The Car [Mod idea discussion]


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
So, I am planning on putting a car in the game sooner or later, because pedestrians are chumps. The F4SE team has assured us that we will not be able to start scripting until the GECK is released, but I can test this idea in Skyrim (which has a very similar engine) and see how it works out. Hopefully I will then be able to re-use some of the scripts.

First of all, the mod will be less convenient than fast travelling, but more so than walking everywhere. I probably won't force you to disable fast travel (since if you know what's good for you you will likely have done so anyway), but I think it's a stupid feature and you're a moron if you use it.

I will not be doing something akin to a Hoverboard mod, at least not initially. The reason for this is that the Papyrus script system is clunky to work with, but also that the terrain in Fallout 4 does not in any way lend itself to a freely controlled vehicle. There are trees and cliffs and hills and slopes everywhere, and the hacky collision system I devised for the New Vegas mod will probably not work here (It barely works in the wide open desert). I am not even sure if there is any way to nullify the player's gravity, or use ballistics collision scripts in the way that I did. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it won't be the first thing I do.

Anyway, here's my idea: The Highwayman.

It works exactly like it did in Fallout 2. There will be a wrecked Highwayman somewhere, that you can acquire (likely in the Corvega factory). Because of everyone's favorite new additions (dialogue wheel and voiced munchkin) I simply will not put in any sort of character to buy it from, you'll have to fix it yourself. I will replace the utterly moronic V.A.N.S perk (for the love of God, Bethesda!) with one that lets you repair it, but you will still need to find parts to do so, and they will probably require that you travel a bit.

When you've got it, you can Activate the car and choose from a list of predetermined locations to drive to. These locations will be the ones that are connected by reasonably functional roads, so you'll still have to hike if you want to go into the woods, but you can drive from Sanctuary to Diamond City no problem. Unlike fast traveling, you can go there even if you haven't discovered the place already. When you select a place to go to, the screen fades out, you hear the engine rev up, time advances by a while, and presto - you and the car are teleported there.

You can of course use the trunk to store stuff. It will have a weight limit, but it'll be quite high.

You will need fuel to use the car. Fusion Cells are the likely choice. No fuel - no go. If we can give perks more ranks than they originally have I will let you spend a second perk in the Car perk to make it use less fuel.

If I get around to finding a texture, you may be able to trick out your car with flame decals and whatnot. Possibly the ones you get from the Hot Rodder magazines can be re-applied, but I may need some help with that.

All of this is relatively easy to implement. I will store the car's locations as points and orientations, and place it there by script according to where you want to go, so the mod won't modify any cells, to keep it compatible. The trouble is with settlements. I can't possibly know where you've placed your cornstalks and turrets and shit, so in order to avoid any kerfuffle I will just make the car appear outside the building area, even though it would be sweet to have it appear between the pumps in Red Rocket. Or, possibly I will let you decide if it's okay to put the car there, through a settings menu of some sort.

Any suggestions?
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No suggestions other than maybe the use of fusion cores for the car as fuel, as well as making the Highwayman look as it did in Fallout 2 and not as it did in Fallout 3/NV.
Other than that, I hope you can make it work!
Now of course I'd love to see a properly working vehicle (as in, you drive it yourself) and maybe a motorcycle, too, but I guess the shape of the terrain makes the physics of the car rather... Undesirable.
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When it comes to fuel, maybe use the same perk that makes fusion cores last longer in power armor? It requires something like 9 INT, so it would make the perk a nicer reward for such an investment.
No suggestions other than maybe the use of fusion cores for the car as fuel, as well as making the Highwayman look as it did in Fallout 2 and not as it did in Fallout 3/NV.
Other than that, I hope you can make it work!
And while you're at it, how about a working motorcycle?
Oooh I would rather not make it use Fusion Cores unless there's a way you can make or recycle them in game. I feel the game is stingy enough with them as it is, and they don't last very long.

I'm not really a graphics modder, the reason why I like the idea of a car is that there are already models for it in the game, i.e. the pristine pre-war ones, so I won't have to make it. The one that looks most like the Highwayman is a sort of lime green one, I'll see if I can make a screen shot of it later. Likely we'll have to retexture it so it looks rusty and colorless. But of course what we ultimately want is this:

XRE's abso-fucking-lutely fantastic car mod has some seriously impressive collision detection and physics going for it:
I don't think I'll be able to improve on his work if he decides to do one for Fallout 4, so I'll stick with this idea for now. Later on I could perhaps borrow his techniques if he approves, and see if they could be made to work in the Fallout 4 engine, but I'd rather just let the genius do it himself.

