not a final decision.

Makenshi, thank you for the picture, added it to the references list. Am I right that it's that style? This kind of artwork was a part of inspiration for me.
Yes those screenshots represent very rough graphics, mostly I work on gameplay, mechanics and design right now.
"The pre-alpha of the pre-alpha" nice name for this stage of the development. :3

valcik, there is some beardy concept so far:

As for the scars and eye-patches - nice idea.
I think it looks good. Never played an isometric 3d asian inspired wintertime RPG. Good luck with the project.
I'd say you've got some pretty nice graphics there for a one-man band. Haven't tried your demo yet but I wish you good luck! The world can always use more games.
Thank You very-very-very much to all! Your words stimulate me to work harder on the game.

Here is a new concept art (click for full-size version):

This one has more steampunk influence and features slightly different style in comparison with previous concepts.

mobucks, wintertime setting has a funny story behind it.
Originally I wanted to make it green and bright. But I couldn't draw base grass texture well. I have drawn bunch of textures but no one used to look like I want. It frustrated me, "Ok, I will draw it later" said I to myself and just changed terrain texture to solid bright-gray color and then: "Wow, it definitely have some mood." So I decided to change the location appearance to snowy-looking. I quite happy with this decision.
I know this is your game and your vision, but one thing that bugs me is the female armor. This have been covered to death in past threads on this forum, but there is no logic behind it. Compare these past females with the male concept art. All of them appear to be ready for a fight. Yet the females opt for sexy over decent protection? You better have an explanation for this in your back story! :naughty: Ask yourself "would this person really be wearing this?". What are their backgrounds?

Apart from that it's pretty decent art!