The Cathedral *spoilers*

OK I'll check the vendors.

I'm not enjoying F2 as much as F1 so far. So far I've been to Kallath and the Den, and I've rescued Smitty (that was tough), but I've got no medkits so I have to keep going to safe areas and resting until healed, and I keep running out of ammo, and having to resort to melee weapons which I'm no good with. And I don't have enough money to buy a decent weapon like a shotgun and shells.

So I'm not sure whether to just keep gambling in the casino, reloading when I lose, in order to raise enough money for a gun (not exactly in the spirit of the game), or whether to go off to a new place in the hope of finding money, ammo, guns etc.

It can be a bit difficult to keep funds and ammo up in the start, but it really is only the start. I tend to be quite calculating about bartering in the start, making absolutely sure to loot and sell even junk items, and I go as far as to pickpocket Klamath and Den populations, for maximum loot-selling. I'll typically leave Den with a hunting rifle and 100-150 rounds, more than enough for the time being.
FO2 is bigger than 1, so believe me when I say that some battles encountered will leave you with more loot than you can carry (litterally), I filled all my companions inventories, and then had to go several tours to all vendors in all cities, and still couldn't get rid of all of it, without having to give stuff away. After completing all quests, I'll easily have over 100 000 bottle-caps, most of it from just looting and selling.