When it comes to fuel, maybe use the same perk that makes fusion cores last longer in power armor? It requires something like 9 INT, so it would make the perk a nicer reward for such an investment.
This is a good idea.
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Huh, I have over 20 fusion cores in my inventory, and they take quite a while to run out. At least at a somewhat comparable rate to which I find new cores, and I'm running out of fusion cells faster than I run out of cores :D
Well, it's an option, I think. In Fallout 2 the car could be recharged with energy and microfusion cells as well. Maybe even those makeshift batteries that you find sometimes? Everything that has juice in it :D
That NV mod seems cool, I only tried a motorcycle mod or Fallout 3 once and it sucked big time.
But yeah, you need someone to make you a proper Highwayman model, no way around it :D
Huh, I have over 20 fusion cores in my inventory, and they take quite a while to run out. At least at a somewhat comparable rate to which I find new cores, and I'm running out of fusion cells faster than I run out of cores :D
Well, it's an option, I think. In Fallout 2 the car could be recharged with energy and microfusion cells as well. Maybe even those makeshift batteries that you find sometimes? Everything that has juice in it :D
That NV mod seems cool, I only tried a motorcycle mod or Fallout 3 once and it sucked big time.
But yeah, you need someone to make you a proper Highwayman model, no way around it :D

How the fuck do you find time to play that much... Man I miss before my life got all serious and shit. I'm still level 6 and haven't even got to Diamond City yet.
Huh, I have over 20 fusion cores in my inventory, and they take quite a while to run out. At least at a somewhat comparable rate to which I find new cores, and I'm running out of fusion cells faster than I run out of cores :D
Well, it's an option, I think. In Fallout 2 the car could be recharged with energy and microfusion cells as well. Maybe even those makeshift batteries that you find sometimes? Everything that has juice in it :D
That NV mod seems cool, I only tried a motorcycle mod or Fallout 3 once and it sucked big time.
But yeah, you need someone to make you a proper Highwayman model, no way around it :D

How the fuck do you find time to play that much... Man I miss before my life got all serious and shit. I'm still level 6 and haven't even got to Diamond City yet.

Spent my weekend and evenings on it, and I skipped gym the past week (but I needed a mental recharge, anyway). All in all I got about 20+ hours in by now, at level 27 or so.
You level very quickly when you play (main) quests, and you get to a lot of locations where you find fusion cores.
And yes, I also have a full-time job. But it's been my main free time activity for the past week.
I always thought it would make for a cool mod where it combines the "travel" system in FO1/FO2 and the fast travel system in FO3/FNV/FO4

Basically you still go to location/markers normally but you go from marker to marker like in FO1/FO2 which also gives you random encounters.

This is kinda unrelated to the idea but it could use cars like how FO2 did.
After all the talk about the Corvega, and some guy working on getting one running, I thought for sure they'd include something like that. If a car mod does come out, it should be more like a dune buggy type thing, so it's wheels will look natural adjusting to uneven terrain (which is all it will be driving on).

My idea for a mod was to make every creature immortal. so that everything has that squat animation when they die. That way everything is perfectly preserved for all time!
I wonder if that 3d model of the highwayman is still floating around on the net, I remember that it was made by a fan who posted that rendering on his website. But if I recall that site had not been updated for a very long time, and that was in 2013.
For in-settlement parking, maybe you could modify the welcome mat that serves as a fast travel target.
I wonder, since there is now an animation of the player getting into power armour, I wonder that bit of code could be reused to show the player getting into a car. That was one thing XRE cars was lacking.
Great idea, I'd love to see this. It's exactly like the MTB mod for New Vegas which I love, there was also another mod for NV that did a similar thing but it had a quest that was bugged to hell so I could never finish it.
I wonder, since there is now an animation of the player getting into power armour, I wonder that bit of code could be reused to show the player getting into a car. That was one thing XRE cars was lacking.
It's not code, it's an animation. Ever since Skyrim the animations in the game have been a proprietary Havok format, and they are difficult to mod. It can and has been done for Skyrim, but then again they have also managed to get multiplayer working in Skyrim. I won't be doing this initially, but if I get a hold of some wizard animator then maybe.

I just realized that if I can give projectiles impact force, then I can make the car a moveable object that's entirely handled by the game's physics engine, and have a pair of invisible guns that constantly shoot at it in order to move it forwards. In practice this means I won't have to worry about collision detection, and it will be pretty much perfect for a moving vehicle. The trouble is that this might make it "scrape" along the ground instead of rolling as it should. I have also read worrying rumors that the game's physics engine is clamped to your framerate, which would make it difficult to make the car behave consistently on all PCs. But it seems that a moving vehicle is theoretically possible, or at least easier to do than I initially thought. I'll have to wait with testing this until the GECK is out, since there are no guns or ballistics in Skyrim.
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That is pretty much confirned, the physics of the game are tied to your FPS :/, for what ever lunatic reason ...
That is pretty much confirned, the physics of the game are tied to your FPS :/, for what ever lunatic reason ...
It makes a lot of sense to do this if you're going to cap the framerate and run it on fairly consistent hardware (consoles). You're saving a ton of calculations, which is probably how they managed to cram in the other graphical niceties (my computer cannot run SSAO in Skyrim, but it can in Fallout 4). There will be trouble if the framerate dips too much below 30, but so far it's stayed fairly constant for me, even in the city and raider camps with lots of people. Oddly enough the interiors seem to give me less FPS than the exteriors, possibly because they have more NPCs.

I'll have to see how this works when I get my hands on the GECK, it could be that there's no trouble at all.
On the PC it leads to all sorts of weird issues though and doesn't make any sense really - none that I know about.