The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

@CT Phipps Elijah wasted his time going after ARCHIMEDES and the C-Finder. Shittiest weapon ever. He could at least have kept HELIOS for the solar power, to supplement Hidden Valley's electrical needs.

My approach to HELIOS is often this: If doing That Lucky Old Sun before recruiting Arcade, I activate ARCHIMEDES and kill all the NCR soldiers guarding the plant. If I do the quest with Arcade in my party, I leave it be. In either case, I always power the whole region equally. And if I kill the NCR troops by using ARCHIMEDES, I always go back to HELIOS later and kill all the Legionaries who took over, including Fantastic. Better I kill him than the Legion. Does he even realize what he signed up for given his chem habit?
I'm inclined to power Freeside exclusively even though the network can get everyone. Why? Because everyone else can afford it.
I'm inclined to power Freeside exclusively even though the network can get everyone. Why? Because everyone else can afford it.

But then the rest of the Mojave doesn't have electricity. And let's not forget all that sweet electricity that both HELIOS and Hoover Dam can provide for the wasteland. The Followers and Brotherhood would both love that even if for different reasons. And an independent or House-aligned Courier could sell that juice to the NCR. Why settle for half a kilo when you can take the whole thing?